Famous Universities and why their hangout spots are special

Shivam Mishra
2 min readFeb 8, 2024


Today I would like to discuss what’s so special about the hangout spots close to famous universities. While it may seem like a trivial topic, I believe that there is a lot of fun and learning in it. Let’s look at it using an example, we can talk about Pinocchio’s Pizza place at Harvard University in Cambridge Massachusetts.

School: Harvard University:
Food Joint: Pinocchio's Pizza and Subs
So if you’re crazy about Pizza, Pinocchio’s is not the best pizza in the world. But if you enjoy places with history and substance, you can spend a good afternoon eating Sicilian pizza at this joint. It has pictures from the Harvard’s sports team featured all around and has also been a well frequented spot by famous alumni such as Zuckerberg. While I know it’s just a food joint, I coincidentally happened to meet two of my mentors in this area. So please take a look at my humble attempt to list out the benefits of frequenting a hangout spot close to renowned university:

1. You feel special: While you may not be visiting the spot with the alumni who create a great idea from this joint, it still gives you a feel of sharing a place with someone special. That feeling is special and it will give you great ideas if you let your mind marinate in it.
2. Great socializing: While you can socialize anywhere, a hangout spot like this is a great breeding ground for amazing social encounters. Most of the people in this area are curious about atleast one topic and are eager to have a conversation about it. You just have do some hit & trial and you can find people who are curious about the same topic as yours.
3. Great food: Most of these places have a great footfall. That means the food is selling on a constant pace and for that, it has to be fresh. Fresh because all the food lots are constantly being sold & replaced by new food every few hours or minutes in some cases.
4. History lesson: Most of these hangout spots respect the university they’re associated with and will have photographs and other memoribilia to showcase on their walls. Pinocchio’s has done literally just that and it is a great way to feel connected to an institution and see what they’re about.
5. A lesson on simplicity: When you visit a hangout spot like this where big names used to come & eat, it gives you a perspective about how simple some of the famous people are. It reminds us that the big names that we hear about are just human beings who decided to focus on one thing & made it great. It reminds us that being human is super. :)



Shivam Mishra

Gathering writing skills to tell my rockstar story on the right day.