Playwright vs. Selenium: Useful Starter and Which is Better?

Shlomi Al
6 min readFeb 24, 2024


February 23, 2024

Selenium vs. Playwright: A Showdown for Web Automation Supremacy

In the fast-paced world of web development, automation testing reigns supreme as a guardian of quality and efficiency. Two prominent contenders in this arena are Selenium and Playwright, each boasting unique strengths and attracting passionate advocates. But which tool reigns supreme? Let’s delve into a comprehensive comparison, exploring their core functionalities, performance nuances, and suitability for various scenarios.

Introduction to the Champions:

  • Selenium: A seasoned veteran, Selenium has been the go-to tool for web automation since 2004. Its language-agnostic approach (Python, Java, C#, etc.) and vast browser support (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) have cemented its widespread adoption.
  • Playwright: A rising star, Playwright entered the scene in 2020, championed by Microsoft. Its record-and-playback model, native Chromium support (Chrome, Microsoft Edge), and modern design promise efficiency and ease of use.

Comparing Playwright vs Selenium Features:

Behind the Scenes: How Selenium and Playwright Work


  1. Selenium Client Library: This is your programming language-specific interface (e.g., Python bindings) for interacting with Selenium. It allows you to write test scripts using familiar syntax and send commands to the server.
  2. JSON Wire Protocol: This standardized protocol acts as the sheet music, defining the communication language between the client and server. It ensures a universal understanding of commands regardless of the chosen programming language.
  3. WebDriver Server: The server acts as the conductor, receiving commands from the client and translating them into instructions for the browser drivers. It manages communication flow and handles multiple clients simultaneously.
  4. Browser Drivers: These are the individual musicians, each responsible for interpreting commands and controlling a specific web browser (e.g., ChromeDriver, FirefoxDriver). They translate the server’s instructions into browser-specific actions.

Optional Direct Mode:
While the client-server model is the default, Selenium also offers a direct mode. In this mode, the client communicates directly with the browser driver, bypassing the server and potentially improving performance for simpler tests.

Page Object Model (POM):
To keep your tests organized and maintainable, Selenium encourages the use of the Page Object Model (POM). This approach involves creating reusable objects representing web pages and their elements. This separation of concerns improves code readability, reusability, and maintainability.


  1. Record and Playback:
    Imagine a macro recorder for your browser. Playwright takes a similar approach, allowing you to manually interact with the browser and record your actions. This recorded script then becomes the foundation for your automated tests, offering a user-friendly entry point, especially for simpler interactions.
  2. Chromium at its Core:
    Playwright’s core leverages Chromium, the engine powering Google Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers. This provides native support for Chrome and Safari (due to its WebKit engine connection), ensuring optimal performance for these widely used browsers. For other browsers like Firefox and Edge, Playwright utilizes extensions to bridge the gap.
  3. Direct Communication:
    Playwright bypasses the middleman and directly controls the browser through its DevTools Protocol. This direct communication potentially reduces overhead and leads to faster test execution, especially for complex interactions involving multiple browser actions.
  4. Event-Driven Architecture:
    Playwright embraces an event-driven architecture, meaning it reacts to events triggered within the browser instead of constantly polling for changes. This efficient approach minimizes unnecessary browser interactions and further contributes to faster test execution.

Deep Dive into Performance: A Hands-On Comparison with Real Tests

While the theoretical discussion of Selenium and Playwright’s architectures and potential performance differences is valuable, let’s delve deeper with practical evidence. In this section, we’ll leverage a GitHub repository ( containing real test automation starter in Python for both tools. The repository implements identical logic for five key tests, enabling a controlled and apples-to-apples performance comparison.
***Important note: the Selenium implementation starter is based on JSON Wire Protocol as standard protocol.
All the compare in the article based on this implementation, there is an option to optimize the run time of selenium.

Summary of Test Functions:

These functions represent five automated test cases for a web application, likely related to user login functionality. They are all decorated with the @timeit decorator, indicating that their execution times will be measured.

1. test_valid_user_login:

  • Log in with a valid username and password.
  • Verifies successful login by checking the catalog page title and item presence.

2. test_invalid_user_login:

  • Log in with an invalid username and password.
  • Verifies the displayed error message matches a specific text.
  • This test checks error handling for incorrect credentials.

3. test_locked_user_login:

  • Log in with a locked user account.
  • Verifies the displayed error message matches a specific text.
  • This test checks the handling of locked accounts and error messaging.

4. test_problem_user:

  • Attempts to log in with a user named “problem_user”.
  • Verifies successful login by checking the catalog page title and item presence.

5. test_performance_user:

  • Attempts to log in with a user named “performance_glitch_user”.
  • Verifies successful login by checking the catalog page title and item presence.

The repository provides execution results for both Selenium and Playwright, including individual test execution times and total execution times. By analyzing these results, we can gain valuable insights into the real-world performance differences between the two tools.

Analyzing the Code:

The provided repository allows us to examine the code for both Selenium and Playwright implementations of the same tests. This offers a chance to understand how each tool approaches the automation tasks and identify potential factors contributing to performance variations.

Key Takeaways:

By combining the data from the execution results and code analysis, we can draw crucial conclusions about the performance characteristics of Selenium and Playwright under specific testing scenarios. This section can become a valuable resource for readers to:

  • Understand the practical performance implications of Selenium and Playwright through concrete examples.
  • Gain insights into how different tools might perform based on test complexity and interaction types.
  • Make informed decisions about choosing the right tool for their specific automation needs.


The performance results from this specific comparison might not be universally applicable. Factors like test complexity, browser versions, and system configurations can influence performance. However, this hands-on exploration serves as a valuable starting point for further investigation and informed decision-making.

I encourage you to explore the provided GitHub repository and conduct your analysis to gain deeper insights into the performance characteristics of Selenium and Playwright in the context of your specific testing needs. Remember, the “best” tool ultimately depends on your unique project requirements and priorities.

Execution Selenium Results:

Execution Playwright Results:

Performance in the Spotlight: A Balanced Look:

Playwright’s Potential:

  • Playwright’s record-playback approach and efficient resource management often lead to faster test execution, especially for complex interactions.
  • Its direct communication and event-driven architecture can offer significant performance advantages in these scenarios.

Selenium’s Strengths:

  • Selenium, with its JSON Wire Protocol implementation, can still be competitive in performance with proper optimization.
  • Techniques like parallel test execution with Selenium Grid can significantly improve test execution speed for large test suites.

Beyond Speed: Factors to Consider:

  • Community & Resources: Selenium boasts a vast and active community, offering abundant resources and support. Playwright’s community is growing rapidly, but its resources are still catching up.
  • Browser Compatibility: Selenium provides native support for more browsers, including Safari (non-Chromium). Playwright offers native Chromium support, with Edge and Firefox requiring extensions.
  • Ease of Development: Playwright’s API is JavaScript-based, potentially easier to learn for web developers. However, Selenium’s language-specific bindings can still be intuitive.

Picking Your Champion:

  • Performance-critical tests with complex interactions: Playwright might be your speed demon more easily — without deep knowledge.
  • Wide browser support and mature ecosystem: Selenium remains a reliable veteran.
  • Ease of development and native Chromium experience: Playwright could be your modern champion.

Remember, the best tool is the one that aligns perfectly with your project’s specific needs and priorities. Consider the factors above, experiment with both tools, and make an informed decision to ensure your web automation journey is a resounding success!

