Rules Are Made and Rules Are Broken

Who made that rule

2 min readJan 8, 2023
Photo by NOAA on Unsplash

Rules Are Made and Rules Are Broken

Jimmy took his son to a parent and me class when Billy was three.

Sarah wanted Billy to be ready for preschool and knew that Billy going to a class would be a good introduction to preschool, and Jimmy agreed.

At school, there was a tricycle path marked on the asphalt in an oval shape, with a single stop sign.

All of the kids knew that they were required to see the sign, stop and look both ways. When everything is clear, you can go.

The was a young boy who saw things differently.

He stopped and did not look both ways. He got off his tricycle, grabbed the sign, and shook it.

He threw the stop sign to the ground, stood up straight in defiance, got back on his tricycle, and took off.

Another boy ran over and placed the sign where it belonged, set it straight, and walked away.

Jimmy thought, “Rules are made and rules are broken, and for every rule breaker, there will always be 10,000 others willing to keep the rules.”

©️ LuMar Lee 2022 All rights reserved.

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