Inner Engineering # 7 — What we Want

Shivam Panchal
4 min readJun 14, 2020



Your mind is not doing what you say; you do whatever your mind says. That means you are a terrible manager.

Your ability to do something in the world essentially depends on the extent to which you are capable of harnessing your body and mind towards your goal, and after that, harnessing the situation in which you exist. But the most fundamental things are that your body and mind function not only to the best of their ability, but the way you want them to. When I say “the way you want,” there are many ways to check it.

Let’s try a simple experiment. For the next 10 seconds, do not think of monkeys. Give it a try. Close your eyes and do not think of a monkey for the next 10 seconds… Can you do it? Your mind is full of monkeys, isn’t it? Your mind is not doing what you want it to do. If you say, “I don’t want monkeys,” it will think only of monkeys. Have you noticed this? This is not just your problem. The whole world is suffering this. When they are in the office they want to go home. When they are at home they are thinking of the office.

Why are we here? What do you think is our purpose in life?

If you were feeling really ecstatic and happy at this moment, would you ask about the purpose of life? You are asking this question because in some way, the experience of life is not good enough. Most human beings have become a bundle of thoughts, emotions, ideas, opinions and prejudices. That means your psychological drama is hijacking your life. Most of the time, you are only thinking about life, not living it. You have come here to live life, not to think about it.

Don’t try to invent all kinds of purposes for life. If you explore the nature of this life that you are, you will know that life does not need any purpose — life is too phenomenal by itself. If you experience this life in its fullness, life is a purpose unto itself.

Why do human beings sometimes experience an existential crisis? How can one overcome it?

Everything has become a crisis in people’s lives. Adolescence was a crisis, finding a career was a crisis, midlife is a crisis, old age will be a crisis. So when are they not in a crisis? If they sense a little bit of a crisis, that is when most people freak out. Especially for a crisis, it is all the more important that you function at your best at that moment, but that is when most people give in.

This dimension can be easily transcended if a person is willing to invest a certain amount of time upon themselves. If you think what you are doing is important, then the first thing that you need to do is work upon yourself. Various types of methods are available through which every human being can do this. There are ways to improve the very way the fundamental life force within you functions — there is a whole science and technology for this.


If you pay attention to the leaf, you will need one lifetime to know what it is. World is so magnanimous, but we are so bored. The whole world is so intricating, sophisticating and fantastic, but we are seeking the untruth neglecting the reality. The solution lies here.

When you wake up, first thing you say to yourself should be.. “WOW” while holding a smile. You are alive, everything is so perfect, you have got another day, the whole world is out there. Do you want to be a full time human being or a part time human being?

Right now, miserable people are ruling the world, only what we are lacking is consciousness. We have made everything today. There is enough food, but people are starving. The biggest industries on the planet today are 1) Arms and Armaments, 2) Pharmaceuticals and 3) Alcohol and Drugs.

First of all, shift your priorities from physicality to Spirituality. We dont need Iphone10, when Iphone6 is working well with me.. Isn’t it? There are 50 applications in my phone, I rarely use 5. They are selling me like I cant survive without it.

Today, what we need is an upgrade of Human Beings, not of the applications. We are wasting our intelligence in the most wasteful ways. We are living irresponsibly and not even considering how early we will consume all the resources of the Mother Earth. We need to understand, what is essential and what is not. Meditation and Consciousness is the only way, we can know ourselves and live the life in the best manner, so that the purpose of life can be served.

Eat Good, Think Good and Live Good.


