Accelerate Your Career with UniAthena’s Basics of Machine Learning Algorithm Course

4 min readJun 26, 2024


In the constantly shifting technological environment, Machine Learning has become the leading force behind some of the most exciting developments to occur in the past several years. These refined algorithms are revitalizing how individuals are approaching problems associated with their interaction with large amounts of data that are within the surrounding environment.

This blog post explains the types and applications of Machine learning Algorithms and which is the best Machine Learning course online to get started.

Decoding Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine learning is based on the notion of Artificial Intelligence, which implies the ability of a machine to acquire and utilize knowledge similarly to a human brain and arrive at decisions independently. Artificial intelligence or more specifically Machine Learning Algorithms have the amazing capability of the data feeding process and making sensible predictions or decisions.

Types of Machine Learning Algorithms

  • Supervised Learning Algorithm- This algorithm takes a set of predictors (independent variables) and a target/outcome variable (or dependent variable) that needs to be forecasted. It creates a function that converts input data into the intended outputs using this set of variables. Until the model reaches the required degree of accuracy on the training set, the training procedure is repeated. Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forests, KNNs, Logistic Regression, and so on are a few instances of supervised learning.
  • Unsupervised Learning Algorithm- The data used in this technique is referred to as unlabelled since it lacks a target or result variable to predict or estimate. It can be applied to cluster populations into distinct groups or to recommendation systems. To divide clients into several groups for targeted therapies, clustering algorithms are frequently utilized. Unsupervised Learning Examples: The Apriori algorithm and K-means clustering.
  • Reinforced Learning Algorithm- The machine is educated to make particular decisions using this algorithm. It is placed in an environment where it continuously learns by making mistakes. To make wise business judgments, this system learns from its prior experiences and attempts to gather the finest available information. An example of reinforcement learning is the Markov Process for Decision Making.

Popular Machine Learning Algorithms Applications

  • Product Recommendation- One of the most famous and well-known techniques of machine learning used in practice is product recommendation. One of the most common features and a distinct keystone of almost every present-day eCommerce site is product recommendation, which is a perfect example of the application of advanced Machine Learning methodologies. Some websites utilize AI and machine learning algorithms in the process of tracking behavioral patterns including past purchase and search history, cart behavior, and such to recommend products to the users.
  • Image Recognition- Namely, image recognition is an approach for indexing and identification of a particular feature or an object in the digital image, and is currently considered to be one of the most important and illustrious uses of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. This technique is being taken forward for its uses in pattern recognition, face detection, and face recognition.
  • Sentimental Analysis- Sentiment analysis is one of the most critical, and demanding, applications in the realm of Machine Learning. One of the real-time machine learning applications that determines a speaker’s or writer’s emotion is Sentiment Analysis. For example, if someone has written an email a review, or any type of document then a sentiment analyzer will immediately come to know the exact feeling and attitude of that particular piece of writing. This sentiment analysis application would thus enable a review-based website, decision-making applications to be developed, and so on.
  • Regulating Healthcare Efficiency and Medical Services- A lot of the healthcare industry is actively investigating the use of Machine Learning algorithms for improved management. They forecast how long people would wait in emergency rooms located in different hospital departments. The models make use of essential parameters that aid in defining the algorithm, personnel details at different times of the day, patient data, comprehensive logs of departmental conversations, and emergency room layouts. Planning therapy, predicting the state of an illness, and diagnosing the condition all include Machine Learning Algorithms. Among the most important uses of Machine Learning is this one.


The growing need for AI and Machine Learning has made it necessary for firms to hire experts with both practical expertise and an in-depth understanding of these rapidly developing technologies. Keeping the growing demand of professionals in mind, UniAthena presents the Basics of Machine Learning Algorithm course. Acquire the skills to identify opportunities, patterns, and risks. The online Machine Learning course offers the perfect amount of informational depth and flexibility to be finished at your own pace. Decode decision trees, learn about neural network coding, and more with interactive video lectures and bite-sized, digestible material with Machine Learning course for beginners. Earn the coveted Cambridge International Qualifications (CIQ) accreditation from the United Kingdom after completing the online short course. Register now.

