Unlocking Mega Sales: The Power of TikTok’s Influence in Indonesia’s E-commerce Landscape

Shoo Wei Khoon
14 min readAug 31, 2023


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The Mega Sales season in Indonesia is not just any ordinary shopping event; it’s a cultural phenomenon, a time when eager consumers go online, wallets ready, to snatch up the best deals and offers.

But in the ever-evolving digital landscape, a new player is reshaping how consumers shop during this auspicious period: TikTok.

With its user base predominantly constituting the young, tech-savvy, and shopping-enthusiastic audience, TikTok Indonesia has emerged as a powerful platform where commerce and content seamlessly intersect.

Adding to this dynamic is the rapidly growing trend of Shoppertainment in the APAC region, a fusion of shopping and entertainment that keeps users engaged and more likely to purchase. As Indonesia positions itself at the heart of this trend, TikTok’s role in influencing shopping behaviors during the Mega Sales season becomes crystal clear.

This article delves deep into data, insights, and trends to underline why, for e-commerce brands eyeing success during the Mega Sales season, overlooking TikTok Indonesia’s impact might be a missed opportunity of monumental proportions.

TikTok’s Massive Reach in Indonesia

In today’s digital age, where a brand’s success is often synonymous with its online visibility and engagement, TikTok stands out as a colossal platform in Indonesia. Let’s begin by unpacking some figures from the Digital 2023 July Global Statshot Report emphasizing TikTok’s profound influence.

TikTok Ads can reach 51.4% of the Indonesian population aged 18 and above. To put that into perspective, that’s a potential advertising reach of nearly 99,792,000 individuals. These aren’t just arbitrary numbers; they reflect a vast sea of potential customers actively engaging with content, discovering new brands, and being influenced by TikTok trends daily.

But what does this mean for e-commerce brands?

First and foremost, it suggests that any advertising strategy that doesn’t account for TikTok is likely overlooking a significant portion of the target audience. Especially considering the Mega Sales season, this vast user base represents an audience primed and ready to shop. Furthermore, it’s not just about the numbers; it’s about the nature of engagement TikTok fosters. The platform is designed for short, captivating bursts of content that can virally spread trends and influence in hours if not minutes.

Considering Indonesia’s demographic — a young, tech-savvy population with a growing disposable income — this reach extends beyond mere views. It translates to tangible e-commerce interactions, brand discoveries, product inquiries, or direct purchases.

TikTok’s massive reach in Indonesia offers e-commerce brands a unique blend of quantity and quality: a vast audience that’s not just passively scrolling but actively engaging, sharing, and shopping. As we gear up for the Mega Sales season, brands must recognize and harness this potential to its fullest.

Shopping Behavior of TikTok Users During Mega Sales Season

TikTok is not just a platform for viral dances and catchy challenges; it’s a significant driver of consumer behavior, especially during the fever pitch of the Mega Sales season. To truly comprehend its influence, we must dive deep into how TikTok users interact with the platform in the shopping context. We can shed light on some fascinating trends thanks to insights from the TikTok Vertical Research conducted in February 2022.

Anticipation and Preparedness

A staggering 94% of TikTok users shop on online marketplaces during the Mega Sales season. But their shopping journey starts much before the actual sales begin. Two out of three TikTok users start their Mega Sales season preparations a few days before. This anticipation is visible in their top three pre-sales actions: reading reviews, comparing prices, and starting their hunt for deals. For e-commerce brands, this presents an opportunity to build anticipation by teasing upcoming offers or sharing product reviews and testimonials.

Mega Sales Impact

During the Mega Sales season, 89% of TikTok users actively seek the best deals and promotions. Interestingly, 85% wait this season to purchase items on their wishlist. This indicates the significant impact of deals and promotions on TikTok users’ purchase decisions during this period.

Post-Ad Behavior

The way TikTok users react after viewing a Mega Sales ad is particularly enlightening for e-commerce brands. The sequence is logical: first, they search for more information on the product or deal, then visit the brand’s social media for validation or further engagement, and finally, the most crucial action — adding the product to their cart. This pattern underscores the importance of a well-integrated advertising strategy. A TikTok ad should be complemented by enriched product information, an active and engaging brand social media presence, and a seamless shopping experience.

Popular Categories

Regarding what TikTok users buy, three categories stand out: Beauty & personal care, fashion & accessories, and electronics. These categories can be focal points for brands operating in these domains. However, it’s also a call for brands in other sectors to get creative and present their offerings in a way that resonates with the TikTok audience.

