Ulord design idea and innovation point

7 min readAug 24, 2018


Faced with a huge market prospect, blockchain technology as an effective way to solve the plight of content distribution industry, has drew great attention between technology enthusiasts and investors who have sensitive olfactory. At present, some projects are trying to make use of blockchain to make changes in the information and content industries, but all in an initial stage. There is no mature product or model can bring disruptive changes to the industry.

Design inspirations

Blockchain is the underlying protocol of next-generation Internet, all applications built on which naturally have an almost independent economic system, and the rules of profit distribution in this economy can be clearly defined by smart contract.

Ulord project is proposed and developed, which is mainly from the following three aspects:

a. The characteristics of blockchain technology can effectively solve the problems of content distribution industry. The copyright confirmation and content distribution are united, and the content publishing mode of the current entertainment and publishing industry is changed and re-defined. After decentralization, only two of the most basic roles exist for the content distribution industry: the creator (Producer) and the user (User), in this case, efficient and reasonable distribution of interests will be made. There is an urgent need to solve the technical difficulties and the mechanism innovation in the content distribution.

b. Blockchain is at the primary stage of development, and there are a lot of public blockchains. Consequently a wide variety of applications appears, but the public blockchain to effectively support the content distribution has not yet appeared, which cannot bear rich website service type in content. Especially in data storage, data quality of service and content payment model, there are many problems. It needs blockchain platform to solve the pain points of content distribution industry;

c. From blockchain itself, the existing blockchain technology has many urgent problems and bottlenecks, such as internet congestion, delayed payment, obvious mining centralization trend, high resource consumption, and some public blockchains with security vulnerabilities, which is difficult to meet the practical application requirements. So there is an urgent need to take further research and practice to solve the above problems in the blockchain underlying technology, promoting the fast blockchain application and development.

Ulord is a distributed P2P internet open source project based on blockchain technology. Different from our daily access to the internet server, there is no concept of server in Ulord, all internet data are scattered in various Ulord user’s computers, and people only need a pair of asymmetric key to publish their own site. Everyone can find the site service announced by the publisher through the search and domain name, and directly download the site data in P2P net. After more and more people’s visit, the publisher’s site will be stored by many computers. Those computers with access to your website will start to make the seed for your site, just like the BT seed, and the content of your site will continue to exist in numerous computers. In Ulord, in order to provide a better user experience, two kinds of role node are used for storage of data, and one is the master node role. The user of this role stores the data on Ulord through providing storage service with high QoS, at the same time, earns the income according to the provided storage space; the other is the common user computer role, which can only backup the user’s favorite resources as a supplement to the master node role. When the users get access to the site service, through the distributed hash table (DHT, Distributed Hash Table) technology, it allows users to quickly download the required data segment from the P2P net, and then it is assembled by the client to restore the complete data. Due to the technology of P2P for bearing, Ulord resources have high availability without downtime.

Innovation point

From design, we will isolate the system into two levels, the bottom “operating system” and the upper layer “application program”. The infrastructure of transparent and open ledger and smart contract that cannot be tampered is established at the bottom, and the upper application program is used for completing the business logic without considering how to develop the decentralization application.

For the original chain of supporting content publishing platform is concerned, we will carry out some original work based on this application scenario, including:

  • The master node system is introduced to solve the problem of long communication delay, and small storage space

The new mechanism is designed to encourage users and investors to participate in the master node Ulord construction, and provide stable QoS data storage service; it provides a variety of cross-platform solutions, which is convenient for the users to master node deployment service, including Linux/Windows/OSX and other mainstream operating systems; through the master node service, it can support more than 4000 of the trading frequency per second to better meet the practical application.

  • The voting mechanism is established to promote community development and content review

It allows each user on the Ulord to vote for the Ulord resources, the site and the suggestions for the improvement to achieve two goals: one is to assess the plan proposed by the developers to promote the community contribution to Ulord; the two is to review the resources and sites on Ulord to maintain ecological, healthy and orderly development of Ulord.

  • Reasonable income distribution mechanism is set to stimulate the majority of developers to contribute

10% of revenue is set aside to the entire community’s developers, and fund the developers to perform meaningful development plan. The evaluation mechanism of code review and task quality evaluation are introduced to supervise the funded projects to be completed as required on time, form a virtuous circle, and promote the ecological and healthy development of Ulord.

  • InterPlanetary Domain Name System is established to provide a unique, simple and readable domain name service

The blockchain resources are usually represented with the address of 34 character strings in length, which is not easy to remember, nor convenient to use. In Ulord design, through the establishment of the InterPlanetary Domain Name System (IPDNS), it provides decentralized domain name analysis service for the users. Example: Ulord user releases resources, and there is no domain name resolution, through r/https://ulord.one/U45c21eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa access. After he applies for a domain name service, he can directly access it through uld://ulord.one/Alice, where Ulord is the requested custom domain name, and U45c21eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa is the resource address.

  • The sidechain technology is introduced to achieve rapid deployment of smart contract

The sidechain technology can be used to achieve being compatible with Ethernet virtual machine, and release of smart contract. Any user building the site in Ulord through the friendly API, providing Internet content distribution service, can customize their tokens, and operate their own site by tokens. Tokens can be converted to a certain proportion with UlordToken.

l The mixed consensus mechanism of PoW + PoS is used to attract more idle resources to join Ulord

In order to better load application on the Ulord platform, the design implements a hybrid consensus mechanism: PoW (Proof of Work) and PoS (Proof of Storage).PoW algorithm is used for accounting with a new CPU mining algorithm CryptoHello which can effectively resist all kinds of known and unknown attack through the AES algorithm and the improved algorithm; PoS algorithm is suitable for the construction of IPFS infrastructure, and encourages more users to provide large storage space for storage of data on the Ulord platform.

The main innovations of the Ulord’s platform layer and application layer include:

  • A distributed file storage, retrieval and distribution mechanism based on blockchain are designed and implemented

Based on the bottom blockchain, integrate the P2P downloading, distributed file organization and intelligent learning module, provide quick content search service, content distributed storage service, customized service of node, peer-to-peer content distribution service, distributed hash indexing service and cyber source self-purification service.

  • An efficient communication model of value

It establishes the value transmission chain of content distribution process, encourages users to participate actively through profit distribution mechanism, so that the users are willing to contribute valuable contents and efficiently perform excellent content dissemination.

  • It supports intelligent push of contents based on the AI algorithm

a)According to the data of high dimension, mixed type and strong timeliness, a multi-source knowledge extraction and association method based on deep neural net is designed, which realizes entity name recognition, entity attribute extraction method for the site, content and author and other essential information;

b) Through the hybrid model method, collaborative recommendation method based on knowledge embedding and recommended method based on online real-time feedback, we achieve intelligent push of content for different users and different dimensions;

c) Through hybrid recommended method based on domain knowledge, and with the integrated knowledge structure feature, topic feature and semantic features of content vector space modeling technology, the mixed recommendation of the recommended method based on content and collaborative recommendation method can be achieved.

  • Content control and promotion of communication based on AI algorithm

a. Through the integrated knowledge structure feature, topic feature and semantic features of content vector space modeling technology, the sensitive information can be examined automatically.

b. The communication path based on the knowledge map is selected and optimized; through the recombination of related contents, content access and the user experience are improved.

The innovative design of these technological routes and ecosystems provides strong support for Ulord, and tries to innovate the current status of content distribution industry and promote its healthy development.

