5 Possible Reasons You Feel Pain on the Top of Your Foot

Shoes blast
4 min readNov 19, 2021


Despite the fact that you work your whole body when running (counting your arms, hips, and center), your feet bear a ton of the weight. So its especially alarming when you begin to feel a glimmer of torment each time you take a stepand confounding when you cannot pinpoint the reason. That is particularly valid for top-of-foot torment, which, not at all like all the more notable conditions, for example, plantar fasciitis and shin supports, can be hard to self-analyze.

The uplifting news is: Youd know it on the off chance that you had an all out crack on the grounds that youd scarcely have the option to walk. Assuming you as of late expanded your preparation volume or recurrence, and feel a continuous beginning of torment, its impossible that youre taking a gander at a break or the crack of a tendon, ligament, or muscle, says Cameron Yuen, senior actual advisor at Bespoke Treatments.

The awful news? You could have one of a couple of different issues, including a pressure break that could transform into a full crack on the off chance that you arent cautious. The fundamental reason is quite often the standard of toos: to an extreme, too early, over and over again, excessively long, Yuen says. However, in the event that the aggravation actually perseveres following seven days of rest, consistently see a clinical expert.

Meanwhile, heres what could be causing your top-of-foot torment specifically, in addition to what can be done.

1. You have tendonitis.

Bunches of individuals partner tendonitis (a.k.a. an aggravated ligament) with knee torment, yet its additionally a typical reason for top-of-foot torment. You can foster tendonitis of the tibialis foremost ligaments, which get from the center of your leg down to the center of your foot, says Jacob Wynes, collaborator educator of muscular health at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. How you realize you have it: The aggravation will be gathered in your foot and off to the instep, near your enormous toe, he says. You may likewise have shin braces since the ligament begins close to your shins. (Two for one!)

What to do: as well as icing and taking a calming, youll additionally need to do some toe grasp activities to take the pressure off the ligament, alongside dorsiflexion (flexing your foot up towards your shin), which Wynes says assists this with composing of tendonitis. This sort of foot torment is regularly found with high-curve foot types, so custom orthotics can likewise be useful, he says.

2. You have a metatarsal pressure crack.

There are five metatarsal bones in the focal point of your foot, and you can foster a metatarsal pressure break in the event that you go excessively hard, excessively quick (this is generally normal in the second through fourth metatarsal bones). Ive seen this in sprinters who had significant stretches of rest because of a physical issue, then, at that point, suddenly went into long distance race mode, Wynes says. Post for obvious enlarging and torment focused on the highest point of your foot over the bones. The enlarging could be so awful, you cannot see your veins any longer.

What to do: See your PCP. Stress cracks require a more forceful treatment plan, similar to a boot, and downtime until they recuperate, Wynes says. In any case, you hazard making an all out break or another pressure crack.

3. Hallux rigidus.

If your toes are stiff and meaning you have hallux ridigus

What to do: Thankfully, you can without much of a stretch tackle this issue by releasing your bands or purchasing better fitting shoes (heres how to purchase the right running shoes). The aggravation ought to disappear inside two to about a month as the irritation dies down, Wynes says.

4. You have a neuroma.

Neuromas of the forefoot are excited and enlarged nerves that movement close to the metatarsals and feel like a consuming sensation, Yuen says. It can likewise feel like a sharp aggravation that shoots up through your foot into your toes. There isnt much space between the metatarsals, so a kindled and enlarged nerve can become bothered rapidly. The reason for that exacerbation? Shoes that are excessively little or excessively close around the forefoot.

What to do: Look for a shoe with more space in the forefoot (we like Altra running shoes thus), then, at that point, ice and take a mitigating to diminish the irritation, Yuen says. Sensation changes in the foot can likewise be brought about by vascular infections, metabolic sicknesses, and from aggravated nerve roots at the level of the spine, so you should in any case see a specialist for good measure. You will probably have to get a MRI or a ultrasound to see a neuroma.

5. You have joint pain.

There are two normal sorts of joint inflammation: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid joint pain. Osteoarthritis is brought about by injury to, or abuse of, your jointsthe ligament that pads the bones in your joints decays. Rheumatoid joint inflammation, then again, is an immune system problem. While sprinters are not any more liable to experience the ill effects of joint inflammation than any other person, its still a condition that influences a huge number of individuals worldwide and can cause foot torment that makes running troublesome. As per the Mayo Clinic, you may encounter torment, delicacy, firmness, expanding, or loss of adaptability in your foot.

What to do: See your PCP if youre encountering any of the above manifestations that wont disappear, so they can figure out what game-plan will turn out best for you. They might do X-beams and different sorts of outputs and suggest prescriptions or different kinds of treatments to assist with treating your aggravation.