Emotional Engagement

Shopping isn’t just a transactional experience on TikTok; it’s emotional. An overwhelming 88% of users feel good while shopping during the Mega Sales season, and 71% discover new brands. This emotional high, combined with the thrill of discovery, can be harnessed by brands to create memorable shopping experiences.

Loyalty and Forward Momentum

Even after the Mega Sales season ends, the impact remains strong as 74% of TikTok users continue to shop. This shows continued interest and potential loyalty to the brands.

TikTok users are more than just consumers. They are active participants in the exciting Mega Sales narrative. They immerse themselves in research, engage in anticipation, shop with enthusiasm, and continue the cycle. For e-commerce brands, recognizing and understanding this behavior is the key to creating campaigns that sell and establish long-lasting relationships.

The E-commerce Journey Post-TikTok Advertisements

Understanding the aftermath of a TikTok advertisement is crucial for e-commerce brands. While visibility is an initial goal, what truly matters is the conversion and the subsequent actions users take.

Let’s decode the e-commerce journey TikTok users embark on once they’ve been introduced to a product or brand through an advertisement on the platform.

Immediate Curiosity

One of the primary reactions to a compelling TikTok advertisement is the drive for more information. Users are propelled to search for additional details about the product or deal details. This immediate spike in curiosity underscores the importance of ensuring that all relevant information is readily available and easily accessible. E-commerce websites must be optimized to handle this influx and provide the necessary details without overwhelming the user.

Social Media as Validation

After the initial search, many users navigate to the brand’s social media channels. This step is vital for validating, reviewing, and gauging the brand’s online presence and credibility. For e-commerce brands, it’s a reminder that a cohesive online ecosystem is essential. To build trust, the brand voice, aesthetics, and customer engagement must be consistent across all platforms.

The Final Push — Adding to Cart

The most telling action in the e-commerce journey is when a user adds a product to their cart. This step is a strong indicator of purchase intent. It’s a testament to the power of a well-crafted TikTok ad. Also, it highlights the importance of the subsequent steps in the buying journey. Brands must ensure a seamless checkout process, offer multiple payment options (remember, TikTok users are 1.2x more likely to use e-wallet payment during Mega Sales season), and follow up with reminders or additional incentives to complete the purchase.

Discovering New Brands

TikTok provides a unique landscape where lesser-known or new brands can gain significant traction. 71% of TikTok users discovered new brands during the Mega Sales season. This fact should invigorate emerging e-commerce businesses to invest in TikTok advertising, knowing they have a good shot at visibility and engagement.

The Power of Local

In a globalized market, the appeal of local brands on platforms like TikTok can’t be underestimated. 68% of TikTok users leaned towards purchasing more from local brands during the Mega Sales season. For Indonesian e-commerce brands, this points to an opportunity to tap into local narratives, cultural touchpoints, and pride to resonate with the audience.

E-commerce First-Timers

TikTok is also influencing more than just seasoned online shoppers. An intriguing insight is that 1 in 3 TikTok users made their first-ever online purchase during the Mega Sales season. This stat emphasizes TikTok’s role in expanding the e-commerce market, introducing new users to online shopping, and indicates a younger demographic coming of age in the e-commerce space.

The path following a TikTok advertisement could be more complex. It’s a complex network of queries, verifications, feelings, and reactions. E-commerce businesses must design engaging ads and refine every subsequent step in the customer’s experience to promote sales and long-term brand devotion.

Payment and Shopping Preferences of TikTok Users

TikTok is more than just a source of entertainment; it is becoming a significant factor in influencing users’ shopping habits and preferences. To improve their positioning during the Mega Sales season, e-commerce brands must thoroughly investigate the payment and shopping preferences of the TikTok audience.

E-wallets Take the Lead

A significant shift in the payment landscape has been the rise of e-wallets. TikTok users are at the forefront of this change, with the data showing they’re 1.2x more likely to opt for e-wallet payments during the Mega Sales season than non-TikTok users. The ease of use, offers associated with these payment modes, and the perceived added layer of security make them an appealing choice. E-commerce brands must ensure they’re compatible with popular e-wallets and promote such payment methods with special deals or cashback.

The Lure of Discounts and Promos

It’s no secret that sales and promotions drive shopping behaviors. 89% of TikTok users seek the best deals and promotions during the Mega Sales season. Brands can leverage this by crafting limited-time offers or exclusive deals for the TikTok audience collaborating with influencers for unique promo codes.

