A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering PSIR Optional in UPSC CSE

Shivani Adhana
3 min readJun 1, 2024


Preparation for the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) demands meticulous planning and targeted study, especially when it comes to selecting the optional subject. Among the array of choices, Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) stand out for its relevance and scoring potential. This article aims to provide aspirants with effective strategies to prepare for the PSIR optional in the UPSC CSE exam.

Understanding the Syllabus:
A solid grasp of the PSIR syllabus is fundamental before delving into preparation. The syllabus encompasses a wide array of topics spanning political theory to international relations. Aspirants should meticulously familiarize themselves with each component to structure their study plan effectively.

Resource Selection:
Choosing appropriate study material is pivotal for PSIR preparation. Standard textbooks such as “Political Theory” by O.P. Gauba and “Introduction to Political Theory” by Rajeev Bhargava lay a strong foundation in political thought. For international relations, resources like “International Relations” by Peu Ghosh and “Global Politics” by Andrew Heywood are highly recommended. Furthermore, referring to past years’ question papers aids in understanding the exam pattern and identifying important topics.

Creating concise yet comprehensive notes is indispensable for PSIR aspirants. Organizing notes systematically, covering key concepts, theories, and contemporary issues, facilitates effective revision. Utilizing tools like mind maps and flowcharts can aid in visualizing complex theories and interlinking different topics.

Integration of Current Affairs:
Staying abreast of current affairs, particularly those pertaining to political developments and international relations, is imperative. Regular perusal of newspapers like The Hindu and magazines such as Yojana and Kurukshetra enhances awareness. Relating current affairs to theoretical concepts enriches understanding and augments answer quality.

Practice of Answer Writing:
Proficient answer writing is crucial for scoring well in the UPSC CSE exam. Regular practice of writing answers, emphasizing clarity, coherence, and analytical depth, is essential. Structuring answers with a clear introduction, well-defined body paragraphs, and a concise conclusion enhances readability. Additionally, honing essay writing skills and fostering critical analysis is paramount.

Mock Tests and Revision:
Allocating dedicated time for revision and taking mock tests is imperative. Mock tests simulate exam conditions, aiding in self-assessment and identifying areas for improvement. Analyzing performance, pinpointing weaknesses, and addressing them systematically is crucial. Regular revision consolidates learning and ensures retention of crucial concepts.

Seeking Guidance:
Seeking guidance from experienced mentors, faculty members, or peers who have successfully cleared the exam is invaluable. Joining reputable coaching institutes or online forums provides access to insights, study materials, and peer support. Engaging in discussions, clarifying doubts, and leveraging others’ experiences enriches preparation strategy.

In conclusion, preparing for the PSIR optional in the UPSC CSE exam necessitates dedication, consistency, and a methodical approach. By comprehending the syllabus, selecting appropriate resources, integrating current affairs, practicing answer writing, and seeking guidance, aspirants can effectively master this subject and elevate their chances of success in the exam.



Shivani Adhana

Passionate about UPSC/IAS coaching institutes, aiming to offer valuable insights and information for aspirants.