Weekly Shiryo Update from The Shiryo Team #40

7 min readDec 31, 2023


Attention Wolfpack, thank you for joining us here today.

2023 has been quite the year, things started off tough for the markets and many projects have disappeared, however, we stuck to our game plan and we’re still here.

As we look back on 2023 — reviewing and reflecting on this year’s developmental achievements, we extend gratitude to the community for staying strong and patient as we’ve continued to develop our much-anticipated game.

We’ve gained a lot of experience and we look forward to 2024.

Let us begin.

To start our year, we decided to share the full transparency of our game development journey, keeping the community as well informed as we are.

From difficult coding problems and challenges faced by Rick, our Lead Game Developer — to exciting sneak peeks and glances at new visual developments from our extended team.

We left no stone unturned, good or bad, we made it known — and we had plenty to show.

Throughout this write-up up we’ve included images of our journey and links to each announcement post, where you can reflect on fully detailed posts and media.

In early 2023 our eyes would capture the first visual updates to the Shiryo board, introducing new mini-cards to enhance the visuals of our game;


Soon to follow was another exciting first, a look at our brand-new User Interface for the game.

Our initial concepts were quickly brought to life with footage from our testing environment.

These were the first glances at how Shiryo could look, sound and feel as you enter the game.


Although the road ahead was long, we were already eagerly anticipating what the future could bring.

We stayed true to our theme of transparency, even sharing behind-the-scenes design documents from our Lead Animator to keep the community close to the working processes of our game development team.


During this time the team also chose to upscale our already well-received card collection.

We put our heart and soul into turning the collection from being great, to truly special, we shared our progress along the way to be sure our community agreed.

By the middle of 2023, we were happy with our progress and glad we chose to share so much of the journey with the community.

Though it was apparent that our challenges were far from over, at times it felt like we’d taken a bite bigger than we could chew…

But our team continued to take one step at a time and progress continued day by day.

That’s right when we revealed our biggest change to Shiryo’s game yet… our new board collection. We released this coupled with design documents which highlighted and reasoned every change to our board, giving hints to future developments.


As we envisioned the future battles to be played on these boards, the excitement only continued to build as shortly thereafter…

The new Shiryo Lobby was revealed. A development that would bring gamers closer together in time to come.

Rick: “Our lobby system creates a space that enables you to share Shiryo’s gaming experience outside of the constraints of an in-game match. It provides a space where you can show off your collection, organize matches, talk smack to your friends, all the things we love about gaming and more!

For us, our best gaming memories were shared experiences with our friends.”


Through Q3 we would continue to share upgrades to our UI, updates to animations, further card art upscales, and of course…

We shared the first sounds of Shiryo with an early tour of our lobby system.

Yet to be fine-tuned — but still a taste of what was to come, things were taking shape.

“Our Shiryo game theme music is still very much a work in progress, we have some different themes created and I’m experimenting with different styles but we haven’t found ‘the one’ just yet.”


It wasn’t always exciting or glamorous, as our team reached our ‘Brick And Mortar’ phase of development. Some weeks we were sharing posts simply around coding for our UI and animations.

But… we kept the community close to the process, we were here to show you our work above all else, even including the Shiryo Portal from the initial wireframe concept;


And raw footage looking through our menu system, you saw it as we made it;


As each week and month passed by, we kept dropping new animations fresh off the press, there was no area of development — that wasn’t always being worked on;


In these last few months, reveal after reveal continued to show Shiryo maturing through each area of development — with the likes of our game motif and other soundtracks.

These tracks were well-received and truly showed Shiryo’s personality.


“On Your Last legs”- https://t.me/Shriyoinuann/839

“The Wolfpack” — ”https://t.me/Shriyoinuann/840

Even the Shiryo Portal took shape, growing from its basic wireframe. We toured you through the account creation process.


Moving further on…

Our beginning tutorial storyboard was revealed, an essential in any game, coupled with the release of our long-anticipated Avatar V2 reveal.

With the bonus of our limited-run avatars thrown in.


With further stunning upscales of our card art presented to the community, finishing our collection.

When we look back upon the year, our team has faced and overcome many wild and unforeseen challenges.

These challenges varied from the technical to the personal, as all of our team are only human.

As a team, we don’t always get things right at first, but we always strive to in the end.

We face every obstacle head-on, and we learn and grow together as a team.

Because of this, we’re stronger than ever and armed with a wealth of new experience — we’re ready for whatever 2024 may have in store.

Thank you to all the members of the Wolfpack who continue to support our vision.

We wish you all the best for 2024, may it be your best year yet.





Shiryo is a new NFT trading card game being developed to revolutionize the trading card game industry! Telegram — https://t.me/Shiryo_Official