Is Having Perspective Enough About War?

Shllok Prajapati
3 min readOct 30, 2023

We all face an issue: when we ask or try to understand these wars from others, we encounter the availability of their perspectives

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Of course, I’m talking about the Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine wars

Let’s try to understand this while deconstructing the perspectives of current situation

Well, it does sound a little confusion to say that the availability of perspective is an issue because most of us already have it

We live in an era that provides an abundance of information. This information is based on opinions, political or non-political agendas, propaganda, truths, lies, facts, and the objectives of others. There is no clear line to distinguish these things because they are often presented as absolute truths. People often encounters conflicting information, which creates confusion when choosing the right information

People often choose information they can relate to, information that gives them hope for a better future, or publications that already align with these two criteria when seeking other information. People are having understanding of propaganda and agendas, which is enough to a distrust of alternative sources of information that don’t align with the perspectives they wish to construct.

Now, people are increasingly merging their perspectives with their emotions, making them more relatable to others and leading to their wider dissemination. While I consider selfishness an emotion as well, I also see individuals having selfish motives to earn money through this situation. And I won’t delve deeply into the blending of emotions with perspectives, as we are generally aware of how a frustrated person might react to innocent people being killed etc.

Making of perspective also have to go through the tunnel of religion. In this process, individuals are influenced by their religious beliefs, which can stir strong emotions and lead to the consideration of historical events. These factors play a significant role in shaping the perspectives of individuals within a community, as they navigate the intricate interplay of faith, emotion, and historical context

A game-changer in every aspect is geopolitics. Geopolitical considerations are consistently crucial in various forms of conflicts, be it trade wars, cold wars, or direct confrontations. They are meticulously calculated, driven by intention, and every country seeks to assert its own geopolitical strategies. This pursuit of interests often leads to conflicts and, at times, unintended errors and mistakes

Now, I like to understand it like people’s perspectives driven by religious, historical contexts are like fuel that poured intentionally and geopolitical strategies are like sparks which is highly calculated comes with very small action and resulting so much

I often contemplate the question of why conflicts persist when, at the core, we all desire a more humane world. It becomes evident that this is where the divergence lies — in the multitude of perspectives. Finding common ground seems elusive, and the search for solutions becomes increasingly challenging when individuals are determined to assert their own viewpoints. It’s a complex situation; understanding one another’s perspectives becomes arduous when everyone strives to impose their own. Yet, having no perspective at all leaves us vulnerable. Striking a balance between individual perspectives and a collective humanity is the intricate challenge we face

I believe we have a multitude of perspectives to choose from, but are we finding solutions? Or we really need those perspectives?



Shllok Prajapati

I think right questions are needed to conquer the wrong intentions. so, I'm here to ask those questions