5 Tips for Writing Readable Blog Posts

Blog Duggu Live
4 min readOct 10, 2022


There is no magic formula to making your blog posts as readable as possible, but here are 5 tips to get you started:

1. Avoid passive verbs

A great way to make a post more readable is by changing the passive voice into the active voice. For example, instead of writing “your blog posts are read by millions” change it to “you are making millions of dollars from your blog.” The same goes for adjectives that describe people or objects rather than actions. You can also avoid unnecessary adjectives and adverbs by using fewer of them when describing something.

2. Use shorter sentences

When writing, it’s important not to get lost in the details or confuse your reader with too many words. Short sentences and paragraphs work best in this case because they keep the focus on what matters most in each sentence: the subject and its action or result. A good rule of thumb is to use no more than 10 words per sentence unless you really need more information because then use 15–20 words per sentence.

3. Write in a conversational tone

The best way to ease readers into your argument is by writing in a friendly and relaxed tone that lets them know they are dealing with a person who cares about them instead of an academic.

1. Write for yourself first.

Don't write for other people when you’re writing a blog post. Think about what your audience needs to know, and then deliver that information to them in a way that’s easy to understand and engaging.

2. Choose the right tone for your audience.

You can’t please everyone all of the time, so if you’re writing for an audience with specific goals and expectations, focus on those as much as possible when writing your blog posts. For example, if you’re writing for people who want to lose weight and get fit, focus on how exercise will help them achieve those goals rather than going into detail about all the different types of exercises they should do or the benefits of each one (unless they specifically ask).

3. Use short sentences and paragraphs whenever possible.

This makes it easier for readers to scan through long blocks of text quickly and pick out the important parts without having to read every word (which is why we recommend reading our blog posts in snippets). It also helps cut down on unnecessary words by eliminating unnecessary repetition — which is especially helpful when writing technical content such as articles about coding or software development where repeating similar terms over and.

1. Be concise and clear

Readability is a measure of how easy it is to understand the content of your post. If you can’t understand what you are reading, neither will your audience.

2. Focus on the topic

Don’t write about everything you know or everything that interests you. Keep it focused on one or two main topics at a time.

3. Use short sentences and paragraphs

Short sentences create a sense of urgency, which makes people want to read more. Long paragraphs can make it hard for readers to focus on one section of the post at a time, so try breaking up long sections into smaller chunks if possible (this is especially true for images).

4. Use white space effectively

White space around text creates visual interest and makes it easier for readers to skim through posts when they don’t have much time (i.e., when they’re hopping from site to site). You can also use this technique to add emphasis by using different fonts or colors for different parts of your post — if you have an image that’s particularly important, for example, you could highlight it with bold text or italics in order to draw attention.

1. Write for your audience

2. Write in a voice that’s clear, concise, and conversational

3. Use an active voice

4. Choose your words carefully

5. Use images or quotes to illustrate or explain ideas

1. Create a rhythm

The best way to write a blog post is to create a rhythm. A few sentences here and there, then a paragraph, then another paragraph, then another. That’s how you can keep the reader interested throughout your post.

2. Use lots of subheadings

Subheadings are an excellent way to break up your content into bite-sized chunks that can be easily consumed by your readers. If you don’t use subheadings, it’s easy for readers to get lost when reading your blog posts and overlook important information or details.

3. Use bullets wherever possible

Bullets are an excellent way of breaking up long paragraphs in a blog post so that they’re easier to read while still maintaining the same level of information as if they were not broken up in this way. You’ll find that people will read your posts faster because they’re more accessible than if you hadn’t used bullet points at all!

4. Use numbers wherever possible

Numbers help people quickly scan through pages of text quicker than text alone does! They also provide structure for your content so that it flows together more smoothly and makes sense when read as a whole rather than piecemeal by itself as individual words would do.

Writing blog posts is tedious, but it’s also rewarding. You get to be creative, tell stories and help people.

But if you want your content to be as shareable as possible, it’s imperative that you make it readable.

1. Make it personal: People are more likely to share content that speaks directly to them.

2. Use numbers sparingly: Numbers can be used to add context and clarity, but don’t overuse them; people don’t like being told how many other people are reading or sharing a post, so keep the numbers short and sweet. (If you want to include a number in a post, use bold text or italics instead.)

3. Use subheads: Subheads give readers an early indication of what they’ll find below the fold (or “above the fold” on mobile devices). Subheads should be short — no more than two sentences — and indicate which sections of your post contain essential information for readers who just want to get down to business right now (e.g., “The most actionable tips”).

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Blog Duggu Live

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