I don’t know what I am doing

Shobhit Bakliwal
3 min readSep 6, 2017

I really don’t…

This is really me.

By sheer luck, I have had the opportunity to be associated with great companies in the past, and that is all the credibility that I think I have.

My online profiles make it seem that I have my life sorted for the most part, but trust me it’s not even close to the truth.

I have been working on my own full time for one and a half years now and there are times still when I don’t know from where I’ll be getting money to cover this month’s office expenses.

I wrote a popular guide on “polymorphic associations” in Ruby on Rails. People read it and assume I am some Rails ninja, when in reality I wrote it as a brain dump, so I can refer to it again and again because I just can’t remember it.

I’ve been making apps for Android since 2011 (~6 years) and I still have to search for a guide on how to get a RecyclerView to work.

I was motivated last week to create a follow up screen cast for programmers on weekend but then I saw a deal on Flipkart to get Batman: Arkham Origins for 80% off.


Heck, I was supposed to complete this article, the one which you’re reading right now, 2 weeks earlier. But no, bloody Batman was more important.

Every now and then, I get messages on Quora asking for my advice on their life’s situation.

They want me to tell them the programming language they should study now to make the most money. They want to know what will keep them relevant for years to come.

Some want advice on how to land a great job, some want to know how to venture out on their own.

While I try my best to answer them as objectively as possible, I feel guilty doing so.

I was one of the early adopters of Bitcoin, and it was mostly because it allowed me to purchase games on steam. I bought some bitcoins, read about them and tried to evangelize to my colleagues at the time. Most of them thought I was nuts, and truth be told, I couldn’t articulate a good enough reason to justify investing in them.

But lo and behold, everyone’s asking me whether they should invest in bitcoins. I’ve invested in them for nearly three years now, but I am still not sure if it’s a good investment.

I just tell people to invest the money they don’t mind losing.

I’ve even lost the plot to this article. I don’t know how to take this to its conclusion, or what is the takeaway for you, the reader, for giving me this precious time and attention which could have been better spent on a watching the new Taylor Swift song.

I really don’t know anything. Please clap for me?

