Solid Aluminum Chlorohydrate Market Size, Growth, Forecast 2023–2030

5 min readOct 3, 2023
Solid Aluminum Chlorohydrate Market Size

Market Overview and Report Coverage

Solid Aluminum Chlorohydrate is a chemical compound widely used in the production of personal care and cosmetic products, such as antiperspirants and deodorants. It is an aluminum salt that acts as an effective antiperspirant agent by controlling perspiration and reducing body odor.

The future outlook for the Solid Aluminum Chlorohydrate Market appears to be promising. The increasing demand for personal care and cosmetic products, coupled with the growing consumer awareness about hygiene and grooming, is expected to drive the market’s growth. Additionally, the rising disposable income of individuals in developing economies is likely to contribute to the market expansion.

The current outlook for the Solid Aluminum Chlorohydrate Market is also positive. The market has experienced steady growth in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue during the forecasted period. The market is witnessing a significant demand from the personal care and cosmetic industry, which is continuously launching new products and expanding their product lines to cater to the evolving consumer preferences.

Moreover, the Solid Aluminum Chlorohydrate Market is expected to benefit from the increasing preference for organic and natural-based personal care products. Consumers are becoming more conscious about the potential harmful effects of chemicals in personal care products, leading to a shift towards safer alternatives. Solid Aluminum Chlorohydrate, with its effective antiperspirant properties, can be considered a relatively safer choice compared to other chemical compounds.

In conclusion, the Solid Aluminum Chlorohydrate Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of % during the forecasted period. The market’s future and current outlook look promising, driven by the increasing demand for personal care products, growing consumer awareness, and the shift towards safer alternatives in the cosmetics industry.

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Market Segmentation

The Solid Aluminum Chlorohydrate Market Analysis by types is segmented into:

  • Industrial Grade
  • Cosmetic Grade

Solid aluminum chlorohydrate is a compound commonly used in various industries and cosmetic products. The industrial-grade market refers to the use of solid aluminum chlorohydrate in manufacturing processes, such as water treatment, textiles, and paper production. On the other hand, the cosmetic-grade market pertains to its use in personal care products like deodorants and antiperspirants. While both markets involve the utilization of solid aluminum chlorohydrate, the industrial grade focuses on industrial applications, while the cosmetic grade is specifically tailored for cosmetic and personal care products.

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The Solid Aluminum Chlorohydrate Market Industry Research by Application is segmented into:

  • BOD and COD Removal
  • Nutrient Removal
  • Suspended Solids Removal
  • Cosmetic
  • Other

The solid aluminum chlorohydrate market finds applications in various sectors. Firstly, it is used for BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) removal, which refers to the reduction of organic and chemical pollutants in wastewater. Additionally, it is employed for nutrient removal, playing a crucial role in wastewater treatment to eliminate excessive nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. Furthermore, solid aluminum chlorohydrate contributes to suspended solids removal, aiding in the elimination of particles and impurities. Moreover, it has applications in the cosmetic industry and finds usage in other diverse markets as well.

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In terms of Region, the Solid Aluminum Chlorohydrate Market Players available by Region are:

  • North America:
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Europe:
  • Germany
  • France
  • U.K.
  • Italy
  • Russia
  • Asia-Pacific:
  • China
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • India
  • Australia
  • China Taiwan
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Malaysia
  • Latin America:
  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Argentina Korea
  • Colombia
  • Middle East & Africa:
  • Turkey
  • Saudi
  • Arabia
  • UAE
  • Korea

What are the Emerging Trends in the Global Solid Aluminum Chlorohydrate market?

Some emerging trends in the global solid aluminum chlorohydrate market include increased demand from personal care and cosmetics industries due to its use as an active ingredient in antiperspirants and deodorants. Growing concerns about hygiene and rising disposable incomes are fueling this demand. Additionally, the shift towards natural and organic products is driving the development of aluminum-free alternatives, which could potentially impact the market. Technological advancements in manufacturing processes and increasing investments in research and development are also expected to contribute to the growth of the solid aluminum chlorohydrate market globally.

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Major Market Players

Chemtrade, founded in 2001, is a leading supplier of specialty chemicals and services to various industries. The company offers a wide range of products and solutions, including aluminum chlorohydrate, which is used in water treatment, personal care products, and as a coagulant in various industrial processes. Chemtrade has experienced steady growth over the years, expanding its market presence and customer base globally. The company focuses on developing innovative solutions and maintaining high-quality standards to meet the evolving needs of its customers. In terms of market size, Chemtrade’s aluminum chlorohydrate business has contributed significantly to its overall revenue.

Kemira, founded in 1920, is a global chemicals company that specializes in providing solutions for water-intensive industries. It offers aluminum chlorohydrate as a coagulant for water treatment processes. Kemira has a strong presence in Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific, serving customers in various industries, including municipal and industrial water treatment, pulp and paper, and oil and gas. The company has been experiencing substantial growth in its aluminum chlorohydrate business, driven by the increasing demand for water treatment chemicals worldwide. In terms of financials, Kemira reported sales revenue of approximately $ billion in 2020.

GEO, founded in 1994, is a leading manufacturer and supplier of specialty chemicals, including aluminum chlorohydrate, for various industries. The company’s aluminum chlorohydrate products are widely used in the water treatment sector as a coagulant for purification processes. GEO has a strong distribution network, enabling it to serve customers globally. The company has witnessed significant market growth in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for water treatment chemicals in emerging economies. GEO’s sales revenue reached approximately $ billion in 2020.

These three companies, Chemtrade, Kemira, and GEO, represent key players in the competitive solid aluminum chlorohydrate market. They have established a strong market presence, experienced significant growth, and generated substantial sales revenue. Their focus on product innovation, quality, and global reach has positioned them as leaders in the industry. As the demand for water treatment chemicals continues to rise, these companies are well-positioned to capitalize on the opportunities and maintain their market dominance.

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