10 Impactful Quotes from the book HER.

Shirley Berchel
3 min readJul 20, 2023


Book cover of HER.
Image from Google

HER. This book deserves all the love and praise!

The first time I came across a quote from this book, I was blown away. It hit me right in the heart, spoke to my soul, and felt oh-so accurate. I knew right then that this book had to be on my reading list, but somehow life got in the way, and I forgot about it. But then, there came a moment when I needed this book more than ever.

HER is an incredible collection of poetry and quotes by Pierre Alex Jeanty, all about celebrating the sheer brilliance of women.

And you know what? It’s a breeze to read! Here’s why:

  1. It’s a short book with punchy quotes. No lengthy paragraphs or mind-boggling stuff. Just pure, impactful words.
  2. Once you start flipping those pages, there’s no turning back. It’s a “one more page” kinda book, and trust me, you won’t want it to end.

This book feels like a warm embrace for the soul, and I’m excited to share my top 10 favorite quotes with you.

So, get ready to be inspired!

  1. “The pain will come, let it visit, cry it out, vent it out, bleed it out. And then ask it to leave. Do not allow it to build a home and call it broken. We aren’t meant to be broken forever, that is punishment to our hearts and minds.”
  2. “If their love becomes poison to you. You’ve grabbed the wrong bottle.”
  3. “She did not choose to be alone, she simply chose to love herself more, and that required her to be the love of her own life until someone comes to fulfill that position.”
  4. “You owe no one an apology for being yourself. Yes, be unapologetically you but you do owe yourself an apology if a better version of you does not come alive in a long period of time. You are meant to grow and evolve.”
  5. “The failed attempts were only losing a small battle. You will win the war when love becomes yours. Do not let the small losses keep you from the win that matters.”
  6. “Until you realize that you are a queen, jokers will invite themselves into your heart masking themselves as kings.”
  7. “There will be times you will have to be your own friend and lover. Your own shoulder to cry on, use our own hands to wipe your tears. Those times will feel lonely, but they will teach you how to stand on your own when no one has your back.”
  8. “People have a strange way of telling you that they are guilty, they will start by acting as if they are not.”
  9. “You are perfect the way you are; without the perfect body, perfect hair, perfect skin. Your imperfections are what make you perfect to love.”
  10. “Another word for beautiful is, “be yourself”. Be yourself, my dear, it’s a beautiful thing.”

I hope you enjoy these quotes as much as I did. HER is a gem that celebrates the power and beauty of being a woman, and it’s a read you won’t regret.

So go ahead, grab a copy, and let the magic unfold!



Shirley Berchel

👩🏽‍🎓 Digital Strategy Student | 💻 Web Developer | 📚 Books and Personal Development Enthusiast