Tips for becoming job ready…

6 min readApr 11, 2021


“JOB READY" means
Job readiness has a different definition for each job. Generally Job readiness is based on what employers are looking for-are you ready for the kind of job you are looking for, and would an employer agree with this decision?

Job readiness involves an awareness of your strengths and areas of growth- it is not a scoreboard or measure of success.

Job readiness is essentially having the skills and capabilities that an employer is seeking. So you can step into a job with little or no support.

However, being job ready means different things to different employers-

  • Some will focus on previous experience, while
  • Others will look for specific skill-sets or certifications.

Whatever the criteria, you need to be prepared.

Employers also have come to understand that there is a correlation between having a college degree and being qualified for a job.

  • A college degree may show a candidate’s ability to study, but it is not an indicator of intelligence or the ability to reason, learn and solve problems.
  • Having job ready skills is a better indication of your abilities. If you can present the right qualifications and certifications, you sustainability increase your chances of being hired.

One of the most important and most misunderstood concept in a successful job search is being job ready. A major frustration recuriters encounter is countless applicants who believe that having decent resume, being prepared for common interview questions and showing up in a presentable attire is sufficient steps to demonstrating that they are qualified for the job.

In today’s competitive job market, you will need to demonstrate that you are a candidate who can offer more and who is far superior to the status quo.

The following tips for becoming job ready will help you to soar above your competition and show potential employers that you are a superior candidate:-


Resume is your most valuable marketing document in your job search, your first introduction to a company’s hiring manager and the go to reference for your career. Employers see a lot of resumes when they search for New hires. Presenting your skills and experience in a that show your career aligns with what they are searching for, will help to secure an interview for you. There are some do’s and don’ts to make your resume sparkle to impress the hiring manager.


  • Start from templates.
  • Keep it to one or two pages.
  • Showcase your achievements.
  • Highlights your most relevant experience (maximum 3–4).If fresher highlight your most relevant degrees/diploma.
  • Use bullets to highlight your points.
  • Tailor your resume/CV to the job description.
  • Add your soft skills and show off your technical skills.


  • Don’t get too personal.
  • Don’t ever lie, Be honest on experience/roles you played.
  • Don’t use negative phrases.
  • Don’t cliches or jargons.
  • Don’t use different fonts or more than two fonts.
  • Don’t forget to spell check.
  • Don’t experiment with a crazy format.
  • Don’t use references on request.
  • Don’t have too much info (or) too simplified.

2. Identify your ideal employers:-

Make a list of the firms you would like to work for and start researching them-you will want to talk their language in your job applications and be prepared for interviews.

3. Identify your strength and weakness:-

You need to be clear about what you can offer future employers.

To discover what your strength and weakness is, ask trusted friends and colleagues to list the 5 or 10 things about both they think you do well.

(i) perhaps you have good technical skills or are good at being collaborative.

(ii) may be you are not so good at organisation?

4. Update your CV:-

Pay attention to the style and it doesn’t be more than two pages.

Start with a personal statement. list jobs with the most recent first and avoid giving your entire life history, focus on what you can do rather than what you have done.

5. Remember to tailor your CV to each role:-

Carefully read the job specification and include all the keywords listed- using the exact same wording.

Look through your list of skills and keywords that sell your brand and include those that are required or you think will add value to the job. Remember, at this stage, you need to show that you are an obvious fit for the job.

6. Search online for keywords that will sell you:-

A quick scan of job boards to see what recruiters are looking for will identify the keywords you need to include in your job applications.

For example:-

  • 'Collaborative' to 'Commercial’.
  • ‘Ambitious' to 'target-driven’.

7. Practice your pitch- it will keep you positive:-

Your pitch of voice is the key to have a great impression on the mind of the interviewer. Make a list of all excepted questions, that can be asked by the interviewer at the time of interview. It is very self-affirming will help you deal with the disappointment when employer don’t even bother to acknowledge your application or reject you.

8. Have a professional photo taken:-

A really good photo (remember to smile) or atleast look approachable is, therefore,a must. At the very least, avoid holiday or party selfies.

9. Get your online presence ready:-

Think of this as your shop window- a potential employer or recruitment consultant might come across your profile and at the very least will check it. Add a bit of personality by posting a few blogs or sharing some newsworthy links.

10. Don’t forget to clean up your social media:-

An appropriate image or even just liking a less-then-tasteful joke can rule you out of the job.

11. Be patient-it might take time:-

Don’t rush into the wrong decision. Remember, applying for only that role in which you are specialized would like to work, because if you accept any role in which you are not fit as per your choice or skills, you would not be able to enjoy your work and doesn’t give your best.

12. Understand labour market:-

By understand labour market and its trends you will be able to understand the demands on your role in the industry and what is required for the role in the future.

13. Understand your job:-

You have to understand what skills are required today or in the future to be able to continue to effectively perform your role. Stay up-to-date with systems, know the practical and technical side of your role and understanding where this position sits within the organisation.

14. Know your specific role within the company:-

Many workers today have a very narrow understanding of their specific positions within their organisation, even after being on the job for a while. Understanding the role will give you the foundation you need to convince interviewers.

15. Be a continuous learner:-

Continuous learning is the secret to success, so always be updated with recent and upcoming trends of your role. Highly successful people have one thing in common- improve skills and build on their responsibilities. All you need is curiosity, desire and commitment to improve yourself.

16. Skills and development:-

One thing that is really frustrating is that individuals are not able to demonstrate during an interview that they have the skills required to immediately transition into a role, or talk to the gaps and how they will be able to address these gaps to still be able to meet the demands of the role.

Being able to articulate your skills, your gaps and areas of development will help you able to demonstrate this.

17. Presentation and communication:-

Practice the interview skills and start to develop yourself, be able to communicate confidently, articulately and with clarity is also important for job readiness.

18. Think about you are leaving your current job:-

Move jobs takes time and is risky, so work out why you are dissatisfied with your current role.

19. Focus on what you will gain-it will energize you:-

Change your mindset by focusing on what you want to gain, not what you want to leave behind. Make a list of all the positives you want from your new role.

If you are in college enhance your soft skills, develop self-management skills, Get an internship or part time job, become a subject matter expert.

You should be very clear with your basics in the subject you are specialized in.




MBA (Human Resource Management), An opportunity seeker..