Mistakes developers make using JavaScript Promises

Shlomi Nissan
3 min readNov 25, 2018


Promises were introduced in ES6 to improve the way we handle asynchronous tasks in JavaScript. A promise is simply an object that serves as a placeholder for an asynchronous result but its implementation helps us solve three problems we experienced using simple callbacks:

Difficult error handling: Since asynchronous callbacks are not being executed in the same step as the event loop, we can’t use built-in language constructs such as try/catch statements:

Performing asynchronous code in parallel: In some cases, we want to perform an action preceded by asynchronous requests that are mutually independent. Running them in parallel is an opprtunity to improve performance but with simple callbacks, it requires some boilerplate code:

Performing asynchronous code in a sequence: If we have multiple asynchronous requests that are interdependent, we usually end up with code that’s difficult to read:

The promise syntax immediately addresses the first problem, difficult error handling. The then() function lets us pass two callbacks to handle resolved promises, one for the fulfilled state (resolved successfully) and one for the rejected state (an error has occurred). As for the other two problems, some developers still fail to address them.

Mistake 1: Not running asynchronous tasks in parallel

Promises offer useful functions that allow us to process asynchronous code in parallel but a lot of developers don’t take advantage of them, instead, they nest their promises and run their requests in a sequence:

In this example, the second promise will not be processed until the first one is resolved, but since they these requests are not mutually dependent, we should process them in parallel using Promise.all():

In this example, both promises will be processed asynchronously and only when both of them are resolved, we handle the result. JavaScript is still single-threaded but since fetch is a primitive handled internally by the browser, it supports multiple fetches at once.

Another related function is Promise.race(). Like Promise.all(), It takes an array of promises, but Promise.race() only handles the first request that’s resolved, regardless of which one it is:

Mistake 2: Not chaining promises

The thing that makes the then() function special is, it always returns a promise. This allows us to chain promises and eliminates callback hell altogether. Unfortunately, nested promises are not uncommon:

This example looks very similar to the one that’s using callbacks. Let’s see how we can make things a little better by chaining these requests:

Looks much better! It certainly makes the code more readable, but we can do even better.

Mistake 3: Not adopting new features

Before we get into async functions, it’s worth mentioning they are not entirely new.

Promises were the most anticipated feature in ES6 but it wasn’t the only one that helped improve our experience with asynchronous code. Often overlooked, generator functions offered an interesting use case that helped us write asynchronous code that looked very much like synchronous code.

Generator functions are special functions that can return multiple values in a sequence and on-demand. Use cases for generators are very limited in the context of a web app, however, combined with promises, generator functions offer a new way to write asynchronous code.

If we were to write an async handler function that takes a generator as a parameter, our last example would have looked like this:

If you are curious about implementing an async handler using generators, I encourage you to explore this topic, but in the meantime, you can get started with async functions right away!

The ECMAScript committee was well aware of the benefits of combining generators and promises so they decided to save us the time by introducing async functions in ES2016.

Now, without writing any additional code, we could rewrite our last example using async/await:

It shouldn’t surprise you that both examples look very similar. Under the hood, async functions are essentially a mixture of generators and promises, but now we don’t have to think about the implementation.

If you want to learn more about async functions, a good place to start is Async functions — making promises friendly by Jake Archibald at Google.

I hope this article highlighted some common issues we can all avoid moving forward. If you’ve got feedback, I would love to hear about it so be sure to leave a comment. If you found this post useful 👏👏👏 away!



Shlomi Nissan

Senior software engineer with a penchant for visual design