Waiting for the Right Moment

Patience is a virtue, and 85% of TikTok users swear by it. They usually wait for the Mega Sales season to make purchases, holding on to their shopping lists. E-commerce platforms can create anticipatory buzz by offering sneak peeks, early bird offers, or exclusive access to new launches.

The Assurance of Fast and Free Delivery

Fast and free delivery is a significant reason for TikTok users to shop during the Mega Sales season. E-commerce platforms should ensure they have the logistics to handle the Mega Sales demand and prominently display delivery assurances and timelines to give potential customers that added push.

Variety is the Spice of E-commerce

With 3 primary reasons TikTok users prefer online marketplaces during the Mega Sales season, being better discounts, delivery options, and variety in payment methods, it becomes evident that e-commerce platforms must offer a well-rounded shopping experience. This includes a diverse product range, multiple payment gateways, and seamless delivery processes.

Embracing Local

A heartening trend is the inclination towards local brands, with 68% of TikTok users purchasing more from them during the Mega Sales season. This gives local Indonesian e-commerce platforms and brands a distinctive edge and a chance to showcase their products with narratives rooted in local culture and values.

By considering TikTok users’ shopping and payment preferences, e-commerce brands have an incredible opportunity to gain valuable insights. By doing so, businesses can increase their sales during the Mega Sales season and establish a stronger bond with a large and enthusiastic audience segment.

The Emotional Connect: Feeling Good and Shopping on TikTok

Shopping is often more than just a transaction; it’s an experience, a sentiment, a journey. The emotional aspect of shopping is profound, and with its immersive format, TikTok has managed to harness this in a manner few platforms have before. Let’s explore how TikTok makes shopping emotionally engaging and how e-commerce brands can capitalize on this connection.

The Feel-Good Factor

88% of TikTok users have reported feeling good while shopping during the Mega Sales season. This emotional high is not just about snagging a good deal; it’s also about the journey — the thrill of discovery, the joy of treating oneself, or the satisfaction of ticking off a wish list. With their vibrant and creative content, videos on TikTok amplify this positive feeling, making shopping less of a chore and more enjoyable.

Discovering New Horizons

Exploration is at the heart of TikTok’s experience. About 71% of its users discovered new brands during the Mega Sales season, showcasing the platform’s power in introducing audiences to fresh and novel ideas. E-commerce brands, especially newer or lesser-known ones, have an invaluable opportunity here. Through engaging content and strategic collaborations with TikTok influencers, they can pique user interest and grow their customer base.

Anticipation and Excitement

A 94% of TikTok users eagerly look forward to the Mega Sales season each year. This anticipation can be likened to the build-up before a big festival or event. Brands can tap into this excitement by creating countdowns, teaser videos, and early bird offers, transforming the run-up to the sales season into a carnival of sorts.

Shoppertainment and the APAC Opportunity

The concept of ‘ Shoppertainment’ — merging shopping and entertainment — has gained significant traction in the APAC region. It’s projected to swell to a market value of over USD 1 trillion by 2025, reflecting the blend of functional and emotional aspects of shopping. With countries like Indonesia poised to contribute majorly to this growth, the intertwining of shopping and entertainment becomes crucial. Brands can design interactive challenges, host live shopping events, or even create mini-series around their products to enhance the ‘Shoppertainment’ factor on TikTok.

A Genuine, Inclusive Experience

The inclusive nature of TikTok, where diverse voices from various backgrounds share their narratives, further accentuates the emotional connection. E-commerce brands must ensure their TikTok campaigns resonate with this spirit, championing inclusivity and authenticity in every piece of content.

The unique connection between emotions and shopping on TikTok creates a valuable opportunity for e-commerce brands. It’s not just about selling products but about sharing stories, eliciting feelings, and providing an unforgettable experience. Brands that can master this combination of sentiment and commerce have the potential to achieve great success and cultivate enduring relationships with their customers.

