Thought-Provoking Question’s

Thought-Provoking Question’s

1 min readMay 31, 2023
  • Being subjective, one person’s idea of beauty may not be shared by another. However, the following 12 queries are frequently deemed to be stimulating and motivating:

1-What purpose does life serve?
2-What kind of thing is consciousness?
3-What is the universe’s starting point?
4-What does art serve to achieve?
5-What does being truly content mean?

6-What function does love serve in the life of a person?
7-How can we bring about peace on Earth?
8-Exists a divine or a higher power?
9-What purpose does each of our individual lives serve in the enormous cosmos?
10-How do we discover who we truly are?
11-What is the key to leading a happy life?
12-How can we change the world for the better?

(By challenging people to examine their own view’s, values, and perspective’s, these question’s may provoke in-depth thought and reflection).




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