6 Signs your Mental Health is Deteriorating

Ms. Mindfulness
5 min readMay 31, 2023


"Be dedicated to change the way in which people see mental illness at all levels of society. If not for yourself, advocate for those who are struggling in silence.” — Germany Kent

Saying Mental Heath is important is an understatement in today’s date. The stigma attached to this word is something that pulls people back from paying attention to their Mental Health as much as they give to their Physical Health. Mental and Physical Health both go hand in hand and works collectively to make an individual’s bodywork. We all feel anxious, depressed, and down occasionally, but the problems arises when this problem remain constant. Let’s consider the example of a high school student, students suffer mentally a lot due to academic pressure, high expectations, and the competitive environment they are brought into. The above-stated are the factors that can highly impact the Mental Health of a person and can cost much more than expected. As some research studies show people between the age group of 14- 24 are more likely to develop mental health problems and mental illnesses.

When mental health is neglected it is more likely to develop into a mental illness like depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, OCD, etc. Mental Illness hampers the person’s ability to perform daily tasks with ease. Keeping in mind that Mental Health comes before anything and Mental illness can be prevented.

Let’s look at these 6 Signs that indicates your Mental Health is at stake :

1. Disrupted Sleep Pattern

Difficulty in sleeping is one sign that your mental health is on the edge. Have you ever felt restless and unable to sleep at night? This could be an alarming situation and a sign to pay attention to your mental Health. After all, there’s a reason it’s said that someone in a bad mood “woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Sleep is closely related to Mental and Emotional Health and is close links with Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar disorder, and other conditions.

Here are some common signs and symptoms of insomnia:

  • Difficulty falling asleep at night.
  • Waking up during the night.
  • Waking up too early.
  • Not feeling well-rested after a night’s sleep.
  • Daytime tiredness or sleepiness.

2. Change in Appetite

A healthy relationship with food is considered to be a good thing for both your Mental and Physical Health. However, the imbalance between them could create difficulty and can hamper your Health in an ample number of ways.

Have you ever felt like your favorite dish doesn’t tempt you anymore? Individuals with deteriorating Mental Health tend to lose their appetite. It starts with eating less and in the end, losing appetite which results in a severe amount of weight loss and many physiological illnesses. However, it does not always reduce appetite as some research studies state it also increases the appetite in some individuals resulting in weight gain and mental disorders like anorexia.

3. Fatigue

Fatigue and Tiredness are often considered as same which is not the case. We often feel tired in our day-to-day life after coming home from work, school, or an event. Tiredness can be resolved with a good amount of sleep and rest.

Fatigue is a feeling of constant tiredness and weakness in an individual which could be Mental, physical, or a combination of both. Considering you are getting enough sleep, doing exercise, and getting enough nutrition still feeling tired and sleepy could be a sign of fatigue which needs medical investigation. It is the most common problem in today’s date and many people experience this at some point of time in their life. This hampers your mental health and can cause difficulty in performing day-to-day tasks with ease.

Some of the common symptoms of Fatigue are :

  • chronic tiredness or sleepiness
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • sore or aching muscles
  • muscle weakness
  • appetite loss
  • lack of motivation etc.

4. Social withdrawal

Social withdrawal as the name suggests involves avoiding people and activities which you previously enjoyed. Social Withdrawal starts from limited social interaction to complete isolation. Social and Interpersonal relationship plays an important role in our lives. However, isolation and social withdrawal could be attached to mental health problems such as Depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and even suicide.

Following are some signs of social withdrawal:

  • Avoiding social activities
  • Turning down invitations
  • Making excuses to be alone
  • Being less talkative in group settings
  • Avoiding situations that involve meeting new people etc.

5. Emotional Outbursts

Emotional Outburst is another important aspect of deteriorating mental health. People who are unable to regulate their emotions experience emotional outbursts which result in intense emotions including extreme anger, rage, irritability, crying, etc. Emotional Outbursts can cause mental and emotional distress to the person and can affect interpersonal relationships at work and school.

Lack of emotion regulation can your mental health at stake and can lead to mental health disorders like depression, panic disorder, separation, generalized anxiety, etc.

Some of the common symptoms of emotional outbursts are:

  • Sudden anger
  • shouting or crying
  • Threatening or insulting others
  • Throwing things and destroying property etc.

6. Loss of Joy

Life is not about existing but to live. People tend to be so involved and occupied with the events that happen in their life that sometimes they forgot to enjoy the little moments of life. We humans often have things that make us happy and helps us get through the most difficult phases of our life. It could be family, friends, peers, or any personal favorite hobby as well. The problem arises when people start to lose interest in these things which results in mental health issues. This inability to feel joy and pleasure in life is called Anhedonia.

The American Psychological Association (APA) defines anhedonia as “the inability to enjoy experiences or activities that normally would be pleasurable.”

Some of the common symptoms of Anhedonia are:

  • social withdrawal.
  • diminished pleasure derived from daily activities.
  • a lack of relationships or withdrawal from previous relationships.
  • less of an interest in previous hobbies.
  • a loss of libido etc.

If you relate or experience any of the above mentioned symptoms do not suffer in silence. Seek Medical Help via helpline no:

91 9820466726



Ms. Mindfulness

A student and blogger. I help people to get aware of Mental Health.