Inner Engineering — Session # 3 — To Live and to Live Totally

Shivam Panchal
7 min readJun 11, 2020


In this post, we will be discussing a few important aspects which we need to understand to live a beautiful and healthier life.


Food is not a commodity, it is life. We need to reconsider our Eating Habits and Alignment with the Nature. When it comes to the diet, you have to bear in mind that whatever you put in reflects the quality of your life. It’s safe to say that natural ingredients, and organic food determine the vitality of your system, and energize your body. Once you realize that, you’ll subtly enter into the category of conscious eaters, who are not driven by animal urges. You have to bring benefit to your body, by maintaining its vigorousness and advocating for a healthy diet.

Sadhguru is not merely covering the nutritional value, but also places emphasis on life as a whole. For instance, consuming nuts and seeds can immensely improve your health condition and add to your overall endurance. For a greater effect, and total eradication of toxic elements (GMOs and Junk food) within the body, you must apply a new life strategy. The key is — compatibility. Make sure that the diet assigned to your lifestyle fits your high-minded ambitions or style of living.

So, is this it? — Well, not quite! Sadhguru prioritizes the digestive system and explains how each type of food should be eaten. You’ll also take a gander at the most digestible food additives and many other things.

What kind of food we should eat? Learn the concept of the positive food and the negative food…

Food is necessary to fill us with energy, but what if the food we eat is taking away the energy from our body. Food is like the fuel for the body, if we put right kind of fuel in the machine only then it will function to its full capabilities. A gasoline engine can be made to run on Diesel, but at much lesser efficiency and compromising its lifespan. So the question is what kind of food we should eat.

Broadly the food that we eat can be classified into three categories.

  • Positive Pranic
  • Negative Pranic
  • Neutral

Pranic means something that imparts life, it is derived from the root word Pra which means Life

You should also know that 55% of the digestions takes place in the mouth, and the rest of it is done in the digestive system itself. How to behave? — When you feel immense hunger, give your body a few minutes to calm down. Don’t submit to the urges, bear in mind that staying physically active must also become part of your daily lifestyle. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer to take a morning jog or play some other sport. Just get up, and focus on your overall well-being. In case you might be wondering, why so many spiritual gurus and truth seekers walked barefoot — it’s because of the connection between the person and the earth. It’s a special bond that helped them to absorb the universal energies. Sitting next to a tree for a couple of minutes can put you into a state of deep rest.

If you will eat garbage, your thoughts will become of similar quality. Hatred, Ego, Anger, Jealous will your mind. If you want optimum balance for yourself, you need to monitor yourself. Don’t go behind meat and flesh, there are alternatives now, if you want to become a spiritual personal, eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, milk products, there are a lot of choices now.


An individual means, one which cannot be divided. But, today we behave very differently sometimes in different situations, its because of the same, our eating manner and daily routine, we might behave like two, three or more person. If there is one person within you, there is a chance of transformation. So, what accounts for more than one individual within yourself, your EGO. The reason why everyone is not naturally enlightened is simply this: people have categorized the world into good and bad, God and Devil, high and low, sacred and filthy, pure and impure, heaven and hell.These are parallel lines that will never meet.

If you are interested in knowing life in all its depth and dimension, it is imperative that you look inward, not outward. The very seat of your experience is within you, but your perception is outward bound. An experience may be triggered by an external stimulus, but its origin is always internal. Your ego is the fallen guy within yourself. Destroy it.


Anger is fundamentally self-defeating. Anger is rooted in your false perception that you can change the situation by losing your temper with it. But your life experience tells you time and again that the reverse is true, that you can never change any situation for the better by forsaking your sense and intelligence. Control you Anger.


If you indulge in positive actions, positive things will come to you and if you indulge yourself in negative actions, negative things will come to you. To every action, there is an equal reaction. Life is cyclical, you are hopelessly stuck in the Karmic rut. If you want any kind of transformation, any kind of forward movement in your life, it can only happen if you break the cyclical pattern of Karma.

Dissolution of Karma. The very process of being is itself a dissolution of Karma. If you live every moment of your life totally, you dissolve enormous amount of Karma. Yoga offers a way to distance yourself not just from your Karma, but from the very source of Karma, which is the discriminatory intellect. It offers you the choice every moment of your existence to be either a victim or a spectator or the very master of your life.

Kriya. Fundamentally, Kriya means “internal action”. Body is an accumulation of food, and the mind an accumulation of ideas. Even the imprints upon the energy body are an accumulation of the impressions of the five senses. All actions involving these outward expressions are Karma. When you have the ability to perform action with the non-physical aspect of your energy, then it is termed as “Kriya”. Karma is the process of binding you. Kriya is the process of liberating you.


While many people respond to life events compulsively, there is a way to learn to respond consciously.

The ability to respond gives you the freedom to act. It also gives you the freedom not to act. Our ability to respond is limitless but our ability to act is limited.

Responsibility is upon you, how you want to respond to something, you can take it or leave it, but blaming someone else is not good. Let us settle what we mean by the word, at the start. “Responsibility” is a much misunderstood term It has been used so widely and indiscriminately that it has lost much of its inner voltage. Responsibility does not mean taking on the burdens of the world. It does not mean accepting blame for things you have done or not done. It does not mean living in a state of perpetual guilt. Responsibility simply means your ability to respond. If you decide, “I am responsible,” you will have the ability to respond. If you decide, “I am not responsible,” you will not have the ability to respond. It is as simple as that. All it requires is for you to realize that you are responsible for all that you are and all that you are not, all that may happen to you and all that may not happen to you.

Taking responsibility is not a convenient philosophy to reconcile you to the way things are. It is simply waking up to reality. This ability to respond to the entire universe is already a physical reality. It is only your thoughts and emotions that need to become conscious of the fact.

Suppose something goes wrong in your office. Perhaps you think it was due to a particular colleague’s ineptitude. You could haul her up, lose your temper, fire her. Your blood pressure is likely to rise; the office atmosphere will be vitiated; the aftereffects of your rage will probably be felt by you and your fellow workers for days and weeks after the incident; you will probably have to work particularly hard at restoring the peace and reestablishing a situation of mutual trust. There is another choice. You could simply see the situation the way it is and take responsibility for it. Taking responsibility is not accepting blame instead of assigning it. It simply means consciously responding to the situation. Once you take responsibility, you will invariably start exploring ways to address the situation. You will look for solutions. If you are frequently in this mode, your ability to craft your life situations will keep enhancing itself. With this enhanced competence to deal with life and its multiple complexities, you begin to rise to positions of possibility and power. If you assume absolute responsibility within yourself for all that is around you, you will become the center of any situation at home, work, or even the universe. Since you become indispensable to these situations, there is no sense of insecurity or incompleteness within you anymore.

Only if you realize you are responsible do you have the freedom to create yourself the way you want to be, not as a reaction to the situations in which you exist. Reactivity is enslavement. Responsibility is freedom. When you are able to create yourself the way you want, you can create your life the way you want as well. Your outer life may not be a hundred percent in your control, but your inner life always will.

