Julian Assange: Hero or Villain?

Alex S
1 min readMay 23, 2019


I think it was ethical that he posted those documents for the public to see especially when the government report says it did not harm the US National security. I do believe that if those documents were hacked by him, then that is not right and he should get in trouble for the illegal actions.

I think that it would be ethical to have him arrested if he was the main hacker getting all the info that was leaked. If it was just passed down to him and all he did was the publishing then i don’t think that he should be held responsible for the actions of Manning.

I think it was a nice thing for Ecuador to shelter him because they too understood that he should not be punished for what he did. The fact that after 7 years his asylum has ended is not right because they should’ve never helped him in the first place. Or at least promise him that they could only help him for certain amount of years so that he would know what to expect.

