10 Lessons from “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus”

Jesse Voyamba
4 min readSep 12, 2023


Despite some initial reluctance, I finally managed to finish reading “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” by John Gray.

The book is founded on the premise that men and women exhibit fundamental differences in their psychology and behavior, which serve as the underlying cause of many relationship problems. The author contends that achieving a fulfilling and harmonious relationship hinges upon comprehending and appreciating these distinctions.

Instead of my customary practice of providing a book review, I will simply outline ten lessons I learned from the book.

1. Men and women process emotions differently

This becomes apparent through women’s inclination to verbalize their emotions more openly, while men tend to internalize their feelings. Men require solitary time to process their emotions, whereas women often find solace in discussing their sentiments with others. Recognizing these distinctions can empower couples to navigate their emotional terrain more effectively.

2. Men and women exhibit distinct communication styles.

Women typically employ a more indirect communication approach, replete with qualifiers and hedging language, whereas men tend to be more straightforward and concise. Men often take women’s words at face value, while women may anticipate that men perceive nuances within their messages. As a man, you can support your partner by actively engaging in communication and listening attentively, even when complete comprehension or agreement eludes you.

3. Men need to experience success within their relationships.

Men are driven by a desire for achievement and perceive relationships as an arena in which to excel. Should they fail to feel successful within their relationships, they may withdraw and become emotionally distant. Women can nurture men’s sense of success by expressing appreciation and admiration for their efforts and accomplishments.

4. Women need to feel loved and cherished within their relationships.

Women tend to prioritize relationships more than men and perceive love as a nurturing force. In the absence of feeling loved and cherished, they may become critical or harboring resentment. Men can foster women’s feelings of love and cherishment by demonstrating affection, dedicating quality time, and being attentive listeners.

5. Men often possess a strong sense of independence.

Men frequently harbor a robust sense of independence and may experience feelings of suffocation or entrapment in relationships that deny them personal space and freedom. Women can support their partners’ independence by respecting their need for solitude and pursuit of hobbies, all while maintaining emotional connections.

6. Women like to be understood and valued

Women desire recognition for their authentic selves and a sense that their partners genuinely understand and appreciate them. Without this sense of being understood and valued, women may become resentful or disengaged. Men can foster these sentiments by listening attentively, displaying empathy, and providing emotional support.

7. Men and women manifest contrasting responses to stress.

In times of stress, men tend to withdraw and become reticent, whereas women seek emotional support and validation. Understanding how your partner respond to stress will go a long way in mitigating some of the unnecessary tensions and misunderstandings that arise in your relationship/marriage.

8. Men and women exhibit differing needs for intimacy.

Men often feel a heightened sense of closeness through physical intimacy, whereas women may achieve this through emotional intimacy. Recognizing these disparities can enable couples to strike a balance between physical and emotional intimacy that suits both partners.

9. Men and women hold distinct expectations regarding problem-solving.

Men typically approach problems as puzzles to be solved, while women may view them as subjects for discussion and understanding. Understanding these variances can guide couples in adopting more effective problem-solving approaches.

While I believe that understanding these differences can be beneficial, it is imperative to leave room for compromise on occasion. Capitalizing on these distinctions to the detriment of your partner would be unwise. Above all, men should find ways to demonstrate their care, while women should find ways to convey their trust.

10. Men and women undergo emotional growth differently.

For men, emotional growth entails confronting challenges and surmounting obstacles. Offering solutions to issues affecting the woman they love has a way of bolstering the average man’s self-esteem. Conversely, women cultivate emotional growth by sharing their feelings and experiences. Nevertheless, it remains crucial for a loving man and woman to encourage each other’s personal growth.

While I concur with some of the author’s insights, I strongly advise that each couple must diligently work on themselves and discover what strategies work best for their relationship. This is because every relationship has its unique dynamics.

This book proves most beneficial for couples struggling with communication issues, but it should not be regarded as a dependable or scientifically rigorous guide to comprehending the opposite sex. I would not recommend this book to those seeking a deeper and more nuanced understanding of human relationships.

