TikTok Vietnam and the Mega Sales Phenomenon: What Every E-commerce Owner Needs to Know

Shoo Wei Khoon
11 min readSep 10, 2023


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In recent years, the digital landscape of Vietnam has witnessed a transformative shift, with TikTok emerging as a dominant force influencing consumer behavior. As TikTok videos’ rhythmic beats and catchy challenges captivate millions, there’s an underlying narrative that every e-commerce owner should tune into: the platform’s profound impact on shopping habits, especially during the much-anticipated mega sales season.

Understanding TikTok’s role in shaping purchasing decisions becomes paramount as we approach this high-stakes period. This article delves deep into the world of TikTok Vietnam, unraveling insights and data that will equip e-commerce owners with the knowledge they need to navigate the mega sales phenomenon. Whether you’re a seasoned e-commerce veteran or a budding entrepreneur, the upcoming insights will offer a fresh perspective on harnessing the power of TikTok and optimizing your strategies for the sales season ahead.

So, let’s embark on this journey together, exploring the vibrant intersection of TikTok entertainment and e-commerce opportunities in Vietnam.

The Shoppertainment Revolution in APAC

The term ‘Shoppertainment’ might sound like a buzzword. Still, it encapsulates a transformative trend reshaping the e-commerce landscape across the Asia-Pacific region. At its core, Shoppertainment melds shopping with entertainment, creating immersive experiences that captivate consumers and seamlessly guide them down the purchasing pathway.

According to a study by Boston Consulting Group titled “Shoppertainment APAC’s Trillion-Dollar Opportunity,” this fusion of shopping and entertainment is not just a fleeting trend but a burgeoning market set to reach a staggering value of over USD 1 trillion by 2025. This projection marks a significant leap from its current valuation of USD 500 billion, highlighting the rapid pace at which Shoppertainment is gaining traction.

But what’s driving this growth?

The answer lies in the Emotional demand spaces. These are the arenas where consumers seek more than just products; they yearn for experiences, stories, and connections. By tapping into these emotional spaces, brands can inspire and integrate consumers into purchasing pathways that also encompass the pragmatic decisions of Functional demand spaces. It’s a holistic approach that caters to the heart and the mind.

Looking at the region, Indonesia, Japan, and South Korea are expected to be the leaders in the Shoppertainment market, contributing a significant 67% of the total market value by 2025. These countries have strong e-commerce systems, which provide a strong foundation for growth.

However, emerging markets such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, and Australia are also expected to grow substantially, with a predicted 63% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) over the next three years. This will increase the market value from USD 24 billion to USD 100 billion.

Southeast Asia presents a promising picture with its vibrant cultures and dynamic markets like Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand. Here, Shoppertainment is not just growing; it’s set to occupy a more substantial slice of the e-commerce pie. This region, known for its entertainment-hungry populace, boasts demand and supply factors that favor Shoppertainment. Engaged consumers, innovative brands, and a favorable digital ecosystem converge to make Southeast Asia a hotspot for Shoppertainment’s exponential growth.

The Shoppertainment revolution in APAC is a testament to the power of understanding consumer behavior, recognizing emerging markets, and creating strategies that truly resonate with modern shoppers. It presents a golden opportunity for e-commerce owners to position their brands at the forefront of this transformative movement and ride the wave of success that comes with it.

Vietnam: An E-commerce Powerhouse in the Making

Nestled in the heart of Southeast Asia, Vietnam has long been known for its rich cultural tapestry and breathtaking landscapes. However, it’s carving out a new identity in the digital age: a burgeoning hub for e-commerce and digital innovation.

As we delve into the intricacies of Vietnam’s e-commerce landscape, it becomes evident that the nation is on the cusp of an e-commerce renaissance, with platforms like TikTok playing a pivotal role in this transformation.

The “Digital 2023 July Global Statshot Report” by Datareportal offers a compelling snapshot of this digital evolution. A staggering 61.7% of TikTok’s ad reach targets users aged 18 and above, translating to an impressive audience of 44,489,500 potential consumers. These numbers aren’t just statistics; they represent a vast pool of digitally savvy consumers ready to engage, interact, and transact online.

But what’s fueling this e-commerce boom in Vietnam?

A blend of factors converges to create the perfect storm for digital growth:

  1. Rapid Urbanization: As cities expand and infrastructure improves, more consumers can access the internet and digital payment solutions, facilitating online shopping.
  2. Young Demographic: Vietnam boasts a youthful population, with many of its citizens being digital natives. This demographic is more inclined to explore, adopt, and embrace online shopping platforms, especially those that offer engaging content like TikTok.
  3. Technological Advancements: From faster internet speeds to a surge in smartphone penetration, technological strides have made online shopping a seamless experience for Vietnamese consumers.
  4. Cultural Shift: The traditional shopping experience is evolving. With platforms like TikTok offering a blend of entertainment and commerce (Shoppertainment), shopping is no longer a mundane task but an engaging experience.
  5. Government Initiatives: The Vietnamese government’s push towards a digital economy and supportive policies for startups and e-commerce platforms has further accelerated the sector’s growth.

