The Right Path To Being A Senior Flutter Developer

shodeke barry
3 min readJun 27, 2022


What is Flutter?

Flutter is Google’s open-source technology for creating mobile, desktop, and web apps with a single codebase. Unlike other popular solutions, Flutter is not a framework or library; it’s a complete SDK — software development kit. Expanding your horizon, let's define a library, framework, and SDK.

A library is basically a reusable piece of code that you put in your application to perform a certain common function.

A framework is a structure that provides you with a skeleton architecture for building software. It’s a set of tools that serves as a foundation for your app, requiring you to fill in the blanks with your code to complete the entire structure and get the desired functionality.

An SDK has a much wider scope as it’s a collection of tools, including libraries, documentation, APIs, sometimes frameworks, and more, giving you all you need for software development. And that’s the case with Flutter — it already contains everything necessary to build cross-platform applications.

Reasons to learn Flutter

1. Increasing Demand for Flutter Developers

Flutter Developers’ demand is increasing day by day in the job market as almost everyone is moving towards Native app development for which Flutter is very much relevant

2. Larger Community

Being stuck in with programming errors with no community to research on is a bad programming ecosystem. So, as a developer, you search your error on Google or in a browser and you’ll find a similar problem with a solution. And that’s where the role of the larger Flutter community comes! The Flutter developers community has seen exponential growth in the last few years on different QA forums such as Stack Overflow, GitHub, etc.

3. Better Documentation

Indeed, well-prepared documentation is also very essential for any framework or language to make a good standing in the market and Flutter has awesome and fully organized documentation where you can easily learn the syntax and other required concepts in detail.

4. Time-Effective and Fast Development

Flutter supports the fast development process and saves a lot of time for the developers. Firstly, Flutter is UI friendly with so many widgets to build a creatively designed app. Also, it is quite easy with Flutter to apply all the changes and to fix bugs instantly. Moreover, with Flutter, there is required less time to spend on testing and deployment of the application.

5. Easy to Learn

Flutter is comparatively easier to learn. Flutter uses Dart programming language, you need to be proficient with the language.

How to learn flutter the right way from a beginner to an expert.


Introduction to flutter

Understanding Dart and reading Documentation


User Inputs



API Calls

Database Integration

Navigator 1.0


Responsive Design


State Management

Navigator 2.0

Project Architecture



Deploying Apps



Research on better ways to implement codes.

Thanks for reading

