Understanding the Rising Trend of Influencer Advertising Spend in Southeast Asia

Shoo Wei Khoon
8 min readJun 5, 2023


Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of Southeast Asia’s burgeoning landscape of influencer advertising spend. This blog analyzes trends, facts, and figures shaping this digital marketing niche since 2017 and projects future growth up to 2027. As a region with a rapidly growing digital economy, Southeast Asia offers a promising canvas for digital marketers, particularly in influencer advertising.

I’ll discuss how influencer ad spending has escalated from a modest $82.87 million in 2017 to a staggering $603.5 million by 2023, exhibiting an exciting upward trajectory. Moreover, the blog offers a sneak peek into the social media landscape, identifying platforms like Facebook and Instagram that command impressive user reach and the rising star — TikTok, which has witnessed a meteoric rise.

My country-specific analysis of influencer advertising revenue, featuring data from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia, gives an unparalleled overview of this regional market.

Stay with me as I decipher these statistics and derive valuable insights that could power your digital advertising strategies and campaigns in this vibrant and diverse region.

Historical Overview of Influencer Advertising Spending in Southeast Asia

This section takes you on a journey back in time, presenting a detailed historical overview of influencer advertising spending in Southeast Asia. Over the past decade, the industry has experienced unprecedented growth, a testament to the rising importance of digital marketing and influencer-based strategies in the region.

Since 2017, influencer advertising spending has increased from $82.87 million to $603.50 million in 2023. This growth reflects a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of approximately 39%, indicative of the burgeoning influence of this marketing strategy.

During this period, the role of social networks cannot be understated. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have seen substantial user increases, indicative of their popularity and the potential reach they offer. TikTok’s user base has soared from 8.02 million in 2017 to 282.00 million by 2023, signifying its rapid adoption and popularity, especially among younger audiences.

Breaking down influencer advertising revenue country-by-country, Indonesia leads the pack with a revenue of $194.60 million in 2023, followed by Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore. On the other hand, emerging markets like Laos and Cambodia, while smaller in comparison, also show promising growth trajectories.

This analysis provides a solid foundation to appreciate the impressive rise of influencer advertising in Southeast Asia. Its robust growth, paired with the ever-increasing reach of social networks, makes it a formidable force in the digital advertising landscape.

Projected Growth of Influencer Advertising Spend in Southeast Asia

In the ever-evolving world of digital advertising, the future promises exciting developments, particularly in influencer advertising. As I look forward to the projected growth of influencer advertising spend in Southeast Asia, we can anticipate a flourishing sector powered by innovative strategies and robust social network engagement.

Statista Digital Market Insights forecast a promising future for influencer advertising in Southeast Asia, with spending projected to reach an impressive $977 million by 2027. This marks an almost twelvefold increase from the $82.87 million spent in 2017, emphasizing the region’s rapid adaptation to and implementation of influencer-led strategies.

Regarding user reach across various social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram remain leaders in the region with steady growth. Interestingly, TikTok’s dramatic rise, going from 8.02 million users in 2017 to an estimated 344.50 million users in 2027, illustrates the platform’s immense potential for influencer advertising.

Country-specific projections reveal a consistently upward trajectory as well. Maintaining its leading position, Indonesia is anticipated to generate influencer advertising revenue of $320.20 million by 2027. Meanwhile, other Southeast Asian countries, including Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore, are expected to witness significant growth in their influencer advertising markets.

The future of influencer advertising in Southeast Asia paints a picture of growth and opportunity. With increased spending, rising social media reach, and booming revenues, businesses and influencers alike can look forward to a thriving landscape ripe for innovative digital marketing campaigns.

Understanding Reach by Social Networks in Southeast Asia

Deciphering the reach of different social networks is key to crafting successful digital advertising strategies, particularly in influencer advertising. The landscape in Southeast Asia presents an intricate tapestry of user engagement across various platforms.

According to Statista Digital Market Insights, Facebook reigns supreme, with a user reach projected to reach 442.60 million by 2027. This steady growth indicates Facebook’s enduring appeal and strong potential for influencer advertising.

However, one platform that stands out in this data is TikTok, with a meteoric rise from 8.02 million users in 2017 to an anticipated 344.50 million by 2027. This exponential growth demonstrates the potential of TikTok as a fertile ground for influencer advertising due to its extensive reach and increasing popularity.

Instagram also holds its ground with consistent growth, projecting a user base of 201.80 million by 2027. While boasting lower figures, other platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and WeChat show a stable increase in user reach, suggesting a loyal user base that can be targeted for influencer advertising campaigns.

Conversely, platforms like Line and Reddit have relatively lower growth projections. However, with their niche audience, they can still offer unique opportunities for micro-targeted influencer marketing strategies.

Understanding the reach of social networks is pivotal in identifying potential markets and creating tailored advertising strategies. In addition, the diverse social media landscape in Southeast Asia necessitates well-researched and data-driven marketing campaigns.

I expect these numbers to evolve in the coming years, further reshaping the region’s influencer advertising landscape. So stay tuned to my blog for continued updates and expert analyses on the pulse of digital advertising trends in Southeast Asia.

Country-wise Breakdown of Influencer Advertising Revenue in Southeast Asia

In the fast-paced realm of influencer advertising, understanding the country-specific breakdown of ad spending is crucial for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Below, I delve deeper into the revenue landscape across different Southeast Asian markets, drawing insights from the latest data by Statista Digital Market Insights.


