Trading Mistakes To Avoid At All Cost

Shoout Ent.
6 min readDec 20, 2023

We’re all human. We’re driven by our emotions, especially fear and greed. That’s why you can memorize chart patterns until you’re blue in the face, then watch them blow up the next day. Those are tactics.

If you want any chance of success, you need to know all the rules first. Not only do you need to learn what to do, but you also must know what to steer clear of. This is why I’m sharing ten common mistakes that you need to avoid like the plague.

Learn them and stay away from them! Let’s get started…

Sometimes traders get so caught up in their trading that they forget everything else. Don’t be one of them! These are common mistakes that stock traders don’t need to make. Trading demands focus, discipline, and knowledge. Thus, we must apply powerful yet simple strategies.

10. Letting Emotions Take Control of You


9. Ignoring Indicators

The technical indicators are telling you a story about the stock, and you can’t afford not to read what it’s saying. Buy breakouts and sell breakdowns.

When the indicators tell you a trend is close to its top, take your profits. Get out of the trade. When the indicators tell you a stock is not ready to trade yet, stay…



Shoout Ent.

I simplify trading, investing, and the market of stocks with engaging articles that produce phenomenal profits.💰📚🚀"Dive into investing with SHOOUT ENT.!