GSoC’17 — Week Two

Issues, Markdown and OpenMRS

Shivang Nagaria
2 min readJun 11, 2017

Hello Everyone!

I was quite busy in second week of Google Summer of Code. I’ve been working on various tasks. The main task of the week was DINT-73 which is basically aim to improve filtering of the results we got through running data integrity rules. Sounds like simple task, no? It was simple task until it gave rise to more issues connected to it. For example, OpenMRS was using older version of datatable (version-1.9.4) and there are lots of features missing. For those who don’t know about datatable, it is a javascript library which makes the handling of html tables very easy, it provides filtering along with free text search. For more details, check out the link given below. I’ve used some new function from the newer version of datatable and I thought OpenMRS should update the version of datatable its using. So, I posted it on talk and after a nice discussion — we agreed to upgrade it for whole OpenMRS as it also have backward compatibility. This upgradation tasks is one of the several tasks I’ll working on the following week.

Another tasks evolve from DINT-73 was the filtering of results based on patient. Best solution for this kind of task is autocomplete dropdowns — when you don’t have data beforehand but you still want to do filtering. It turns out jquery already have an autocomplete dropdown widget, so I used it directly.

As I have faced lots of problems setting up the data integrity module, I though there should be a guide for this thing. README of the project was kinda old, it didn’t have updated information.

I also had a nice encouraging skype meeting with my mentor Stephen S. Musoke, we discussed about the progress, future tasks, outdated wiki pages and ReadMe. He gave me a go-ahead for updating the wiki pages. I already sent pull request for ReadME and the following week I’ll working to update all the relevant wiki pages.

As a side work, I’ve been also involved in the development of OpenMRS Android Client. I’ve been reviewing the pull requests and working on long awaited Android Client User Guide.

In the following week, i.e third week of Google Summer of Code’17, I will working on polishing DINT-73, DINT-77 (a task related to Dashboard Widget), updating wiki pages and upgrading datatable to version 1.10.15.

Please let me know if have any comments. Thanks!



Shivang Nagaria

GSoC Student @OpenMRS, Crazy Developer, Budding Entrepreneur, Full Time Learner