Shk SchneiderThe last settings.gradle.ktsI wanted to split my code and ended up with a lot of Gradle modules and submodules. What a pain to include them all. I know…Sep 4, 2019Sep 4, 2019
Shk SchneiderAndroid Clean Architekture triesI like Clean architecture, because it separates layers and concerns with a unique dependency direction. It’s supposed to split/scope…May 27, 20195May 27, 20195
Shk SchneiderinProAndroidDevWhy Kotlin SucksThis article is based on Your Language Sucks. In fact, Koltin is awesome ❤️, but let’s not be blind to some stuff 👀.Apr 27, 201913Apr 27, 201913
Shk SchneiderinProAndroidDevOne-liner Intent/Bundle extras extractor in Kotlin!One day I stumbled upon a custom Delegate that would get an extra using an inner Args class. I immediately found the feature useful yet it…Feb 22, 20195Feb 22, 20195
Shk SchneiderinProAndroidDevAndroid ViewModel+LiveData+Coroutines contraptionI’ve been playing around with ViewModel, LiveData and lastly Coroutines, now that the latest are stable in Kotlin 1.3.Nov 29, 20186Nov 29, 20186