Shobhit Kumar
5 min readMay 25, 2016

A-Z Men Health Tips — Nutritional Needs, Body Fitness & Healthy Sex

“To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. ’’ All men should remember these wise words from Buddha. With growing awareness, many of us are realizing the importance of health. However, many men neglect their health, citing paucity of time as an excuse. But one should remember that men’s health is as important as women’s health.

Men should not think that they are naturally stronger than women so they can afford to neglect health. Changing lifestyles and hectic day-to-day life can wreck havoc on men’s health. Increased stress takes a heavy toll on body, so men cannot afford to ignore health anymore in an environment where sedentary lifestyle dominates. Men need to look closely at their nutritional needs, body fitness for a healthy sex life too.

So here are few men health tips which help men stay fit and healthy at every age.


Regular exercise is a must if you want to be physically fit, and keep health problems at bay. Regular exercise, workout, etc have many physical, mental and emotional benefits. It keeps your body fit and in shape, reduces the risk of high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and osteoporosis, and reduces cholesterol level too. It also guards you against depression, and is an instant mood maker.

Weight Management

Being overweight or obese can lead to many health issues, and can be fatal too. So this should be first priority when it comes to men health tips. Exercising regularly is important, but with that one should eat healthy and balanced food, and say a big NO to junk foods and sugary drinks. A recent study said that obesity is responsible for about 3,50,000 deaths every year in America.

Quit Smoking, Drink Moderately

In America about 400,000 people die due to smoking. This indicates that smoking is the top reason for death among men. It leads to various respiratory diseases, including lung cancer. Smoking is considered to be a major reason for oral cancer too. Heavy drinking is not safe either. Excessive drinking is bad for liver, kidney and heart. It affects mental health and fertility too. Heavy drinking tends to spoil your social life and increase the risk of road accidents leading to death. On the other hand, moderate drinking reduces the risk of coronary artery diseases.

Regular Checkups, Tests

Body checkup is one of the most important among men health tips. You should go for regular cholesterol and blood pressure checkups, as these two are considered silent killers- they damage heart and arteries. On other hand, after a certain age every man should go for colonoscopy and prostrate serum antigen testing. Colon and prostate cancer are two of the most common are common diseases among men. They are curable if diagnosed early, so regular testing helps. Men should also get regular glaucoma screening after an age. Glaucoma is the leading cause for blindness. This is important as Glaucoma is spreading fast.

Watch Your Diet

It is very important for every man to eat balanced and healthy diet. Men need adequate amount of nutrients to keep them fit, maintain muscle mass, prevent diseases and for a healthy sex life. Men health tips are the best way to know how to take care of yourself. So here are diet tips — it is important for you to increase good fats and carbs in your diet. Go for omega-3 fats, whole grains, etc, and banish saturated fats and refined grains for a healthy body and life. Foods like oysters, nuts, fatty fish, bananas, red-orange veggies, berries, cherries, etc are good for men.

Me Time Is Important

Me time is also important for men, so always find some time for yourself. You can meditate or practice relaxation exercise, go for a movie, indulge yourself in a hobby or a favourite activity. You may go for a weekend trip with male friends or family. Solo trip is the best. Doing so reduces your stress level, and makes you calm, more creative and productive .This is good for emotional, mental health and stability too.

Sex Life

The next on the list of men health tips is practicing safe sex for happy, healthy and pleasurable sex life. Safe sex is important to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, infertility, unwanted fatherhood, etc, and to do so condoms are the best safeguard. Exercise, healthy diet and decent lifestyle help you to have better sex life. Want exercise and pleasure combo, then indulge yourself in morning sex. It has been proven as the best workout.

Looks Matter

Beauty and taking care of your skin is not restricted to women only. It is part of the men health tips too. So men should not forget to take good care of their skin. Use sunscreen before stepping out in sun, it saves your from suntan, skin issues and skin cancer. Use herbal and sweat proof sunscreen. You should also practice good personal hygiene — from body care to beard, to hair, skin, nails, etc.

We started with Buddha, but will end with Mahatma Gandhi’s gem, “It is health that is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.’’