UI/UX Case Study: Bank Jago Term Savings and Last Wish

Shofy Ufairoh Syarifah
7 min readNov 28, 2021


A new life with a new way to savings

Hello everyone! I’m Shofy, in this time I want to share with you one thing that I learned about a new way of saving our money and insurance, and I hope you can have new insight into our finance.

Jago is a financial application that works on a life-centric principle. With the Jago Application, managing finances becomes easier, collaborative, and innovative, so you can focus more on living your life, with family and friends.


This is one of the projects from the skillvul internship program which runs from August-December and collaborates with Bank Jago partners in making a feature to make it easier for customers to save future funds safely and comfortably, I am not an employee and a contract professional with Bank Jago.


Sometimes it is very difficult for us to make all preparations for the future because there are several obstacles such as the habit of not being able to resist the desire to shop, consumptive culture, complicated taking care of insurance. After all,e the process is complicated, and many other obstacles that make it difficult for us to save and make preparations. for the future. Managing finances is not an easy thing, especially in today’s situation where the temptation occurs where “Managing money well has nothing to do with your intelligence, it has more to do with behavior” -Psychology of Money-.

So from this problem comes a feature to make it easier for you to manage your finances and future insurance, including the Time Savings (Tabungan Berjangka) and Last Wish (Surat Wasiat)

Role: UI/UX Designer

Scope User: Emphatazie, Define, Ideate, Brainstorming Idea, Affinity Diagram, Prioritization Idea, Crazy 8, User Flow, Prototype, Usability Testing

Timeline: 8 Weeks

Application: Figma

Project Goals

  • Finding out customer needs for products in saving
  • Finding out customer habits in terms of finances
  • Finding out the efficiency of a feature to help customers in managing finances


Design Thinking

My Role

In this project, I’m working with my teammates Berliana Kemala Dewi and Muhammad Naufal, I’m responsible for making term savings, and contributing to other features such as creating a home and digital identity and signature.

Design Process

In this project we are carrying out five processes, as long as the process is not always carried out sequentially, there is always a repetition of the process to make sure everything goes well.


In the early stages of the work, we carried out empathize process in the form of searching for journal articles related to wills, other related articles, various similar applications, as well as research related to personal experiences.


At this stage, each records the pain points that have been obtained in the empathize process, in addition to the data that has been obtained from research results and user observations, these pain points also come from several personal experiences related to the use of applications or products related to finance.

  • How-Might We

After the pain points are collected, then each individual expresses their opinion regarding what will be done in the future, and at the end of the session, they vote on the most appropriate plan to be a solution.

So that we get the results of “Creating features that can facilitate and attract customers’ attention to future fund products” (Membuat fitur yang dapat memudahkan dan menarik perhatian customer terhadap produk dana masa depan)


  • Brainstorming Idea

The next stage is where each group member gives their idea regarding what ideas can be realized from the results of How-Might We, namely how to create features that can facilitate and attract customers’ attention to future fund products.

  • Affinity Diagram

To make the process easier, we categorize the results of solution ideas based on similar features.

  • Prioritization idea

Because in this project only a few features are needed, so we prioritize ideas to make the process easier.

However, because in this challenge we are only required to make an insurance feature in the form of a will, we only make this feature, plus there is one idea that emerged from our anxiety as students and others related to consistency in saving, so there is a time-saving feature, although almost the same as the existing pocket feature in Bank Jago, this feature provides other reasons, including because this savings only last for 3,6,9,12 months, and savings can only be withdrawn if the specified limit has been exhausted.

  • User Flow

We made 6 types of user flow based on the features we need

For those features, we look at the current bank login, registration system, and feature kantong utama

and this a main point for this project

this is an additional feature that departs from the anxiety of people who find it difficult to apply the habit of saving.

for this feature, we do not take further action, due to several problems.

In conclusion, we are only working on the registration, login, and main pocket features according to the current application flow, for the new features we are working on the last wish and term savings features.

  • Crazy 8's

Here I spill some ideas related to the previous ideas.

  • Wireframe

UI Design

Design Tabugan berjangka

Last Wish Feature


After carrying out the above process continued with the prototype process


Before conducting an interview session with the user, I made a research stimulus, in which the research stimulus contained the research objective, respondent criteria, list of questions, and research scenario.

  • 25–35 years old
  • Work as an employee in any agency
  • Domiciled in the territory of Indonesia
  • Already have office insurance
  • Accustomed to using technology such as applications for daily needs
  • Have good communication skills

From the test results, there are several inputs from these features, for the assessment of the time savings feature, you get 7 points on a scale of 1–7 because these features are considered very useful, easy to understand, and very simple in design, while for the last wish feature/surat wasiat. get 5 points on a scale of 1–7, because it is considered difficult to understand.


The last wish/will feature is indeed a challenge given by partners, while the term savings feature is an idea that comes from the concerns of people who are still finding it difficult to save. Overall, improvements are still needed both in terms of UI and UX.
Finally, we enter at the end, hopefully, with this article, we can get new insights related to UI/UX in the form of finance.

