I am not growing in Competitive Coding!

Shive& Singh
2 min readFeb 13, 2023


yes, I am not.


Signup for the new account of Codechef with a leap of faith and hope. Solved 1 problem and rated it as 2 * and thought it's easy to be a 4 * coder within a month. After that, almost every contest make the wrong submission and now I am still struggling within the range of 1 * to 2 * and vice-versa. After a few weeks, I discovered CODEFORCES and participated in a div. 2 contest and made it to solve 1st question but again could not solve the 1st problem of the div3 or div 4 rated contest.


I tried to be consistent and decided no matter what I will always solve or try to solve at least 1 problem every day and made it to a 34-day long streak (longest so far) and grew with non-decreasing rating points. But still could not collect the courage to solve codeforces problems or go on to LEETCODE.


Now I don’t take part in contests (actively) and if I do could not make it to submit the code to evaluate just stay with the fear of WHAT IF it is wrong and marked as WA for the 1st problem and lose what I have now.


Now I skip contests knowingly and look for solutions for practice problems and do not even try to touch the problems rated 1000 on codeforces. Also having a hard time maintaining consistency when it's a very crucial time (my placements are coming).


Not Consistent — I consider this very crucial as I have seen the importance this word holds.

Never Learnt — the topics, could not solve problems, the different types of errors they are never given the importance they deserve

Accepted Rating word more seriously — now I do everything or anything must be connected to word Rating.

Not solved enough problems.

wrote this to understand my fear and also to know me better. and hoping the one who reads will also find an answer or find a path.

