Do you find ChatGPT AI amazing?

Shivangi at Alian
3 min readFeb 23, 2023



You must be knowing ChatGPT if you are a student or a teacher or a professional or a developer. People are going crazy over this AI since it provides a variety of services. You can write, learn, develop, and do many more things using ChatGPT AI. Many developers have found some useful features in it like developing a basic website using it or building a code that works perfectly. Students are using it as their assignments writer and professionals- maybe they are using it to gain or write information.

But, do you know how it works? There are actually many AI writers that can write paragraphs or complete articles on a given topic. Take the example of Copymatic. It can generate articles, paragraphs, CTAs, and so on. But, the way ChatGPT works, nothing can beat it. Let’s see how it works.

Working of ChatGPT

Initially, the user will input a search query. Take it like this — What should I eat today? ChatGPT AI breaks down the question into manageable chunks. Every word is then translated into a string of numbers. The decoder receives these values after they have been given to the encoder. The decoder performs the same function as the predictor, providing the solution to the question. Hence, the algorithm chooses the most probable word based on a sample of the decoder’s probability at each stage. This process is repeated until the signal is sent to end the session.

Thus, after this whole process, it will give a reply with the relevant information to eat. Isn’t it nice? Still, there are many limitations to it. First most is, if I use it as an assistant, I need to read it. So, voice input and output are necessary. Although it is in its research phase so, you can hope for a voice upgrade in the future.

Secondly, all the information on it can’t be trusted. It still has a lack of knowledge of events after 2020. Thus, it can provide wrong information. You need to check it over the net to be sure of the piece of info.

But, in the latest version of ChatGPT where you need to pay for a monthly subscription, the information it provides is accurate.

Lastly, now you have to pay for it! Yes, since Feb 2023, ChatGPT introduced a monthly subscription. Thus, just to read or make it write, you need to pay. Let’s say if it turns out to be an amazing tool with voice inputs, it’s a good thing to invest in.

Can ChatGPT be used for article writing?

Actually, this is really a good question. The future of blogging depends on how efficiently and accurately it writes. Just a brief topic and ChatGPT AI will generate a 1000 words blog. But, is it acceptable? Look, there are millions of people writing articles on their own to provide useful information. Is it ethical if bloggers start using AI to create content merely to boost their positions on search engines?

Trying to look from that point of view, it is necessary to keep a fair practice where the skills of humans are not wasted. As per the new update, search engine companies are working on distinguishing AI and human-written articles. So, maybe in near future, we can expect the fair use of AI and our skills.



Shivangi at Alian

I am a Technical Copywriter by profession. I like to share simplified information about technology, business, daily life and trends.