Zooming out to the broader APAC perspective, Vietnam, alongside countries like Indonesia and Thailand, is contributing to the region’s e-commerce narrative in a big way. As the Boston Consulting Group highlighted, these nations are part of APAC’s most exciting growth markets. Their combined potential is set to quadruple the market value in the coming years, emphasizing Vietnam’s pivotal role in this growth story.

Vietnam’s e-commerce boom is just the beginning; the country is leading the digital revolution. To be successful in this landscape, e-commerce owners and brands must gain a deep understanding of the market, leverage platforms like TikTok, and adapt to evolving consumer behavior.

With the approaching mega sales season, there is a wealth of opportunity waiting for those ready to embrace change. The future is bright for those willing to seize the moment and tap into Vietnam’s e-commerce goldmine.

TikTok’s Influence on Vietnamese Shoppers

In the vibrant digital tapestry of Vietnam, TikTok has emerged as a platform for entertainment and a powerful catalyst for shaping the shopping behaviors of millions. As the app’s iconic logo becomes increasingly familiar on Vietnamese smartphones, its influence permeates the e-commerce realm, offering insights invaluable for businesses gearing up for the mega sales season.

Diving into the “TikTok Vertical Research (Vietnam Results)” conducted by Toluna in February 2022, we uncover a plethora of insights that paint a comprehensive picture of the TikTok-driven Vietnamese shopper:

  1. Payment Preferences: A notable trend is the affinity of TikTok users towards e-wallet payments during the mega sales season. They are 1.5 times more likely to opt for this payment method than non-TikTok users, signaling the importance of integrating diverse payment options for e-commerce platforms.
  2. Engagement with Ads: The power of advertising on TikTok is evident. After encountering mega sales ads on the platform, users are compelled to search for more information, download the brand’s app, or visit the brand’s social media pages. This sequence of actions underscores the effectiveness of TikTok ads in driving user engagement and conversion.
  3. Anticipation and Spending: TikTok users’ excitement surrounding the mega sales season is palpable. 81% are gearing up to spend more than usual, with 76% eyeing new tech products. This enthusiasm is further amplified by the fact that 85% of users associate positive emotions with shopping during this period.
  4. Preparation and Discovery: TikTok isn’t just influencing purchase decisions; it’s shaping the pre-purchase journey. Users are actively collecting coupons, comparing prices, and seeking information even before the mega sales season kicks off. Additionally, the platform serves as a discovery hub, with 77% of users finding new brands during the sales season.
  5. Loyalty and Continuity: The influence of TikTok extends beyond the mega sales season. A significant 75% of its users will likely continue their shopping spree even after the sales wind down. This loyalty is further highlighted by the fact that 91% eagerly await the mega sales season each year, and 89% are searching for the best deals and promotions.
  6. Local Brands and Shopping Categories: TikTok is also championing local businesses. During the mega sales season, 70% of its users prefer local brands. Regarding shopping categories, beauty & personal care, fashion & accessories, and electronics top the list.

TikTok is not just a platform for catchy dances and viral challenges in Vietnam. It’s a dynamic marketplace, a source of inspiration, and a guide for shoppers navigating the e-commerce landscape. For businesses, understanding this influence is paramount. By aligning strategies with the preferences and behaviors of TikTok users, they can craft a more inclusive, genuine, and positive shopping experience, setting the stage for unparalleled success in the mega sales season and beyond.

Shopping Behavior of TikTok Users During Mega Sales

The mega sales season in Vietnam is akin to a grand digital festival, with consumers eagerly awaiting many deals and discounts. Amidst this shopping frenzy, TikTok users exhibit distinct behaviors, preferences, and patterns that set them apart. Understanding these nuances is crucial for e-commerce owners aiming to maximize their reach and impact during this pivotal sales period.

Drawing from the insights of the TikTok Vertical Research, let’s delve into the intricate shopping behaviors of TikTok users during the mega sales season:

  1. Categories in Demand: Regarding spending, TikTok users have clear favorites. Beauty & personal care products lead the charge, closely followed by fashion & accessories and electronics. For e-commerce businesses, prioritizing these categories and tailoring promotions around them can yield significant dividends.
  2. The Power of Promotions: The allure of a good deal is irresistible for TikTok users. A staggering 89% search for the best deals and promotions during the mega sales season. This highlights the importance of crafting compelling promotional campaigns that resonate with this audience.
  3. Marketplace Preferences: The digital shopping journey for many TikTok users culminates in online marketplaces. About 84% prefer shopping on these platforms during the mega sales season, drawn by exclusive deals, attractive discounts, and diverse payment options. To tap into this trend, E-commerce owners should consider partnerships or collaborations with popular online marketplaces.
  4. Anticipation and Planning: The mega sales season isn’t an impromptu shopping spree for TikTok users. A significant 75% start their preparations a few days in advance, collecting coupons, comparing prices, and researching products. This proactive approach underscores the need for brands to roll out their mega sales campaigns well in advance.
  5. Brand Discovery and Loyalty: TikTok is a vibrant platform for brand discovery, with 77% of users discovering new brands during the sales season. However, this doesn’t imply a lack of loyalty. After the mega sales season, 75% of TikTok users continue shopping, indicating sustained interest and engagement.
  6. Local Love: In an era of globalization, TikTok users are strongly inclined towards local brands, with 70% purchasing more from local businesses during the mega sales season. This trend emphasizes highlighting local products and brands during promotional campaigns.
  7. The Wait for the Right Moment: Patience is a virtue, especially when grabbing the best deals. An impressive 86% of TikTok users typically wait for the mega sales season to purchase items on their wishlist, showcasing the season’s significance in shaping purchasing decisions.

