My Journey with 5 Core Principles

Shireen Low
4 min readSep 13, 2023


From Chaos to Clarity

Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash

My journey through life has been an exhilarating rollercoaster, marked by thrilling highs and heart-wrenching lows.

I’ve been through the wringer, questioning, learning, and evolving every step of the way.

Through numerous chapters in the book of life, I serendipitously unearthed a rich wellspring of wisdom, fundamentally reshaping my perspective.

The 5 core principles below have become my constant companions, serving as mirrors for self-reflection every day.

Give Value First

The first principle in my journey is about GIVING, before receiving.

It’s like planting seeds in a garden.

The more you give, the more the universe conspires to fill your cup in return.

I’ve often gone the extra mile to offer value without expecting anything in return.

It’s akin to planting seeds that grow into fruitful relationships and opportunities.

The universe has a funny way of reciprocating kindness when you least expect it.

Generosity is the currency of authenticity. The more you give, the more you receive.

Stay Humble

Humility, as I’ve come to realize, is the cornerstone of both personal growth and forging meaningful connections.

In the past, I believed I had life all figured out, confident in my understanding of the world.

It wasn’t until 2019, before the pandemic, that I had the privilege of being mentored by the remarkable Master Ted Sun.

He is a seeker of the truth, educator, and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, who embarked on his spiritual journey at the age of 14.

Over the decades, he delved into religious doctrines and philosophies such as Christianity, Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism, eventually achieving spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Master Ted Sun’s wisdom profoundly influenced me through his book ‘Super Life Secret Codes,’ which you can get from here.

I frequently reference this transformative experience in my stories, as it has played a pivotal role in shaping the person I am today.

Despite being an all-rounder in every sense, Master Ted Sun embodies humility without ever boasting about his accomplishments.

Under his guidance, I learned that embracing humility opens doors to learning and collaboration that I never knew existed.

In the grand mosaic of life, I’ve discovered that it’s often the humble pieces that complete the picture.

In humility, we find the wisdom to soar.

Share True Stories

Storytelling isn’t merely about crafting tales; it’s the art of sharing genuine, heartfelt narratives.

One vivid memory remains etched in my mind: a moment when I laid bare a deeply personal story with my audience.

The authenticity in my words resonated with them on a profound level.

In that instance, my narrative was unfiltered, raw, and authentically real.

I discovered that authenticity isn’t just a choice; it’s the secret ingredient that infuses life into the stories we tell.

People possess a keen instinct for detecting sincerity amidst the noise of fluff and pretense.

Thus, the key is to be genuine and wholeheartedly share the stories that truly define us.

Authenticity is the heartbeat of every compelling tale.

Be Honest

Honesty isn’t just a policy; it’s the heart of trust and credibility.

I’ve learned that it’s not about worrying how people will react or behave; instead, it’s about how we treat people with unfiltered sincerity, even if it means losing more than we receive.

In a world where obfuscation is often the norm, being straightforward is like a breath of fresh air, building bridges and nurturing lasting partnerships.

It’s the understanding that sometimes, the path of honesty might appear challenging, and we may have to sacrifice short-term gains for the sake of long-term trust.

And in the end, that choice is what truly counts.

Honesty is the bedrock upon which trust is built.

Gaining Trust Takes Time

Trust isn’t built overnight; it’s a masterpiece crafted with patience.

I’ve nurtured relationships over the years, and they’ve become pillars of support in my journey.

Stay committed to your principles, and trust grows more potent in every interaction.

Trust, like a fine wine, only gets better with time.

✨Final Thoughts✨

As I reflect on my journey, these 5 core principles have been my North Star.

They’ve propelled me through the maze of industries, leaving a trail of laughter, honesty, and authentic connections.

Remember, in this grand comedy-drama called Life, we’re all characters in each other’s stories.

To all those who have laughed with me, trusted in me, and shared this incredible journey, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. ❤️

After all,

“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi

Embrace your principles, and let them be the change that shapes your world and the world around you.

May your journey be filled with the joyous and unexpected twists that make life truly remarkable. 😊



Shireen Low

Positivity advocate | AI enthusiast | I help startups grow with affordable and efficient AI solutions. ➡️