Imroatush Sholihah
2 min readOct 14, 2018


Assalamualaikum, hello guys, comeback to my Medium today. In this chance, i’d like to explain to you all about POJO & Parcelable (Pars).

So guys, do you know what POJO and Pars mean is?

Parcelable is an interface on Android programming, which allows an institution of a class / object to be stored and retrieved from a Parcel.

POJO (Plain Old Java Object) is an object that stands alone does not have dependency on other classes or does not need to extend other classes. This POJO itself is often used as a model for certain data.

So, both of them (POJO & Parcelable) is same actually. But the Pars one is the better. Because, if we use the Pars we can send lot of data in one parallel. Yeah, it’ll not boiler-code.

If POJO, it’s have to send one by one his data to the other activity. And POJO has it own advantages. POJO is needed by the other activity. And POJO isn’t need other Activity. And POJO has 2 variables, those are :

  • Getter
  • Setter

And i think enough for this chance of my material on my Medium. I hope it’ll useful for you all. And don’t forget to give some you claps for this article as your kind readers. And follow me if you wanna get more article about programming. Especially for Android Mobile Programming.

See you next time,


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