40 Billion Dreams

Shoaib Aslam
15 min readSep 6, 2023


Every human being observes a different world when he sleeps. In this transcendental world of sleep, the images seen, the sounds heard or the experiences of various sensations are called dreams. Everyone passes through dream experiences. Dreams have always provided clues for man.

In ancient times, from Hippocrates, his student Plato, his student Aristotle to Bergson, Carl Jung, Freud and many other intellectuals and psychologists in the past centuries, they have discussed dreams. Present your own thoughts or ideas. From ancient times to today, dreams have been attributed to various factors.

Sometimes it was linked to physical and mental condition, sometimes it was called a battle between consciousness. In some cases, dreams are said to be a door to the future and a notification of an upcoming event, other times they are said to be a pile of empty thoughts.

Some people say they have never dreamed. In this regard, psychologists say that in the first five minutes of waking up, a person forgets more than half of his dreams. In the next five minutes, 90 percent of his dreams are forgotten.

They leave a memory. Only a few people are people who dream after waking up. Live well. Usually we dream without a head. Sometimes we forget, and some meaningful dreams overwhelm our senses. Some people say that they get hints from the unseen in their dreams or see true dreams.

Some people believe in the possibility of making a dream come true, and some people even dream of them. They do not believe in the truth. According to experts, most dreams occur during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, the period of sleep when the visual senses are dulled and the brain emits calm waves.

According to an estimate, it takes a person 90 minutes to commute to and from this dream zone. This means everyone has a dream every hour and a half of sleep. Everyone has four to six dreams in normal sleep. If every person sees an average of 5 dreams per day, then 40 per day in the world’s 8 billion population About a billion dreams are seen.

When the experts analyzed these 40 billion dreams, it was revealed that the dreams most people have are usually the same: I dream you never die because despite the discrimination of color, race and religion, these dreams are seen by everyone, such as the dream of falling from a height, flying, wandering, sometimes people dream that they are driving a car. A person is in the exam room, but does not have any preparation, or sometimes they are not able to complete the paper in the required amount of time.

According to a review of research, at least 18 percent of people have at least one lucid dream. In addition, 63 to 98 percent of people trust in lucid dreams, depending on different regions and communities.

Or they see that an enemy or dangerous animal is chasing them and run to save themselves from it. It’s common for people to see such dreams during those times when they are very concerned about their situation. According to psychologist Gerfeld, everyone dreams according to his personal experiences. It consists of the inner concerns and fears we have, joys and sorrows we have, and our daily affairs, which are sometimes present in it. Are hidden. We dream about the situations we are undergoing through in our lives. For example, if someone is afraid of failure, if so, they will see themselves suffering from failure, fear and dishonor in the dream.

Similarly, if someone has recalled an incident in his life into his mind, he will see it repeating itself in his dream. Psychologist Freud described dreams as manifestations of instinctive desires. He said that the situations and events we move through throughout our day matter. Whether we remember them or not, they become part of our memory involuntarily. We see these events during sleep.

Psychologists say we only see faces in our dreams that we have seen with our own eyes somewhere in our lives. We see many people every day. As we age, the number of faces we witness increases to thousands, if not millions. We don’t know most of them but those forms are stored in our subconscious. Since our consciousness is not working in dreaming, unconscious forms are distorted and sometimes take strange forms. And we look different from normal humans. Experts say dreams have their own reality. The world of dreams is different from our real world but everything seen in it is related to our real world. Dreams viewed by any person reflect mental, physical and spiritual conditions.

It is related to man’s inner senses. Just as man gets knowledge through external senses. This awareness is useful for the fulfillment of its physical requirements, physical development, life preservation and the survival of species. Inner senses also inform man. Through dreams, humans are not only informed about many future possibilities, or dangers, but guidance is provided for self-improvement. These include guidance about health, mood, behavior, etc. Dr. Patrick McNamara, an American neurologist and researcher on brain performance during sleep and dreams, says that occasional disturbing dreams are nothing special.

