What is the difference between rock, pop, jazz, hip hop, heavy metal? How do I understand which song belongs to which class?

3 min readJul 29, 2021



Rock originally came from Blues, Rock & Roll and Country. Both pop and rock are song-based people (you can understand what this is if you go to ‘Jay’). The difference between rock and pop is that the difference in rock music is a little less. The combination of electric guitar-bass drums is the main element of rock’s texture, while it can be combined with pop songs with other instruments. Another case is different from rock pop, which is that it is a group effort. On the other hand, the single identity of the pop singer is the main one.

Rock music or rock and roll actually comes from the genres of blues, pop, country, jazz, etc., usually with 4/4 bit drums using electric guitar, bass guitar and drums to create a different style of song in the early ’50s, then it became so Divided that rock-pop is a bit difficult to separate now, but if you listen to the songs of that time, you will find a beautiful rhythmic barrier rhythm.


The word ‘pop’ comes from ‘popular’, which is popular, so ‘pop’. From the point of view of classical music (Western or Indian), ‘Rock’ also falls into the category of pop. A huge amount of ‘pop’ can be put on a single artist based on their popularity. Minar or Mumtaz, Lucky Akhand, or Anjan Dutt’s songs are completely different, but they are pop artists at the end of the day. A. Again, the pop of one country will not match the look of the pop of another country, as the music of the pop is arranged based on the taste of the people. For example, the accordion is often heard in earlier French pops, just as the flute is played in Bangladeshi popes.

A pop song is the song of joy. The word ‘pop’ has come as an acronym for ‘popular’. The sadness that can be given to it in a happy mood is one of the reasons for the popularity of pop music. The lyrics of the song are relatively simple and fluent. And different types of musical instruments are used. A slightly lighter mood song than a rock song.


The oldest of the four is jazz, so we need to talk a little more about it. However, the blues are older than Jay. It will be easier to understand the relationship between and blues if we look at the example of the division of Indian music. Notably, the music of the Indian subcontinent can be broadly divided into folk music and classical music. Similarly, the blues can be called the folk music of the American blacks, and the jays are the ‘elite’ people in those groups who have mastered more as instrumentalists. Just like Indian classical music, the jay relies on improvisation. (Which is why you often see Ustad Zakir Hossain on the same stage with first-rate jazz artists.) The grammar of jazz harmony comes from European classical music, and the accent comes from West-African polyrhythm.

Jazz is one of the best structural music. It plays guitar notes, vocals, various musical instruments structurally. If you want to understand it fully, it is recommended to be a veteran master! Guys and other musical instruments are used in blues music with a predominance of emotion, as in jazz, but it plays the instruments more totally, note by note, Archie!


Hip-hop songs are the most delicate in the world of music. Dance, Hullo, etc., were the primary goals of this song style, but now many deeper issues are being expressed in hip-hop songs. The song’s lyrics are mainly melodic, and various electric musical instruments represent the core of the song.

Heavy metal:

Heavy metal can be said to be the next stage of rock. As a result, the instrumental-musical expressions added a different dimension, the rhythm became faster, and the work of the perfect percussion increased. The lyrical mood of metal is also different from rock. Like a rock, metal has many sub-genres, and each has a different texture.

