Tips On Sports Writing

Christopher Rivera
3 min readSep 15, 2023

As someone who is 21 years old and wants to make it in this world as a sports writer or ESPN analyst obviously, there is a lot for me to still learn. I haven’t even started college yet but with the knowledge that I know right now I want to give the best advice that I can to all the future sports writers that want to make it out there and be the best that they can be or above.

1. Stay Motivated

The one thing that I noticed as a sports writer is that you have to believe you can write consistently well enough with the information you have and the time you spent searching for this research. And it’s never going to be perfect the first time or look good when you read it right away that’s why you have to stay consistent so your work can get better.

2. Put your work on social media

If you are a social media guy such as myself what are you doing if you don’t share your links or stories with others you know? I guarantee you have some friends who are interested in sports just as you are. Even if it’s not sharing it on your social media with the public, join groups such as the ones that we find on Facebook. There are plenty of groups I know on Facebook that support upcoming writers and always cheer on their fellow peers.

