Similarities Between Spryker and Symfony

Shiv Kumar
2 min readOct 1, 2023


When it comes to developing robust and scalable e-commerce solutions or web applications, choosing the right technology stack is paramount. Two popular choices in the world of web development are Spryker and Symfony. While they serve different purposes, there are notable similarities between these two frameworks that can make them an excellent combination for building sophisticated web applications. In this article, we’ll explore these similarities and shed light on how they can be leveraged to create cutting-edge web solutions.

  1. Built on Symfony:

Perhaps the most significant similarity between Spryker and Symfony is that Spryker is built on top of the Symfony framework. Symfony, a PHP framework known for its flexibility, modularity, and community support, provides the foundation for Spryker’s development. This means that developers familiar with Symfony will find many familiar concepts and components when working with Spryker.

  1. Modular Architecture:

Both Spryker and Symfony promote a modular architecture, allowing developers to break down complex applications into manageable, reusable components. Symfony’s bundle system and Spryker’s modules enable developers to organize code efficiently, enhancing maintainability and scalability. This modular approach simplifies the development process and encourages code reusability, which is crucial for building large-scale applications.

  1. Extensibility:

Both frameworks emphasize extensibility, making it easy to extend and customize their functionalities. In Symfony, you can create custom bundles and use event listeners, while Spryker offers extendable modules and plugins. This extensibility allows developers to tailor the frameworks to their specific project requirements, ensuring flexibility in building diverse applications.

  1. Twig Templating Engine:

Spryker and Symfony share the use of the Twig templating engine for rendering views. Twig offers a clean and efficient syntax for designing templates, making it easier for developers to create visually appealing web pages. Developers experienced with Symfony will find their skills easily transferable to Spryker’s templating system.

  1. ORM and Database Abstraction:

Both Spryker and Symfony employ Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) to interact with databases. Symfony uses Doctrine ORM, while Spryker has its own ORM system called Propel. These ORMs simplify database operations by abstracting SQL queries into a more intuitive object-oriented interface. Developers who have worked with Symfony’s Doctrine ORM will notice similarities in how Spryker’s Propel works, easing the transition between the two frameworks.

  1. Community and Documentation:

Both Spryker and Symfony boast strong communities and comprehensive documentation. Symfony has been around since 2005 and has a vast user base, which ensures ongoing support, updates, and a wealth of resources. Spryker, being built on Symfony, benefits from this thriving ecosystem, making it a reliable choice for web application development.


In conclusion, the similarities between Spryker and Symfony can be a significant advantage for developers looking to build complex web applications or e-commerce platforms. Leveraging the modular architecture, extensibility, and shared components of these frameworks can streamline development processes, reduce learning curves, and lead to more efficient, maintainable codebases. Whether you’re an experienced Symfony developer looking to explore e-commerce with Spryker or a newcomer to both frameworks, understanding these similarities can help you harness the power of both technologies effectively.



Shiv Kumar

Software Engineer | Web Developer | Writer | Symfony | Spryker | Redis | Elastic Search | Rabbit MQ |Jenkin