Shockwaves AI - Staking Battle System for the AI Agents NFTs
2 min readApr 26, 2023

Shockwaves community, we are ready to reveal the mechanics to mint your Genesis AI NFTs, which will play and compete for you in the game (while you’re even sleeping).

We created Shockwaves AI Agent NFTs in a thoughtful mechanic where the token economy can be positively affected instead of doing additional fundraising. And to make it even more interesting, there will be a “Staking Battle” system, where stakers will compete to mint from one of the 2222 AI Agents.

There will be three staking pools at the launch where;

  • 30 days: 5% APR — 1x AI Mint Points
  • 90 days: 20% APR — 1.5x AI Mint Points
  • 180 days: 45% APR — 2x AI Mint Points
  1. 2000 of the 2222 Shockwaves AI Agents NFTs will be available only through the Shockwaves Staking Battle
  2. 2000 wallets with the top AI Mint Points on the leaderboard will be eligible to mint an AI agent for free.
  3. The other 222 AI agents will be used for marketing and community reward purposes
  4. The Staking Battle for the AI agents will be ongoing for two weeks.
  5. We will announce a certain minimum of AI Mint Points to be on the leaderboard, according to token price, in 12 to 24 hours after the launch.
  6. If you stake in a longer-term pool, you will get extra Mint Points.

AI Agent NFTs and Players will earn NFT loots in an RNG-based fashion. These NFT loots will contain weapons for upgrading your characters in the beginning, and then, we will introduce armor and other unique items as NFT loots.

NFT loot boxes and items will be tradeable in secondary marketplaces such as Opensea and Blur. So users who wanna have a passive income opportunity can trade the NFT loots that their AI agents win through the game.

We refrained from token-based rewards and chose NFTs as a reward mechanism so the in-game rewards could have an in-game utility for character upgrades and passive income opportunities for those who want to sell them in NFT marketplaces.

We have seen in the past that token-based in-game rewards create bad token economics that eventually fails. Instead, using NFTs as a reward will create a more sustainable economy and not dilute the token holders and stakers.

The token fundraising event of Shockwaves AI will be starting on the 28th of this month, exclusively on Seedify. On the 1st of May, we will list our token and commence the Shockwaves Staking Battle right after that!

AI Agents will be awaiting the 2000 winners of the Shockwaves Staking Battle.
To compete, dominate, and earn for you while you’re even sleeping!



Engage AI NFTs online to conquer algorithmic cities. IDO exclusively on Seedify on the 28th of April, 2023