Regarded as one of the largest digital markets in the region, Indonesia continues to lead in terms of influencer advertising revenue. Growing from $26.97 million in 2017 to an impressive forecasted $320.20 million by 2027, the market demonstrates a strong and sustained upward trend, reflecting the country’s robust digital infrastructure and high social media penetration.


Malaysia’s influencer advertising landscape has also shown consistent growth, rising from $9.87 million in 2017 to an anticipated $93.76 million by 2027. This growth can be attributed to the country’s increased digital literacy and vibrant influencer culture.


With its dynamic social media culture, the Philippines has seen significant growth in influencer ad spending, increasing from $11.74 million in 2017 to a forecasted $156.50 million by 2027. The country’s expanding internet accessibility and the rising influence of local celebrities have contributed to this upward trajectory.


Singapore, known for its advanced digital economy, has also witnessed steady growth in influencer advertising revenue, projected to increase from $12.55 million in 2017 to $148.50 million by 2027. This growth underscores the city-state’s progressive digital landscape and the influential role of social media influencers in the local market.


Vietnam’s influencer advertising market has thrived owing to its rapidly expanding digital audience. As a result, the revenue is projected to increase from $7.80 million in 2017 to $123.10 million by 2027, reflecting the country’s emerging potential as a key digital market in the region.


Thailand’s influencer advertising landscape has experienced consistent growth, moving from $10.02 million in 2017 to an expected $94.82 million by 2027. Thailand’s vibrant social media culture and the popularity of local influencers contribute significantly to this growing trend.

Laos and Cambodia

In smaller markets such as Laos and Cambodia, influencer advertising is still in its early stages. However, these markets have shown promising potential, with revenues expected to grow from $0.36 million and $0.66 million in 2017 to $3.60 million and $6.90 million by 2027, respectively.

This detailed breakdown of influencer advertising revenue across different Southeast Asian markets underscores the industry’s dynamic nature. By understanding these trends, marketers can better strategize their influencer marketing efforts, tailoring their approaches to resonate with the unique digital landscapes of each country.

Implications for Digital Marketers in Influencer Advertising

The shifting landscape of influencer advertising, as outlined in the data from Statista Digital Market Insights, has profound implications for digital marketers navigating the burgeoning Southeast Asian market.

To stay ahead of the curve, here are several key takeaways you need to consider:

  1. Maximizing Impact Across High-Reach Platforms: Facebook continues to dominate as the platform with the highest user reach, solidifying its place in any comprehensive influencer advertising strategy. However, the steady rise of Instagram and TikTok cannot be overlooked. They appeal to younger audiences, making them ideal platforms for brands targeting millennials and Generation Z. Striking the right balance and integrating these platforms into your strategy could significantly broaden your audience reach.
  2. Harnessing the Power of Emerging Platforms: TikTok’s remarkable growth trajectory underscores the potential of new platforms. Digital marketers need to stay attuned to such changes and be ready to capitalize on these platforms as they rise. TikTok, in particular, offers a dynamic and engaging format that resonates with younger audiences, making it an essential platform for brands targeting this demographic.
  3. Targeting Niche Audiences for Higher Engagement: While platforms like LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, and WeChat may not boast the same user numbers as Facebook or Instagram, they hold their unique value. These platforms attract a more niche audience, which can lead to higher engagement rates and more meaningful interactions. Crafting tailored strategies for each platform can help optimize your ad spend and enhance conversion rates.
  4. Customizing Strategies for Country-Specific Trends: The data indicates a variance in influencer advertising revenue across different countries. Indonesia, Singapore, and the Philippines are projected to take the lead. Understanding the digital landscapes and consumer behaviors specific to these countries can enable you to design more effective, targeted campaigns.
  5. Monitoring the Pulse of Market Growth: Influencer advertising spending growth rates provide invaluable insights into the market’s trajectory. Although the market is maturing, as evidenced by the slowing growth rates, this does not signify stagnation. On the contrary, it suggests that competition will be fiercer, underlining the need for innovation and differentiation in your marketing strategies.
  6. Staying Ahead with Data-Informed Decisions: Influencer advertising is dynamic and fast-paced. Digital marketers need to continually monitor trends, analyze data, and make informed decisions to stay ahead.

Internalizing these implications allows you to refine your digital marketing strategy and remain competitive in this fast-paced, evolving domain. Remember, informed decision-making is the cornerstone of successful marketing in this data-driven age.

Navigating the Future of Influencer Advertising in Southeast Asia

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the role of influencer advertising in shaping brand-customer relationships becomes more integral. The data from Statista Digital Market Insights paints a vibrant picture of the industry’s future, underlining its promise and potential.

Marketers need to stay agile, leveraging high-reach platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok while tapping into the unique appeal of emerging and niche platforms. The key is to adopt a platform-agnostic approach, customizing strategies to align with platform-specific trends and audience preferences.

Moreover, it’s essential to appreciate the regional nuances within Southeast Asia. Marketers can optimize ad spending and boost conversion rates by tailoring campaigns to the digital ecosystems of countries like Indonesia, Singapore, and the Philippines.

The slowing growth rate of influencer advertising doesn’t signal a diminishing market but rather an evolving one. As competition intensifies, marketers must stay innovative, embracing new trends, technologies, and tactics to engage with audiences and carve out a unique space in the market.

In conclusion, as we continue to navigate the dynamic world of influencer advertising, the ability to analyze and adapt to trends will be instrumental in determining success. By harnessing the power of data, digital marketers can stay one step ahead, crafting influential campaigns that resonate with their target audiences and drive growth in this ever-evolving digital era.

Stay tuned to my blog for more updates and insights on the future of digital advertising in Southeast Asia.

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



Shoo Wei Khoon

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