Being Healthy is a Lifestyle

shely tanily
2 min readMay 4, 2013

Health is the first wealth, they say. This is not a new thing. Everyone wants to be healthy and fit, but does everyone willing to ‘sacrifice’ for it?

Being healthy and fit isn’t a fad or trend. Instead, it’s a lifestyle

Yes, lifestyle. It’s not something you can achieve on couple days. It takes months, could be years, depends on you. How far you’re willing to go for it? I’m talking about determination, motivation, and consistency. Because once you started, you can’t stop.

You can’t just eat healthy one day and expect results. It applies the same with working out. You need to continue working out, because you need to keep your body healthy and fit. There is no finish line.

Eating healthy and working out, it’s just that simple.

But maintaining it, now that’s the real challenge. I’m talking about waking up early, maybe go for a run then working out, eating home-made fresh and healthy food, drink lots of water (8 cups), getting proper sleep (8 hours), no more drinking and no more midnight snack. That means you’re practically leaving you’re so called social life. Saying no for a party, because you need to hit gym. No more friends gathering involving fast food. No more pizza delivery. Even no more sodas. Yeah, that seems a lot.

No one said it would be easy. It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, then everybody would do it.

Sure, one or two times you will cheat. You will binge. You will get lazy and you will miss workout. You will sleep late. You will feel bloated and disgusted with yourself. But that doesn’t mean that you failed. As long as you get back on track after. Don’t you ever stop, never give up, instead give up on giving up.

Again, this is a lifestyle. This is not some moment or period in your life. This lasts forever.



shely tanily

student, over-thinker, and big-dreamer. currently working on a healthy lifestyle, trying to be fit and stuff.