However, if such dreams become regular, consult a specialist. Reference is required. Most disturbing dreams come from stress, anxiety and serious illnesses. Recurrence of a dream may indicate that there is a visible problem that needs immediate attention. An immediate response is essential. The purpose of today is to discuss the universal dreams that some of us have every single day: some of them reveal some specific facts about someone, a few facts about themselves that others hide or even don’t know at all.

Losing your way

Most people have had dreams about being lost in a forest or city when they are wandering on uncharted streets or roads, looking for their home or destination. But there was a way to see it There are times when in real life Qu cannot decide how to react to a situation.

Cathleen O’Connor, author of The Everything Law of Attraction Dream Dictionary, writes that dreams of losing yourself or looking for something lost usually indicate anxiety, confusion, fear, and despair. These are usually related to people’s current life situations where they worry they won’t find their way. This could bean unfamiliar job where they don’t feel up to their skills, moving to an unfamiliar place, making friends. The act of making or worrying about something important. Such dreams reveal inner fears and indicate the need to be stronger than before.

These dreams indicate people to work on themselves so that they don’t get disappointed with anything soon and try to improve their life.

Seeking something

There are also some sub-dreams such as wandering or searching which indicate subconscious confusion. Seeking something means wanting fulfillment in one’s being. Not consciously aware of what to do. But sometimes such a dream comes from the subconscious There is also a warning, as through a dream Man would have been given an indication of the problems he had to face. So he reconsidered his affairs and decided todo the work planned Bring them to completion.

Unknown Gates

Wandering around a palace or fort looking for an unknown door to enter. Finding an unknown door is usually a sign that people are likely to find an exciting and exciting opportunity in their daily lives. An open door represents a skill or desire that people were passionate about in the past, but had to put aside for a while. So the dreamer of this new opportunity should be able to walk through the door open.

Losing your shoes

Losing your shoes or belongings Dreaming of losing your shoes is also a sign of lack of confidence in your abilities. Such a dream indicates the need for timely action to re-establish one’s position in certain circumstances.

Not being able to find a toilet

Not being able to find a toilet indicates something negative and harmful in life. People are struggling to come out of this difficult situation. To solve this situation, you have to improve your priorities.

Falling from a height

Falling from a height Many people see themselves falling from a height in their dreams. There are times when the feeling is so intense that the eyes open in shock. It takes several minutes to understand what is happening to us.

Seeing yourself falling in a dream is actually an indication of stressful and difficult situations in real life. Dreams can be the result of the feeling that some things are going out of control and you don’t know how to handle them in the present time. Dream Specialist Delphi Ellis It is said that in a dream, one falls from a height. Such a dream signifies that the dreamer is worried about some important changes taking place in his/her life and the consequences that will result from those changes. Such people are always thinking about what the future holds.

Following realization,

If one has had a dream in which they find themselves being chased by a person, a crowd of people, or a dangerous creature, the fear and panic associated with the dream can also take its toll in real life. Being pursued is an aspect of the behavior of the individual.

It is something we experience only in certain situations in our daily lives. This is usually seen in a dream for a particular event or person. However, no event or person is behind anyone. The meaning of this dream is actually an indication of situations that cause fear and anxiety. Now these situations can happen in the present, and in the future.

In dreams, many people also see someone following them. Sometimes they see someone or something chasing them. Sometimes they don’t know who is doing it. Dream specialist Delphi Ellis says that if you dream of being chased, it represents the dreamer’s fear of being financially insecure in another way. According to Delphi, when we worry too much about a task or feel like a past event is having a negative effect on our present, we can dream such a dream.


Dreaming of being imprisoned in a place without a lock or door, or being imprisoned in a box or coffin can be very disturbing for people who have a fear of closed spaces i.e. a cluster phobia problem. Happens. This dream also indicates being trapped or snatched in a certain situation in real life. Dreaming like this usually indicates that the dreamer experiences difficulties functioning independently in life.

