What is Web Design, E-commerce, Software Development and Marketing?

Shirle Tritto
2 min readJan 22, 2018


There have been plenty of things that had been invented due to the brilliance of the human mind. We have created thinking machines. We have created lots of inventions that made our lives 10x easier than it was before. There had been plenty of persons that have dedicated their lives for all of us to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Right now, we are experiencing those fruits. We have made new seeds because of the fruits that they have left us for. We have created web designs, software’s and e-commerce. It made us all give new jobs and opportunities that we could explore. Web design is something that came out of the 21st century.

It is where a lot of persons place the information that they want to share to the entire world. When people want to create a website to spread information regarding something. These persons need web design in order for them to actually attract persons in to the sites. E-commerce is where they do transactions from the websites that have been designed through web design. The same thing goes for software development. Marketing with los angeles technology companies is also related to this because a lot of persons have been able to market their products and services to a larger customer based area where they are able to get a lot of possible clients. All of these are connected to one another especially marketing and E-commerce.

E-commerce has been invented through all of this. E-commerce has managed to give a lot of people jobs and has also been able to give a lot of persons the ability to buy goods at an international basis. They are able to buy goods from the other side of the world if they want. Marketing has also evolved from the traditional advertisements on the newspaper and the television to the internet where they have managed to use their advertisements to the users of the internet meaning that they are able to reach to a longer and wider range of customers. Read this post for example: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/seo.

This is a great thing for both the potential customers and the business because the business would be able to profit on their goods that they are making or the services that they are providing and the customers are able to get what they want through the internet in which they were able to be informed about it. You may hire experts from Endertech.