For TikTok users in Vietnam, the mega sales season is not just about discounts. It represents a complete experience of anticipation, exploration, and happiness. By aligning with these attitudes and preferences, e-commerce owners can create a path towards a thriving sales season, establishing stronger bonds with the TikTok community and promoting sustainable progress.

Preparing for the Mega Sales Season: Tips for E-commerce Owners

The mega sales season in Vietnam is not just a fleeting period of discounts; it’s a pivotal moment that can define the success trajectory of an e-commerce business for the entire year. Understanding their preferences and behaviors becomes paramount, with TikTok users forming a significant chunk of the consumer base.

But how can e-commerce owners effectively tap into this potential and ensure they’re well-prepared for the sales onslaught?

Let’s delve into actionable strategies and tips tailored to this vibrant digital landscape.

  1. Embrace Shoppertainment: Consider integrating entertainment elements into your shopping platform by drawing inspiration from the broader APAC trend. Live streams, interactive quizzes, and engaging video content can enhance the shopping experience, making it more immersive and memorable for TikTok users.
  2. Optimize for E-wallet Payments: With TikTok users 1.5 times more likely to use e-wallets during the mega sales season, ensure your platform supports a wide range of digital payment options. Seamless payment integrations can significantly enhance the user experience and boost conversions.
  3. Craft Compelling TikTok Ads: Given the platform’s vast reach and influence, invest in creating TikTok-specific ad campaigns. Highlight exclusive deals, showcase product USPs through engaging visuals, and leverage influencers to amplify your brand’s message.
  4. Highlight Local Brands: With an apparent inclination towards local brands, consider curating special sections or promotions that spotlight local products. This not only resonates with the preferences of TikTok users but also fosters a sense of community and support for local businesses.
  5. Early Engagement is Key: Take your time with the mega sales season to kick off your campaigns. Engage with potential customers well in advance through teaser ads, sneak peeks, and early bird offers. This builds anticipation and ensures your brand stays top-of-mind when the sales season begins.
  6. Leverage User Insights: Use the data at your disposal. Understand the top categories TikTok users are interested in, such as beauty & personal care, fashion & accessories, and electronics, and tailor your promotions and inventory accordingly.
  7. Collaborate with Online Marketplaces: Given the preference of TikTok users for online marketplaces during the mega sales season, explore partnerships or collaborations with popular platforms. Exclusive deals or bundled offers can attract a larger audience and drive higher sales.
  8. Foster Community Engagement: Beyond sales, the mega sales season is an opportunity to build lasting relationships. Engage with your audience through interactive polls, feedback sessions, and community events on TikTok. This boosts brand loyalty and provides valuable insights for future campaigns.
  9. Offer Value Beyond Discounts: While discounts are a significant draw, consider offering added value through loyalty programs, extended warranties, or exclusive content. This enhances the overall value proposition and encourages repeat purchases.
  10. Stay Agile and Responsive: The digital landscape is dynamic, and consumer preferences can shift rapidly. Stay attuned to real-time feedback, monitor campaign performance, and be ready to pivot your strategies if needed.

The mega sales season in Vietnam is a precious chance for e-commerce owners to shine. However, attaining success requires thorough preparation, an in-depth comprehension of the TikTok community, and the ability to adjust to the ever-changing digital environment. By incorporating these tips into their mega sales strategy, e-commerce owners can optimize their sales potential and build a strong foundation for continuous growth and customer loyalty in the long run.

Conclusion: Harnessing TikTok’s Power in Vietnam’s E-commerce Landscape

A few truths stand out as the digital sun sets on our exploration of TikTok’s influence and the mega sales season in Vietnam. The e-commerce landscape in Vietnam is vibrant, dynamic, and brimming with potential. Platforms like TikTok are not mere entertainment hubs; they’re powerful catalysts driving consumer behavior, shaping preferences, and redefining the shopping experience.

For e-commerce owners, the mega sales season is a litmus test. This period can amplify successes and magnify shortcomings. But with the right strategies, insights, and preparations, it can be transformed into a period of unparalleled growth and brand-building. The insights we’ve delved into, from the rise of Shoppertainment in APAC to the intricate shopping behaviors of TikTok users, offer a roadmap to navigate this season effectively.

As we gear up for the next mega sales season, let’s embrace these principles, harness the power of platforms like TikTok, and craft shopping experiences that resonate, engage, and delight.

To all e-commerce owners in Vietnam and beyond, the future is digital, the opportunities are vast, and the time to act is now. Let’s seize the moment, tap into the potential of the mega sales season, and chart a course toward sustained success in the vibrant world of e-commerce.



Shoo Wei Khoon

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