Do you think these insights are helpful? Don’t forget to check out more from my database! — Khoon

Practical Strategies for E-commerce Brands

Navigating the intricate web of TikTok’s influence, understanding the nuances of the Indonesian market, and leveraging the Shoppertainment wave can be overwhelming. However, converting these insights into actionable strategies for e-commerce brands aiming to leave a mark and drive significant sales during Mega Sales seasons and beyond is essential. Here are some practical tactics tailored for success:

Content Creation with Local Flair:

  • Localize Content: TikTok thrives on localized content that resonates with its audience. Brands should collaborate with local influencers, use regional dialects, and highlight cultural nuances to make content more relatable.
  • Engage with Trends: The TikTok algorithm favors trending topics and challenges. Brands should stay updated with the latest trends and incorporate them into their promotional strategies to ensure better reach and engagement.

Tap into User-Generated Content (UGC)

  • Encourage Reviews and Testimonials: Given that many TikTok users read reviews before the Mega Sales season, incentivize satisfied customers to share their positive experiences on the platform.
  • Host Challenges: Launch brand-specific challenges where users can showcase how they use your products, offering rewards for the most creative or popular entries. This not only boosts engagement but also provides brands with organic promotional content.

Leverage Live Streams

  • Product Demos and Q&A Sessions: Use TikTok’s live streaming feature to conduct product demonstrations, answer customer queries in real time, and provide exclusive sneak-peeks during the Mega Sales season.
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with popular TikTok influencers for joint live sessions, ensuring a broader reach and more engagement.

Personalized Shopping Experiences

  • Interactive Shopping: Implement features like virtual try-ons or augmented reality experiences, especially for categories like fashion and beauty, offering users a more interactive shopping experience.
  • Exclusive Deals for TikTok Users: Offer special discounts or early access deals exclusively for your TikTok audience. This creates a sense of belonging and loyalty among users.

Seamless Payment Solutions

  • Promote E-wallet Options: With TikTok users being 1.2x more likely to use e-wallet payments during Mega Sales season, ensure your platform is integrated with popular e-wallet solutions in Indonesia. Additionally, it offers promotional discounts for e-wallet transactions to encourage more users to choose this payment mode.
  • Diverse Payment Methods: Given the importance of various payment options as a reason TikTok users shop during Mega Sales season, ensure your e-commerce platform supports multiple payment gateways, catering to the diverse preferences of the user base.

Educate and Inform

  • Content Series: Create short informational videos or articles leading up to the Mega Sales season. These could focus on ‘how-to’ guides, maximizing discounts, or even tips on finding the best deals.

Build a Post-Sales Engagement Strategy

  • Retargeting Campaigns: Utilize TikTok’s ad platform for retargeting users who have shown interest or interacted with your brand during the Mega Sales season. This can help in retaining customers and encouraging repeat purchases.
  • Feedback Loop: Actively seek feedback after the Mega Sales season to understand what worked and what didn’t. This will not only help in refining future strategies but also demonstrate that you value customer opinions.

Success in today’s dynamic e-commerce landscape requires more than just offering products; it demands understanding user behavior, leveraging platforms like TikTok effectively, and continuously innovating. By implementing these strategies and staying attuned to evolving trends, brands can ensure they’re not just part of the Mega Sales season frenzy but setting standards for others.

Conclusion: The Future of E-commerce Success

In an era where digital avenues play a pivotal role in shaping consumer behavior, understanding the profound influence of platforms like TikTok, especially in vibrant markets like Indonesia, becomes crucial. The data speaks for itself; TikTok has a phenomenal reach, deeply influencing its users’ shopping habits, choices, and behaviors.

Brands must recognize that Mega Sales seasons aren’t just about slashing prices. They’re opportunities to engage, connect emotionally, and establish lasting consumer relationships. Leveraging the ‘Shoppertainment’ trend, understanding the psyche behind why TikTok users feel elated while shopping and adapting to their preferred modes of payments and shopping can amplify results exponentially.

But it doesn’t stop there. The APAC market’s rapid growth and promising future, with Indonesia as a significant contributor, heralds immense opportunities. E-commerce brands equipped with the right strategies, tailored to the unique behavioral patterns of TikTok users, stand at the threshold of unparalleled growth.

In closing, while trends evolve and platforms may come and go, understanding your audience, providing value, and fostering genuine connections remain timeless. The success of e-commerce brands in upcoming Mega Sales seasons and beyond hinges on their ability to assimilate these insights, adapt, and, most importantly, deliver an inclusive and delightful shopping experience to their customers.

The Mega Sales season isn’t just a sales opportunity-it’s a golden ticket to create enduring brand stories, win customer loyalty, and establish a dominant presence in the ever-evolving digital shopping landscape.

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



Shoo Wei Khoon

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