Letter to my best friend

Letter to dedicate and admire all those efforts and love one put to keep this spirit goin on.

Shobha Rani
2 min readAug 8, 2020

Dear best friend,
I still remember those initial days of college, when we used to pass smiles every time we meet,
You featured cute to me, I featured sensible to you( maybe)
As time passes by, I got to find you always on my side, what else one craves for?
Be it attending lectures to going college together, From classmates to hostel mates, from hostel mates to biffles, we found a close-knit that’ll be gonna sustain,
Had seen your embarrassing red-painted face when you got roasted in the first year as you being an easy target to get roasted like every time,
Had encountered the change in your audacity too and find how nicely you deal with these, bravo!
It was never easy to write upon you,
That charisma and those vibes you carry around can’t be defined in mere few words,
What one thing I like the most is how
You used to spoil me by giving equally encouragement to do all things in which I’m bad at.
Thanks for all those cooking-innovations and sudden adventurous hangouts,
Listen I understand, it had been never easy to be available for all the time or to put one behind one’s priorities, but you did and I’m grateful for that,
Thanks for always being there!!!



Shobha Rani

A Reader, A Writer, A management student, BHUian, Ima seeker seeking best job opportunities