Compiled Vs interpreted Vs transpiled Vs byte-code Interpreted Languages

Shishir Mohire
2 min readSep 23, 2023



For any computer science student, it is very critical to understand the difference between what different types of programming languages are and what they intel. There are mainly 4 types of programming languages based on the way they execute and generate outputs

  1. Compiled Programming languages:
    These are the types of programming languages that are converted into some lower-level programming languages before they are executed. Examples include C, C++, Erlang, Haskell, Rust, and Go.
  2. Interpreted programming languages:
    These are the types of programming languages where source code is executed line by line without compiling it into some lower-level language. Examples include PHP, Ruby, Python, and JavaScript.
  3. Transpiled programming languages:
    These are the types of programming languages where source code goes through an extra step called transpilation. Transpilation includes converting the higher-level language into an equivalent programming language or a little lower-level programming language. The main difference between compilation and transpilation is that even after transpilation compilation is required to create executable files. Examples include Typescript, Babel, and Kotlin.
  4. Bytecode Interpreted programming languages:
    These are the types of programming languages that are first converted into lower-level, platform-independent byte code-like set of instructions. Then these set of instructions are interpreted using an interpreter on a specific runtime environment or virtual environment. One of the important concept here is the Just In Time compilation. Some bytecode-interpreted languages, like Java, use JIT compilation techniques. Instead of interpreting bytecode directly, a JIT compiler compiles parts of the bytecode into native machine code just before execution, which can lead to improved performance. Examples of this include Java, C#.

There is a lot to learn and understand in how code is compiled and interpreted. Feel free to comment and like if you find this article useful.



Shishir Mohire

Software developer, JP Morgan Chase, Ex-Goldman Sachs.