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Recognizing Monogamy vs Polyamory

3 min readJun 22, 2023


  • Finding out whether you are not monogamous or polyamorous can require some introspection and exploration. These actions could assist you in being more aware of your preferences in romantic relationships:
  • 1. Recognise polyamory: Acquaint yourself with the concept of polyamory and what it entails to be in a polyamorous relationship. The practise of having several concurrent romantic or emotional relationships with everyone’s knowledge and consent is known as polyamory.
  • 2. Think about your goals and principles: Take into account your individual values, convictions, and preferences when it comes to romantic relationships. Consider the qualities you value most in a partner, such as emotional connection, exclusivity, or commitment. Determine whether the tenets of polyamory fit with your ideals and preferences.
  • 3. Assess your emotional stability: Evaluate your emotional stamina and capacity to manage several romantic relationships at once. While some people prefer a greater level of attention and engagement in a monogamous relationship, others thrive in polyamorous partnerships, loving the extra connections and emotional support. Think about your emotional requirements and whether you’re okay with having numerous partners with whom you share romantic or emotional ties.
  • 4. Analyse your possessiveness and jealousy: Investigate your possessiveness and jealousy feelings. These feelings are normal to some level in any relationship, but they may be more complicated in a polyamorous setting. If the thought of your spouse having a relationship with someone else makes you feel strongly unpleasant feelings that you find difficult to control, polyamory might not be a good fit for you.
  • 5. Analyse communication and boundaries: Take into account your comfort level with direct, honest communication as well as with establishing and upholding boundaries. To guarantee the emotional wellbeing of everyone involved, polyamorous relationships frequently require a high level of communication, negotiation, and boundary-setting. A monogamous relationship might be more acceptable if you desire a direct and straightforward dynamic where exclusivity is required.
  • 6. Think back on the past: Consider the partnerships you’ve previously been in. If you’ve been in monogamous relationships, think about whether you’ve felt happy and content with your partner or if you’ve occasionally felt lonely or craved various partnerships. You can gain important understandings about your preferences for relationships by thinking back on your past.
  • 7. Try to be more reflective and self-aware: Exercise your self-awareness and reflection. Writing in a notebook, seeking counselling, or sharing your feelings with close friends or family members are all examples of how to do this. You might obtain clarity and a deeper understanding of your relationship needs by reflecting on yourself.

When it comes to relationship preferences, keep in mind that there is no right or wrong response. People have different needs and desires, therefore what is effective for one person might not be effective for another. The secret is to be open and honest with yourself and prospective partners about your relationship expectations and boundaries.




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