This dream reminds you to be more informed and decisive about your decisions. Seek guidance from these dreams again, taking more responsibility for your decisions Start taking charge of your life.

Also, a dream in which people see a narrow passage or narrow doors usually signifies that someone is blocking their progress. Small doors or holes represent opportunities and possibilities that don’t seem close enough to deliver anything. So alternatives to achieving your goal should be considered by trying to see the methods.

Flying in the air

Dreaming of flying represents freedom. Flying in a dream indicates freedom and creative pursuits in real life. People who feel themselves flying in a dream say that this dream gives them pleasure even in sleep because they move very freely, in the open air, at a height.

Dreaming of flying indicates bravery and strong goals in real life. This person wants to achieve a high position in the world and worries about it, and this concern appears in the form of a dream. To keep your wild dreams alive, you should avoid impractical and foolish decisions.

Tooth decay

There are several demands that must be met if you want to see your tooth breaking in a dream. It took a single meaning to be about to be separated from a close loving person. It can also mean that someone is there is intense fear or apprehension of financial loss. Some people It is said that seeing teeth breaking in a dream It means that the dreamer is getting older and is afraid of teeth in the interpretation of current psychiatry Falls are more related to psychological problems And falling teeth usually refer to human beings There is a breakdown of personality. This dream also indicates disturbing situations in reality.

Being late

Leaving home for school or work but not reaching on time and getting late is one of the ten most common dreams in the world. The feeling of not being able to meet yourself or others’ expectations is seen in the form of being late for a place in a dream.

When people dream that they are late or about to be behind schedule, it is often because they are trying to achieve more than they can handle. This dream means not meeting one’s expectations or missing an opportunity that might have been missed.

Deep Forest, Mysterious

A dream in which the dreamer lives in the depths of the forest or walks on someone in a mysterious manner indicates that the dreamer is becoming more aware of his abilities. The mysterious passage of life. It also indicates change.

Drowning in the water

Dreams about water are symbolic of emotions. Watching someone drown in water reveals that they are drowning in their emotions as well. The way in which they express the emotions they are experiencing.

Survive the storm

Weather-related dreams foreshadow the possibilities and consequences people may wake up to. Life cannot be controlled. A dream like this is a predictor of a storm of problems happening in the daily routine.

Getting stuck in an elevator

This dream is a sign of pessimism about advancement in a profession. This dream indicates that people feel very uncomfortable in their current career and are anxious to move forward in it. Protect yourself from elevator dreams One key to maintaining your career potential Start thinking about directions.

Hands are tied

In a dream, people want to extend their hands to do something, but realize their hands are tied. Feeling helpless the dreams indicate helplessness in real life.

Dreaming about uninvited guests

Is often a sign that people have opportunities for improvement in life Being aware of According to Western experts, guests coming to the house are considered to be a symbol of these possibilities.

Empty room

Finding yourself working alone in your workplace or office or dreaming of an empty room may indicate that the dreamer’s professional ability is not fully appreciated by others. Seeing yourself working in an empty room also means that such people are not striving hard for career development.

Loss or injury to a major body organ

Dreaming of an injury means the dreamer’s functional ability will be compromised. Functioning in any area of practical life is weakening. There must be a connection between this dream and your abilities. Take action as soon as possible.

Burglary at home

This dream indicates that someone uninvited interferes in the dreamer’s personal life without permission. Symbolizes any situation in which a person is trying to dominate another’s affairs, decisions or work and the dreamer is not feeling safe.

pregnant or having a baby

Dreaming of pregnancy or seeing a baby in the lap is considered a sign of the arrival of something fresh, seeing a newborn baby in the lap represents something new, changing work situations. This is the first task. It can be a project, an upcoming task or an original idea. Seeing yourself or someone pregnant is also considered a sign that you are taking a long time to complete a project in your daily life. Such a dream of patience

Killed or committed suicide

Psychologists believe that seeing someone killed, killed or committed suicide in dreams simply indicates that some serious changes need to be made in the world.

