All About Soap Suds Enema

Shop Enema
2 min readFeb 2, 2019


Soap suds enema is a type of enema used to treat constipation. It is also used to treat fecal incontinence and also to clear bowels before performing a medical procedure.

While there are different types of enemas, a soap suds enema is one of the most popular types for treating constipation. It is a combination of distilled water and soap. The soap in the enema mildly irritates your bowel and stimulates a bowel movement.

It is important to keep into consideration is that soap suds enemas are used only for cases of constipation which doesn’t respond well to other treatments. It is not recommended to use unless directed by your physician.

How to make a soap suds enema?

Soap suds enemas are fairly easy to prepare at home. The only way to ensure a safe at home enema session is to make sure that you are using clean sterilized tools and taking all the required measures.

Follow the below mentioned steps to prepare soap suds enema:

1. Fill a clean bowl with 8 cups of warm, distilled water.

2. Add 4 to 8 tablespoons of castile soap to the water. The more soap you add, the more irritating will be the solution. Consult your doctor regarding the strength of the solution.

3. Check the temperature of the solution using a bath thermometer. The temperature should be somewhere between 105 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Transfer the enema solution to a clean enema bag attached with the tubing.

2 Quart Rubber Enema Bag Red

Common side effects of soap suds enema

Soap suds enemas don’t really have too many side effects. But some people may experience:

· Nausea

· Vomiting

· Abdominal pain

These symptoms should go away shortly after the solution is released from the body. If the symptoms persist and don’t go away, contact your doctor right away.

Common risks associated with soap suds enema

When performed with all the precautions, enemas are fairly safe. But if you don’t follow all the instructions, you could get into some complications.

For instance, if the soap solution is too hot, you may end up burning your rectal lining or cause severe irritation. If you don’t use enough lubricant, there is a potential risk of hurting that area. This could particularly be bad because of the bacteria present in that area. Any injury may get infected very easily if not taken care of properly.

If you notice any of the below-mentioned signs, contact a doctor as soon as you can.

· The enema doesn’t produce a bowel movement

· Ongoing pain

· Bloody stools

· Vomiting



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