Unveiling the Box Plot: A Versatile Tool for Data Visualization and Analysis

Shivani Dashore
6 min readJun 5, 2023



In the realm of data analysis, visualizing data is paramount to extracting meaningful insights and gaining a deeper understanding of underlying patterns. One powerful and widely used visualization tool is the box plot, also known as a box-and-whisker plot. In this article, we will explore the concept of a box plot, and its components, and delve into the reasons why it is extensively employed in data analysis.

Image Source — Byjus.com

What is a Box Plot?

A box plot is a graphical representation that provides a concise summary of the distribution of a dataset. It offers valuable insights into the central tendency, spread, and presence of outliers within the data. The key components of a box plot include a rectangular box and two lines extending from it, often referred to as whiskers. These elements collectively form a visual representation of the dataset’s five-number summary, which includes the minimum, first quartile (Q1), median (Q2), third quartile (Q3), and maximum values.

In a box plot, Q1, Q2, and Q3 represent the quartiles of a dataset, while the minimum and maximum values indicate the range. Here’s what each of these values represents:

  1. Minimum: The minimum value is the smallest value in the dataset. In a box plot, it is represented by a horizontal line or the lower end of the whisker. It indicates the lowest data point in the dataset.
  2. Q1 (First Quartile): Q1 represents the value below which 25% of the data points lie. It is also known as the lower quartile. In a box plot, Q1 is marked by the lower edge of the box.
  3. Q2 (Second Quartile or Median): Q2 is the median of the dataset. It divides the data into two equal halves, with 50% of the data points falling below and 50% above it. In a box plot, Q2 is represented by a vertical line within the box.
  4. Q3 (Third Quartile): Q3 represents the value below which 75% of the data points lie. It is also known as the upper quartile. In a box plot, Q3 is marked by the upper edge of the box.
  5. Maximum: The maximum value is the largest value in the dataset. In a box plot, it is represented by a horizontal line or the upper end of the whisker. It indicates the highest data point in the dataset.

By including these values in the box plot, you can visualize the central tendency (median), the spread of the middle 50% of the data (Q1 to Q3), and the range (minimum to maximum) of the dataset. This allows you to quickly assess the distribution and identify any outliers or extreme values.

Why Do We Use Box Plots?

  1. Visualizing Distribution: Box plots are particularly useful in visually summarizing the distribution of a dataset. The box represents the interquartile range (IQR), which encompasses the middle 50% of the data. By observing the length and position of the box, one can gain insights into the spread and skewness of the distribution.
  2. Identifying Central Tendency: The line within the box corresponds to the median (Q2), which provides a measure of the dataset’s central tendency. It divides the data into two equal halves, indicating the midpoint of the distribution.
  3. Comparing Datasets: Box plots allow for easy comparison between multiple datasets. By placing several box plots side by side, analysts can quickly identify differences in central tendency, spread, and variability across different groups or categories.
  4. Detecting Outliers: Box plots provide a visual reference for detecting outliers. The whiskers extend from the box and typically represent the range of the data, excluding outliers. Observing data points lying beyond the whiskers can alert analysts to potential anomalies or extreme values.
  5. Robustness to Skewed Data: Box plots are robust to outliers and skewed distributions. Unlike measures such as the mean and standard deviation, which can be heavily influenced by extreme values, box plots provide a more resilient representation of the data.

To calculate the values used in a box plot, you need the dataset you want to visualize. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to calculate the box plot values:

  1. Arrange your dataset in ascending order.
  2. Find the minimum value, which is the smallest value in the dataset.
  3. Find the maximum value, which is the largest value in the dataset.
  4. Calculate the median (Q2), which is the middle value of the dataset. If the dataset has an odd number of values, the median is the value at the center. If the dataset has an even number of values, the median is the average of the two middle values.
  5. Determine the lower quartile (Q1), which is the median of the lower half of the dataset. This is the value separating the lower 25% of the data from the upper 75%.
  6. Determine the upper quartile (Q3), which is the median of the upper half of the dataset. This is the value separating the lower 75% of the data from the upper 25%.
  7. Calculate the interquartile range (IQR) by subtracting Q1 from Q3 (IQR = Q3 — Q1).
  8. Identify any potential outliers. To determine outliers, calculate the lower bound (Q1–1.5 * IQR) and the upper bound (Q3 + 1.5 * IQR). Any data point below the lower bound or above the upper bound is considered a potential outlier.

Let’s Take an example to consider the following dataset representing the heights of individuals in centimeters:

[160, 165, 170, 172, 175, 178, 180, 185, 190, 195]

To calculate the box plot values:

Arrange the dataset in ascending order:

  1. [160, 165, 170, 172, 175, 178, 180, 185, 190, 195]
  2. Find the minimum value: 160
  3. Find the maximum value: 195

Calculate the median (Q2):

Since the dataset has an even number of values, we take the average of the two middle values:

  1. (172 + 175) / 2 = 173.5

Determine the lower quartile (Q1):

This is the median of the lower half of the dataset.

  1. (160 + 165) / 2 = 162.5

Determine the upper quartile (Q3):

This is the median of the upper half of the dataset.

  1. (185 + 190) / 2 = 187.5

Calculate the interquartile range (IQR):

IQR = Q3 — Q1

  1. IQR = 187.5–162.5 = 25

Identify potential outliers:

Lower bound = Q1–1.5 * IQR

Lower bound = 162.5–1.5 * 25 = 125

Upper bound = Q3 + 1.5 * IQR

Upper bound = 187.5 + 1.5 * 25 = 225

In this example, there are no data points outside the lower or upper bounds. Therefore, there are no outliers in this dataset.

The resulting box plot would have:

  • Minimum: 160
  • Q1: 162.5
  • Median: 173.5
  • Q3: 187.5
  • Maximum: 195
  • Whiskers: Extend from Q1 to the minimum value and from Q3 to the maximum value, excluding outliers.

This box plot provides a visual representation of the distribution of heights, indicating the central tendency (median), spread (IQR), and range (minimum and maximum values) of the dataset.

Limitations of Box Plots:

  1. Lack of Detailed Information: While box plots offer a succinct summary of a dataset, they do not provide detailed information about individual data points. They cannot convey information about the frequency or density of specific values within the distribution.
  2. Oversimplification of Distribution Shape: Box plots represent the distribution in a simplified manner, focusing on key summary statistics. Consequently, they may not fully capture the nuanced shape of the distribution.
  3. Ignoring Data Relationships: Box plots focus on the distribution of a single variable and do not reveal any relationships or correlations between multiple variables. Additional analysis or complementary visualizations may be required to explore such relationships.


Box plots offer insights into central tendency, spread, and the presence of outliers, allowing analysts to quickly identify patterns and make informed decisions. Despite their limitations in providing detailed information and capturing complex distribution shapes, box plots remain a popular and widely used visualization technique for effective data analysis.

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