
6 min readJun 4, 2022

Today’s been tiring. It’s not like bad things happened, I was just overwhelmed by sudden surprises and birthday wishes from people around me. They sure were loud. I don’t hate it tho, in fact, I secretly love it.

I look over my crowded arm which is full of colorful paper bags as I walk through the parking lot. They sure are many that my arm starts going numb. As well as my lips from all the smiling.

「Where’re you?」

I type while glancing around. Searching for certain someone who’s being obvious that he prepares something for my birthday for days.

「on C4, I’m standing in front of my car with the yellows」

What the hell are yellows anyway. I huff, grumbling a little as I continue to walk. C4 is quite far, why didn’t he pick me up in the lobby instead?

When I finally reach the spot, I find someone whose face is covered with sunflowers and yellow tulips.

“So those are your buddies?”

“Hehe, precisely,” he giggles and suddenly everything seems brighter. The bouquet that he holds slowly lowered down, revealing his face. I gasp at the sight of his black-dyed hair.

“Why — when did you???”

“Didn’t you say that you like my black hair the most?”

“I did, and I thought you liked your blue hair?”

“Not really? I just found it cool.”

“Geez, then where’s my ‘happy birthday’?”

He comes closer and gives me the sun-colored bouquet to me whilst smiling.

“Happy level-up day, princess. A million magic wishes to you.”

I’m pretty sure that my lips have gone numb, so why do they form a curve wider than before? I feel all giddy and fuzzy inside as my hand reaches the pretty flowers.

“Thank you, Mark. They’re lovely.”

“My girl deserves all the beautiful things in this world, these flowers are nothing.”

“You flatterer.”

“Well, I’m your flatterer,” Mark ended his words with a wink and I can’t help but laugh.

“Shall we go now?” He asks.


He helps me with the gifts, then open the car door for me like he always does.

I could finally relax after we left the campus gate. The car moving’s steadily and we both stay silent while hearing 10.000 hours by Justin Bieber that the radio plays.

“So, you won’t ask where are we going?”

“Wherever you take me, it will be fine,” he responded to my words with laughs.

I take the chance to turn into him, then observe Mark closely since I didn’t have the chance before. He wears his favorite black spiderman shirt that I got for him on his birthday like a true marvel fan he is. Along with a baby blue denim jacket as an outer. He puts on navy blue ragged jeans and bnw vans. The orient watch that I gave him on last year’s anniversary clings perfectly on his wrist.

I soften at the thought that he appreciates the gifts I gave. I love that about him.

I snap back from the thought when Mark holds my hand. A baby smile graces his lips, and the sight makes me think of the sun.

“What’s this for?” I play a little with his hand as I asked.

“Do I need a reason to hold my girl’s hand?” He said with a playful tone.
I raise an eyebrow when I hear his response.

Mark just chuckles in return, then he states, “you look exhausted, I thought you need a recharge.”

“How sweet. I’m fine, just a little overwhelmed by their kindness. Maybe I’m not used to it.”

“You deserve it,” I hum softly in response.

“Enough with this sentimental talk, are you hungry?”

“I’m starving”

The car stops at Scaramouche, a place we usually dine at when there’s a special occasion going around.

It’s quite a fancy restaurant, which makes me a little bit hesitant to step into it with my casual campus outfit. I only wear a black crop tee with a soft pink oversize jacket and black jeans, along with my favorite pink converse sneakers.

“It’s a bit weird to dine at Scaramouche with these clothes.”

“It’ll be fine, you’re not alone remember? I also dressed up casually.”


Mark takes my hand as soon as I get out of the car. We walk side by side until he reaches the door and opens it. The small sound of a bell ringing and the sudden gush of the fresh fragrance of leaves mixed with flowers fills my sense of smell. The atmosphere that I’m quite comfortable with.

“I already made a reservation for two at 1 pm under the name of Mark.”

“Yes sir, let me show you the way.”

Surprisingly, even though today is the weekend, there’re not too many people who dine in here. I somehow feel relieved.

“Here’s your table sir, and the menus. I will take my leave. You can call me with the bell on your table by the time you’re considering what to have for lunch.”

“Will do, thank you.”

Mark picked the furthest table from the door near the window. I could see deep blue covering the sky and tall buildings from the seat. The view is magnificent as always.

“Feeling better?”

“Totally. I’ll have the usual”

“Aren’t you tired of it? Why don’t you pick something else? I can pay.”

“Geez, I eat it only 3–4 times a year, how could I get tired of it.”

“Fine. And drink?”

“Also the usual,” He sighs and muttered something under his breath. I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. He’s so cute.

After that, everything’s pretty much fantastic. The food is great as expected, the drink’s refreshing and the cake, unbelievable.

I was almost shocked when the waiter shows up with a duck cake. It’s round, colored in white cream, and yellow as its beak.

“I thought the cake was cute.”

“Well, if I look closely it’s cute.”

“Right??” He beams like a kid when I agreed that the cake is cute.

“Now you get to make a wish on a duck”

“Won’t I get cursed by God or something.”

“No, princess no.”

“Okay okay wait,” I close my eyes and begin to wish on it. After a couple of minutes, I open my eyes, then blow the candle off.

Mark closes it with little claps and a wide smile. I do that too.

“What’s next?” I finally ask when we go back to the car.

“Arcade and movie, of course”

“The twist was insane, I can’t believe it,” he said with an excited tone. His face turns slightly red though I’m not sure since it’s already dark.

“I know right?? Who could’ve guessed that the whole train was the culprit??”

“But the detective knew it all along, he was so cool,” I nod in agreement.

It’s been a few minutes since the car stopped and we talk about the movie that we watched. It’s a perfect spot where the CN tower could be seen clearly. The view is stunning, the city full of lights as if they were twinkling stars, and the lake that reflects them all becomes so colorful.

“How’s today?”

“Fantastic, couldn’t be any better.”


“Hmm very.”

He hums softly, “good to hear.”

“Thank you for making me the happiest today”

Mark lifts my hand, then caresses it softly with a kiss.

“Thank you for being born.”

“Life has never been easy but look how far you’ve come. I’m proud of you.”

“And I hope you can be proud of yourself too, I wish you could see how amazing you are.”

“No matter what kind of hardship awaits, I hope you’ll stand firm and be able to overcome it all.”

“And if you ever feel like running away, I’ll take you anywhere, I’ll hug you tight and safe.”

“Don’t forget that I’m your sanctuary.”

“You deserve all the good things in this world, okay?”

He said those words easily, whilst smiling softly. The way he describes me through his lenses as if I were the best person he ever met. Being with him feels like sweet cotton candy and simple like a child’s mind. He’s like the jam in my donut.

He’s beyond all I ever asked for.

“You’re the best of all, Mark. Nothing can compare to you.”

so, happy birthday. it’s been ages since i last write something, fluff on top of that. ik it’s cringe sorry lol. but yeah happy birthday.

