EPR Registration Certificate | Process | Documents | Fees

epr ragistration
4 min readAug 9, 2023


EPR Registration Certificate

For producers in the electronic, plastic packaging, and battery industries, an EPR Certificate, or Extended Producer Responsibility / EPR Authorization certificate, is a requirement.

How to obtain an EPR Registration certificate?

You must go through the legal process of requesting EPR Authorization to demonstrate that you can handle these items. If not managed properly, the EPR license application procedure can be tedious and time-consuming. However, you should not be concerned about taking on that issue by yourself. A group of company registration specialists called Global Solution has assisted many people in obtaining their EPR licenses.

EPR Authority: Central Pollution Control Board

You must dispose of plastic, battery, and electronic trash in accordance with the Central Pollution Control Board’s regulations. The EPR Licence is given to you after you demonstrate your ability to do so.

Who is subject to the EPR Registration Certificate requirement?

Extended Producer Responsibility Registration means more if you are a maker or importer of such items It implies that you care about the environment in addition to offering the products.

You must dispose of the electronic waste, battery waste, plastic waste per the guidelines set by the Central Pollution Control Board. And once you show that you can, you’re granted the EPR License.

This caring quality might be advantageous to you in a society where people seek out those who can relate to their woes. If you ever come to the realisation that this is the case, we will be ready and eager to assist you in obtaining the EPR authorisation.

Benefits of Extended Producer’s Responsibility Registration Certification

Extended Producer’s Responsibility registration provides a number of advantages:

  • Treating Electronic Waste-

The EPR issuing Authority outlines best practises for handling e-waste. Our ecosystem will be less negatively impacted ecologically as a result.

  • Stop the Pollution from Plastic-

Plastic pollution may be reduced through EPR registration for plastic garbage. As a result, if plastic is the main raw material in your product, you must have an EPR certificate for plastic waste.

  • Making Sustainable Products-

Not just the producer, either. It is also the final item. You are compelled by the EPR product duty to develop a superior product utilising sustainable resources.

  • Product Development using Renewable Resources-

Not just the producer, either. It is also the final item. You are compelled by the EPR product duty to develop a superior product utilising sustainable resources.

  • Further BIS for EPR-

The EPR certificate establishes production standards in a manner similar to that of the BIS certificate. Therefore, the importance of BIS and Extended Producer Responsibility certifications is comparable.

Applicable On:

The following are mandated to get the Extended Producer Responsibility certificate for Waste Management-

  • Business entity
  • Importer
  • Manufacturer
  • Producer

Obtaining an EPR Registration Certificate: The Procedure

Apply for the EPR certificate by following the instructions below-

1. Examine the Registration Conditions- Reading the EPR certificate format can help you comprehend the EPR pollution Certificate requirements.

2. Compilation of Documents- As described in the preceding section, prepare and collect any necessary documentation.

3. Submitting EPR Applications- Submitting the online EPR certificate application along with the necessary paperwork. Next, deliver the application and payment for the EPR certificate to the CPCB office. The online EPR registration form that must be completed in this phase contains a lot of intricate information. Make sure you have an expert on speed dial because of this.

4. CPCB Evaluation of the Application- Await the central board’s online evaluation of EPR registration.

5. Getting the Authorization Letter- Obtain the letter of EPR authorisation. It only occurs if you successfully submitted your EPR certificate and paid the necessary EPR registration costs.

6. Post-registration Compliance- The approach will be the same whether you’re a manufacturer or merely want to import anything. As soon as you have the EPR certificate, you must be cautious with the trash you produce.

The Extended Producer Responsibility plastic rules state that, unlike other resources, plastic cannot be readily disposed away. Recycling is the only solution for it.

Help from Us

For services connected to the Extended Producer Responsibility certificate, we offer end-to-end assistance-

  • We gather your paperwork and submit your application.
  • We carry out careful follow-up.
  • We make sure you receive your EPR certificate on schedule.

You are required to get an Extended Producer Responsibility certificate if you are a producer or importer of electronics. If you want to save the environment when importing or manufacturing goods, get in touch with us right now.


