‘Shkooby Coming Out Of Stealth Mode’

Shkooby Inu
9 min readJan 4, 2022



Table of contents

  • ‘Launch Day’
  • ‘Where we have been?’ — team has been working in silence for the past months setting the foundations in place to be a leader in the finance & metaverse space.

→ Expanding the team


→ SHKOOBY FARM (Staking)

  • ‘The team’ — Shkooby have assembled a high caliber team of illustrators, 3D designers, VFX specialists, unity developers, and a blockchain team, all with the vision in mind of creating the ‘ShkoobyVerse’.
  • ‘The Journey Forward’ — over the coming months. Our next article will outline our vision for the ShkoobyVerse and the path forward.
  • Deep Research: Why a focus on Metaverse?
  • ‘One Step Further’ — we have decided to go one step further than just creating a metaverse…
Launch Day: SHKOOBY Inu 02.11.2021 stats

Launch Day

The inception of Shkooby Inu — November 2nd, 2021.

On our first day, we achieved immense hype and got ourselves a loyal following called the SHKOOBYGANG. Before we explain the journey ahead of us and the plans that are yet to unfold, let’s look back into the past of what we achieved on our launch day two months ago.

✅ $140 Million Volume

✅ $150 Million Market Cap

✅ 2,000 Holders

✅ 2,600 Telegram Members

✅ 1,400 Twitter Followers

✅ Liquidity burnt forever https://etherscan.io/tx/0xa3a8a0b03c3361857896de5d8ed611f8247fead35e67738fcfffa2815bd673d5

✅ Hacken Audit of the Shkooby contract

Hacken performed an analysis of the #SHKOOBY code functionality, manual audit, and automated checks with Mythril and Slither.

There were no critical, high or medium issues. The Low-level issue are related to outdated, unused code snippets that have zero impact on execution.


Smart Contract Code Review And Security Analysis Report — Well Securedmedium.com

✅ Released our shkooby story by CEO Doobie



✅ We released the SHKOOBY PLAN — To give you an understanding of what we are building👇

🐶SHKOOBY FARM — (stake $SHKOOB to earn our first 200 NFTs)

🐶SHKOOBY SWAP — (Farms For Dog Coins (Elon, Shiba, Floki, Saitama)

🐶DEX — a fully decentralized exchange for meme coins

🐶GAMES — Haunted Mansions, Treasure Hunts & Daily Quests

🐶NFTs — Collectibles, Event Tickets, Game Assets

🐶NFT Marketplace — a place for everyone to trade their favorite NFTs

✅ Released our Litepaper


The Journey Forward

This section will give you an understanding of what you can expect over the coming months. Our next article will outline our complete vision for the ShkoobyVerse and the path forward.

We will share the whole process from conceptualizing our metaverse — to a fully developed virtual world with our community.

As we close into the new year of 2022, we have decided it is finally time to remove the black veil of Shkooby. Please do not mistake our silence for abandonment; quite the opposite. We believe in having a steady foundation before actually announcing the plans. After working non-stop for months, we are undoubtedly confident enough to share our vision and goals for Shkooby in 2022.

SHKOOBY’s final product will be one big, intricate, and complex Metaverse, where every feature complements each other.

SHKOOBYGANG, you are in for a wild ride.

SHKOOBY’s mission is to empower early community members and to deliver functionality to the meme-coin ecosystem as a whole. Financial markets are a perplexing and frustrating aspect of our existence. We aim to ensure that everyone has a positive and enjoyable experience. We will create the best meme community crypto has ever seen.

To do this, we will give our community a range of functional products, the most significant of which will be a Metaverse.

This is where SHKOOBY INU makes its appearance. SHKOOBY will deliver a unified metaverse experience, integrating DEFI’s most delicate chances by enabling users to harvest tokens and NFT prizes while using them inside the ShkoobyVerse.

With the assistance of our community, the #SHKOOBYGANG, our objective is to dominate the meme market with undeniable utility.

Where have we been?

We have been researching, developing, and hiring talent to achieve the extensive roadmap and tremendous goals for 2022.

The main aim is to develop, build and expand upon our own Virtual world and metaverse, the ShkoobyVerse. We are convinced that this is where the future of business, finance, education, gaming, and of course, cryptocurrency lies.

If you haven’t understood by now what a virtual world is, let us refresh your memory.

Virtual worlds are permanent online computer-generated environments where individuals from various physical places may connect in real-time for work or leisure. Virtual worlds are a subset of virtual reality applications. This broader word refers to computer-generated simulations of three-dimensional objects or settings with apparent real-world, direct, or physical human interaction.

We will combine the beauty of cryptocurrency and the metaverse within these computer-generated environments. We are giving every individual a fair shot at financial independence in a fun and interactive manner.

Expanding the team

The team and founders of Shkooby have assembled a high caliber team of illustrators, 3D designers, VFX specialists, unity developers, and a blockchain team, all with the vision in mind of creating the ShkoobyVerse.


The SHKOOBYVERSE (metaverse) will comprise different components that will create an exciting virtual world containing exciting events and games.