Saw a signboard

Warning of danger ahead is a sign to reconsider your decisions. Psychologists say. An obstacle or a sign of road closure or danger indicates that the dreamer may have made a decision that he didn’t want to act on.

Unnecessary clothing

To see yourself in a public place or party in a dream, and the next moment wearing unnecessary clothes or too many clothes, means people feel unattractive in real life.

Cutting hair

Is a sign of masculinity and masculinity is seen as To dream of repeated haircuts may mean that people in real life experience a sense of lack of beauty.


There are many repressed emotions associated with crying dreams, and feelings are expressions of those emotions. Dreams are sometimes a way to release suppressed emotions and feelings.

Meeting an old friend

To dream of meeting an old friend means Western experts say people are becoming aware of their special abilities. I want to share the message of this dream with you so that you can forget this. My ability will be improved.

Meeting a celebrity

Most people dream about meeting famous people, from musicians to historical figures. This is a common dream because we often think about these things. Celebrity dreams are very common for many people because famous people attract attention because of their fame. In addition, our thoughts often also appear in our dreams. Dreams may also indicate realizations of natural desires or impressions of a person’s ability or personality.


The dream of your death or the death of someone close to you is also quite common. A loved one is dying. Seeing actually indicates that a lot of love has been given to this dreamer is present and do not want to lose it under any circumstances.

The meaning of death in a dream is real, however. There is no sign of death in the real world. It actually indicates a change in life which can be completely unexpected.

According to some experts, dreaming of death can also be a sign of something’s end. Seeing death in a dream also means eliminating poison from within.

Unclothing yourself in front of others

Unclothed, naked or semi-naked among people also means that there is a situation in waking life that makes one feel less assertive Most psychologists agree that this dream indicates that people are embarrassed about something that others do not know.

This dream represents the fear of being exposed to people for a lie or appearance and pretend . That is, someone has placed himself or herself in front of people. What has been presented so that the curtain does not rise? The dream may also offer a clue to boosting confidence, instead of being deterred by a stressful situation.

Exams without preparation or a car without brakes

Dreaming of being in an exam room and realizing you did not prepare can be disturbing. We dream about these things when we are facing an exam, test, or interview in real life, or when they are very important to us and we do not want to fail them.

After waking up from this dream, the fear of the exam or interview takes hold. When in real life the situation is out of control and the mind feels anxiety, dreams usually show the car’s brakes are not working. In addition, the paper is not solved in the exam room. Is. In some situations, things may go out of control. But instead of panicking in such a situation, you should use your skills to manage things to the maximum.

A stray bee attack

A stray bee attack is a sign of something troubling and scary. It can also be a sign of evil friends or envious people. It can also mean that the dreamer is not happy with the people around him.

Fear of spiders

Spiders and spider webs are symbols of confusion. And such a dream is an extreme reaction that people have to a particular situation in their lives that they are very concerned about.


Snakes in dreams Seeing this kind of dangerous animal often indicates that the dreamer will have to face a conflict. Seeing yourself surrounded by snakes indicates that you need to change yourself in life. It requires a lot of effort and work to change yourself and there are times when you can fall.

Ghost or witch

Dreams and seeing ghosts or witches hovering around are actually symbols of suppressed emotions or fears. Fear demonizes people and makes them seem like creatures.

Fire or flames

Things are usually destructive and impossible to control. Dreaming about fire can mean anger, emotion or even destruction.

Climbing a mountain

Dreaming of climbing a high mountain or climbing a ladder to the top indicates that people seek to achieve a certain level of success in life. Such dreams should also be considered as a sign or warning that people should take one step at a time. This is instead of rushing into what they are doing. Balance your activity and pace to walk smoothly no matter how difficult it is.



Shoaib Aslam

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