Shobhana Beauty Studio
3 min readNov 2, 2018

Hair Highlight Is the Emerging Trend in Today’s Fashion World!

Hair highlights are quite in trend today, which is used to color a certain part of your hair that creates a magical impression. Hair highlights are indeed the nice option for those who don’t like coloring their hair entirely but love to stay in vogue. Hair highlights create a stunning and sexy look which will bound beholders to get hypnotized. So, if you truly want to make your boy breathless from your breathtaking look, don’t deprive yourself of the emerging fad of hair highlights.

To get your hair highlighted you have two options — you can either get a hair highlight kit and do it yourself or prefer to get in contact with a hair stylist to do the task aptly. However, the later one is the more preferred route.

Types of Hair Highlighting Techniques -

Hair highlighting is classified into four different types

· Foil highlighting — Foil highlighting is a technique where foil is used to separate and wrap hair strands to avoid fixing of colors on other strands.

· Hair painting — Hair painting is a way of using brush or comb to paint the desired color on the hair.

· Chunking — Chunking is a method of coloring different sizes chunks of hair.

· Low-lighting — Low lighting is a technique of applying lighter shades to natural hair.

The diverse range of hair highlighting color options -

The best thing about hair highlights is that with this emerging trend, you can never get dearth of choices. The current global market is flooded with assortments of different shades for hair highlighting. There are myriad of color options you can choose to highlight your hair. Blue, purple, red, burgundy, green, gold, brown are just to name a few. You can choose any of the shades to highlights the streaks of your hair and impart a wonderful look. However, the basic fundamental of the hair highlighting technique lies in choosing the perfect shade that may compliment the natural color of your hair, skin tone and hair length.

Basically all the hues and shades of hair colors are classified into two parts — cool tones and warm tones. Cool tones include medium ash brown, dishwater blonde, blue-black, deep coffee brown, golden blonde, medium golden brown, and white whereas warm tones includes the shades of red, deep brown, strawberry blonde and gray. Depending on the categories of cool and warm tones, you can pick and choose the perfect color to highlight your hair. Choosing a hair color may match with your skin tone is also important. Hence, don’t make haste, take your time and make a right choice.

Hair highlights are in vogue and they look very fashionable provided that you make a right choice not only in the aspect of selecting the color but also in terms of visiting a right hair salon also.