Everything in the Metaverse is accessible for $SHKOOBY token holders, giving our native token a massive use case.

We will have a dedicated Events Room in the ShkoobyVerse, where live music events, DJs, celebrity meet-and-greets, exclusive parties, and premiere streaming events will occur.

Events Room

Live music events, DJs, Celebrity Meet & Greets, Exclusive Parties, Premiere Streaming Events

Community Gatherings & Networking Room

Join Celebrities and your favorite community members in the Metaverse for a casual hangout, or discuss the hottest memes.

Games Room

Use our NFTs, and native SHKOOBY token to participate in a fun and exciting P2E game experience.

In addition to the virtual Metaverse, where you will have various events, gatherings, and games, we will also bring utility to the SHKOOBY token by integrating rare NFTs, and farms for other popular meme-coins. This way, SHKOOBY will bring utility to the entire meme-coin universe, giving our community members the opportunity.


Only accessible for the top 200 SHKOOBY holders. Alpha leaks, and mysterious perks await, only for those who are deemed worthy.


Farm your Avatar! From our farms, you will be able to farm NFTs that can be used as a visual depiction inside the Metaverse.


Take part in one of the most lucrative and highest APY pools on the market. By staking $SHKOOBY tokens, you will be able to earn passive income in multiple ways.

Details are given of the Pool APR and rewards.

Choose between ‘Flexi’- and ‘Locked’ pool. Locked pool grants more APY.

Flex your position on the ranking — SHKOOBY Farm will have its own dedicated leaderboard. Top 10, 50 and 100 contributors will be showcased.


Logo & Website rebrand.

SHKOOBY is getting a completely revamped New Year’s look.

All phases are focused from 2022 and onwards.

Deep Research: Why a focus on Metaverse?

At the moment, the global world is constantly in contact with their surroundings through virtual spaces created by web 2.0, where participation and cooperation serve as the foundation for developing collective knowledge.

In this context, one of the growing technologies has been metaverses in recent years. These three-dimensional and immersive virtual environments enable real-time interaction, virtual, and user-generated content.

These virtual environments, often known as MUVEs (Multi-User Virtual Environments), use a framework inspired by MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games). However, unlike video games, they do not impose necessarily a purpose or goal on the player. Numerous studies on the usage of technologies predict that the next fifteen years will witness an increase in the use of three-dimensional virtual worlds (Gartner’s 2011 Hype Cycle) and significant development in “gamification” processes. “Gamification is a rapidly growing corporate and cultural movement that spans all areas of innovation. Gamification is a trend to follow because of its ability to alter human behavior.” 2011 (Gartner). Gartner expects that by 2025, more than half of firms managing innovation processes would utilize methods from games to control legitimate operations. According to this study, including games into applications throughout the globe has the potential to significantly improve user interest levels since interaction and challenge stimulate motivation and a desire to engage.

Analyzing various sources and data on this technology (NMC Horizon Report 2011) reveals a highly optimistic outlook for users’ scope, potential, and degree of adoption. Particularly “digital natives,” who naturally assume the use of virtual worlds as meeting places and activities with their peers. Based on this evidence, it is evident that multi-user virtual environments exhibit creative characteristics that serve as a platform for development and experimentation and contribute significantly to the use of digital technology in other aspects.

This also coincides with the fantastic growth and use-case of cryptocurrency. Combining these young, ever-growing markets has a lot of untapped potential. In addition, with the pandemic’s current grasp on the world, virtual worlds and metaverses will only continue to grow.

The population of virtual worlds is expected to almost triple by 2025, owing in major part to their usage by children and teenagers, who use them to interact with other users/avatars in real-time, to communicate, and to engage in a variety of activities “together” in the same “location.”

According to the New Media Consortium’s “2011 Horizon Report,” collaborative 3D virtual environments such as Second Life and OpenSimulator will be a standard tool for businesses. This is also heightened with the rebrand and creation of META by Zuckerberg.

“Supporters of game-based learning emphasize the benefits of teamwork, problem-solving, and communication […] Additionally, advocates emphasize the positive function of play, which allows for experimentation, identity discovery, and even failure. Additionally, gaming helps to develop a disposition that is well-suited to an information-driven society and quick change.” (2011, New Media)

For the Metaverse to become the standard, the design of virtual spaces must adhere to the same rigor and quality standards as the design of physical locations. Its arrangement and formal definition adhere to the laws of conventional architectural design, but are refined by the metaverse’s peculiarities. However, the metaverse has its perks, giving people the possibility to expand upon the physical world’s limitations.

This is why we are devoting all of our efforts to building the next-generation metaverse, which will combine the thriving community of a meme token with the functionality of a genuine product.

One Step Further

The Shkooby team chose to take it a step farther than just establishing a metaverse. We recognize the community’s and future generations’ interests in accumulating financial prosperity and breaking free from the system’s shackles. Shkooby has embraced that idea and is developing a virtual environment that will enable individuals to earn passive income and build wealth while doing what they love…

However, more on that later.

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